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Applying Different Formatting for Letters and Numbers


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// Edit the Field which to apply this function

// Change the name of the Font that you want to use for numbers and letters.

// If you use this Rule Inline, please be sure you style it Unique to the other fields,

// the last font tag to be written is for letters and may not be correct for the next word.

// You can get around this by styling the RuleName something totally unique and not used anywhere else.



var formatField = Field("address");

var fontNumber = "Courier New";

var fontLetter = "Helvetica";



// DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////



//initialize the variable

//var formatThis = "201a Highway 101 #150";

//Call the Main function and pass it the Field to use.


return FormatAlphaNumeric(formatField);

//create function for formatting

function FormatAlphaNumeric(){

//check if Field is empty

if (formatField){

//if Field is not empty do this

//check if String contains a number

if (HasNumber(formatField)){

//if a number in the string, replace the numbers with the following font tags

//but also put the numbers back into place

formatField = formatField.replace(/(\d+)/g,"<f name=\""+fontNumber+"\">$1<f name=\""+fontLetter+"\">");

return formatField;

} else {

//if no number in the string say this

//return "The Variable formatThis has no number";

return formatField;


} else {

//if Field is empty say this

//return "The Variable formatThis is empty";

return formatField;



//create function for checking a string for number, anywhere

function HasNumber(testString){

var patternNumber = /\d/;

return patternNumber.test(testString);


//create function for checking a string for letter, anywhere

function HasLetter(testString){

var patternNumber = /\D/;

return patternNumber.test(testString);


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