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Varaible text on the fly


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Good Afternoon,


I have a question: Is there a way I can switch the point size on the fly based on the width of an area? I've attached a project I'm working on and the individual address labels on the bottom need to change on the fly based on characters. They can not go to the next line. See page 3 of the attached document.







Fusion Pro Test.pdf

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Maybe I don't understand the question, but it sounds like CopyFit could solve your problem. With the text box selected, click on "Overflow" in the text frame properties window, and select "Adjust text to fit." This will create a rule called CopyFit which you will be able to adjust minimum and maximum point sizes for that text box.


It sounds like you'd also want to highlight the text in question and under the "Paragraph" window, make sure "Do not break on copyfit" is checked.

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It's hard to say without seeing the code that you've written for your CSZ line. I can't feign the same result on my end. Do you have the "Hyphenation" box checked? If so, I'd advise turning that off. That or, the minimum text size (in your CopyFit) rule is currently set too large to all the text to fit on one line.
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Thanks for the quick reply. I figured out what I was doing wrong. I didn't have the cursor placed on the end of each line clicking the Overflow button. I was only placing it on the first line.






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