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Rich text editor problems with extra returns

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I'm getting a lot of strange results from the rich text editor and have resorted to disabling it on many templates.


Here is an overview:

-it adds in extra returns

-it removes returns


Attached are two screen shots from the same template.


One shows the output with the Rich Text Editor on. I typed this text

directly into the template. I italicized "Bloomberg Businessweek." Then I

rendered it and it dropped the word "Survey" and looks like it may have

made a return or for some other reason made the text jump up. You can see that it put in some html entity as well.


The other shows what it does when I turn off the Rich Text Editor. It

formats in nicely, except that I can't italicize the name of the journal



I have another pdf template output attached where I'm having the extra returns, that is fixed by turning off the rich text editor. The designers/programmers at PTI have looked at my files and verified that it looks like it is properly setup in FusionPro. One file is the output with rich text editor turned on, the other is a representation of how it is setup in FusionPro.


Some of our templates will function without the rich text editor, but on many of them it is significantly limiting our end users.


Anyone else having this issue?


Is this a problem with MarcomCentral or is FusionPro doing it?





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