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Large text block as profile attribute/text resource?


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I am building a piece that uses profile attributes. Part of it is a text block of roughly 600 characters that I need to include. This text block is unique per user/location. I have the rest of the piece being driven by profile attributes, and also creating a picture library for each user using intelligent forms (another issue all together - still trying to figure that one out.)


Does anyone know of a way to make the text block auto-fill based on log in? I am considering a very long javascript rule... there are over 300 users, so would like to avoid.


Thanks for any help you can give.


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In that case, you can easily use an external data source containing all of the text blocks and a Javascript rule to access the data. Once that is done, the data file can be managed through the Manager so that you can add/subtract/edit the data file without ever having to go back to the template. If you need assistance with setting this up, there is documentation in FusionPro to guide you, or you can email gfx@printable.com and we will help you set it up.
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