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Reordering Requisitions


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Thanks Jeff. I didn't think so but I thought maybe something had changed recently. Do you (or anyone else) have another suggestion on how to handle this? Maybe with autofill options? That's the only other thing I can think of but the user would need to remember to save his/her content...
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I just asked my CPM a very similar question but it was "How does the user who placed a requisition modify a denied requisition and re-submit it? Do they have to completely recreate the requisition from scratch?"


It would appear the best thing for the user to do is to place the requisitioned items in a saved cart before submitting the order.


Someone please advise. Thank you.

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I worry about using saved shopping carts because saved carts are only saved for a limited amount of time. So if someone wants to re-order something from over 6 months to a year prior, that cart will no longer be available. It might work in your case if you work under the assumption that the user will want to modify and re-submit a requisition within a few days or a week of the denied requisition.


In my case, I need something that will retain the order information a bit longer than saved shopping carts give me.


There is also the concern that requiring a user to save an Auto-Fill or save a shopping cart requires additional steps that some users may not want to add to the process or may simply forget to do...

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Regarding the Autofills, an option for you might be to use Employee List. With Employee List turned on it will automatically save the entry simply by the store user adding it to their cart, no extra steps are needed on their part.


Please note there has to be at least one field set to Use for Description or Use for SKU & Description on the Field Options tab in the Manager for this to work because that's the field the system will use to name the Autofill.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Jeff Stehman

Technical Support | PTI Marketing Technologies | Printable Technologies, Inc.

jstehman@pti.com | http://www.pti.com

858.847.6622 direct | 800.220.1727 office

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