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FP Imposer changing image size.


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I am brand new to FPD and am having trouble figuring out the way to control the documents bleed, size, space, or anything that has to do with the size of the images once it has been imposed.


I am trying to print business cards. each card size is 3.5 x 2 and I am printing them Landscape on a 8.5 x 11 paper stock. There are 3 columns (left to right) and 4 rows (top to bottom).


I have a PDF that is 3.5 x 2, compose it so that it grids out the cards in the above format, however when I measure the cards on the printed sheet, they are 1/8 smaller than what they should be.


I have messed with all the settings that I think would affect it but have not been able to figure it out.


Does anyone know how to solve this?


I attached the two files I was using.



3.5 x 2.pdf


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