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Choose type of QR Code


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I have a text box I am using for my QR Code. I had it, at one time, setup to create a QR Code for contact information, and it worked well, exactly like I wanted it. Then I changed it to be a QR Code for a website, again worked just like I wanted it.


Now, I want to change it up a bit. I want it to choose which QR Code to create by the value of a certain field. If the field is 'website' then it will create a website QR Code. If it is 'contact' then it will create a Contact QR Code.


Basically, if the field value is 'website' it does the rule for website QR Code, otherwise the rule for the contact QR Code.


Right now, if I choose either rule and put it in the text box, it works, but if I try to 'return rule("Web QR Code Rule")', all I see in the text box is the starting of code that begins with '<f name=ID.....'.


Please advise.


We are running FP 7.1, and can not upgrade to 7.2 because of our integration. Already thought of switching it to a graphic.

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...but if I try to 'return rule("Web QR Code Rule")', all I see in the text box is the starting of code that begins with '<f name=ID.....'.

It sounds like your "new" rule that returns the result of rule("Web QR Code Rule") does not have the checkbox checked for tagged output.


Assuming you have two existing rules: one for generating a contact QR code and one for generating a web QR code, I would have a 3rd rule to determine which one's result to return:

var result= "";
if (Field("QR code")) == "website") result = Rule("Web QR Code Rule");
else result = Rule("Contact QR Code Rule");
return result;

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