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Question on Tabs


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I am having problems with tabs. I have a form which is a thank you letter to donors. And it lists the contributions that a person has contributed. There are three variables for each contribution. And a person might have made donation to many funds, all of which need listed. The Fund name can be quite long and wrap to the next line and the dollar amount match the wrapped line.




fund number.................Fund name.................................Dollar amount of donation.



If the fund is long needs to wrap to the next line and line up where the fund name starts


fund number................ Long Fund name With way

.....................................way to much information ......... Dollar amount of donation.



And what I am getting is:


fund number................ Long Fund name, With way way way way way way

to much information ......... Dollar amount of donation.


My questions are:

Can this be done with tabs - Limit a tab width?

If not, any ideas how to accomplish this?



Thanks in advance for the help.


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