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Rules help needed

Steve Blatman

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I need a rule to build the first line of a mailing address.


I have four fields, some of which may be blank:

Client first name

Client last name

Spouse first name

Spouse last name


If the spouse fields are empty, I need just the client first and last names, e.g., James Smith


If the spouse first name field is not empty, and the spouse last name is empty, I need the line to be John and Mary Smith


If both spouse fields are not empty, I need

James Smith and Mary Jones


Any help would be most appreciated.



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I used something similar for a layout using the Rule Wizard. My fields were Address, Room Numbers, Building name etc.... I'm new at JavaScript, so don't know if this is the best or most efficient way to do it.


if ((Field("SpouseFirst") == "") && (Field("SpouseLast") == ""))


return Field("ClientFirst") + ' ' + Field("ClientLast");


if (Field("SpouseLast") == "")


return Field("ClientFirst") + ' and ' + Field("SpouseFirst") + ' ' + Field("ClientLast");


if ((Field("SpouseFirst") != "") && (Field("SpouseLast") != ""))


return Field("ClientFirst") + ' ' + Field("ClientLast") + ' and ' + Field("SpouseFirst") + ' ' + Field("SpouseLast");


return "";

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