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CopyfitLine Question


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Looked at some of the other threads and i must be missing something because i keep getting the line i want to fit in one line wrapping.


I am using FP 6.2 and the box width is 1.59 inches which equates to 11412 in hundredths of a point.


return (copyfitLine("", Field("sender"), "Times LT Std", 12, 11412, 5)


If i am to understand this correctly it should be resizing to fit into one line and dropping the font size to a minimum of 5 pts if it cannot accommodate 12 pts?


Any help would be appreciated.

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The wording is very unclear for the size requirements.

It shouldn't say:

• width - width of the frame or column (in hundredths of points)

I think it should say:

• width - width of the frame or column (in points but will recognize hundredths of point)

Try putting in 114.12 instead of 11412 for the width.


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I found this documentation for the copyfit that breaks it all down to each part if this helps.



return CopyfitLine("", Field("Name"), "Adobe Garamond Pro", 20, 137, 6, false);


The parameters to CopyfitLine, in order, are:

• staticPart - text to not be resized

• dynamicPart - text to be resized (after staticPart)

• font - font family name

• size - base point size (in points)

• width - width of the frame or column (in hundredths of points)

• minimum - minimum point size (in points)

• adjustWidthOnly - true/false (optional - see below)

For the "adjustWidthOnly" parameter, if you leave it off (or specify false), the function will adjust the point size, that is, both the width and height, of the glyphs. If you specify true, the function will adjust only the set width of the glyphs, but not the height, which basically means they will look squished horizontally.

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