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Problems with Imposition and Variable Data

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I'm having issues Imposing variable data postcards. I'm printing on an Indigo 3050, 12 x18 paper. The postcards are 8.5 x 5.5 and I can impose them manually 4 up (barely....). When I try to use the Imposer it places the crops in a way that will chop off parts of the live area. When I try to use my InDesign 4 up all of the variable data fields on the same page are identical (all the same names and such). What's the easiest/best way to fix this.


Thanks, I'm sure it's pretty basic but I haven't been able to figure it out.

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We do the same thing. I'm wondering if the problem you are having is adding bleed AND spacing in FPImposer. This is what we would typically do for our conventional prep work in a different imposition software like Preps, but in FPImposer, the two amounts are added together. Regardless, the attached imposition works for us in the same scenario. Hope it helps.


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I tried it, but my postcards are rotated and cutting off. How do I rotate the art to fit the template?

I made the pages portrait style in the imposition. If you have a landscape design, you would just need to swap the dimensions in FPImposer.


Do you have an 8 1/2 x 11 version? That would make my weekend (a long weekend at that).

Attached. With both imposition files you should be able to figure out how to start making these yourself. ;)

2_up letter.fpi.zip

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