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MarcomCentral Store Error ID: 847062

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An approver trying to process a series or requisitions encountered Error ID: 847062. (This is the only info provided by user. Screen shot attached to this post.)


I've tried searching the forums and store for Error IDs without any luck. Suspect that this may be an erroneous error, session time-out error, or perhaps, related to processing an order for a template that is no longer available.


Can anyone provide some insight? Is there a list for Error IDs that I can use for reference?



-Dave Miller

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Hello David,


The 847096 simply seems to be a session timeout, so if you try it again you should be OK. The 847062 error might be a caching issue, so have them clear their browser history, cookies and temp files, and try it again. If they are still having trouble please email support@printable.com and we can discuss it further, and any future questions about the error codes can also be directed to support@printable.com.


Jeff Stehman

Technical Support | Printable Technologies Inc.

jstehman@printable.com | http://www.printable.com

858.847.6622 direct | 800.220.1727 office

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