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Help please!

What I have going on...

I have a file that has multiple Letter Codes. Only some of the letter codes need a label to be printed. So I have a rule OnRecordStart to give me the codes that need the label printed. Then the label setup has 2 records on a page.  I have the imposition setup to produce 2 records per page. That all has been working great.

What I would like to be able to do is when composing get a pdf file per change in the letter code. So Lettercode1 would get its own pdf of the labels. Lettercode2 would be a separate pdf of the label and so on.


I have tried writing this formula a couple different ways and it acts like it is going to work but when I view the output I get a message saying " Page Cant be found, 404 error" and the job log says " Job Config File: C:\FP Working DIR\1688573156\1688573156\producer-job-n.FPProducerConfig Composing record #1, input record 1 Sheet #1, record #1 The page size in this job differs from the page size in the imposition template. Results may be undesirable."


here is the formula i have been bouncing around with:

if(FieldChanged("LETTER CODE"))FusionPro.Composition.StartNewStack();FusionPro.Composition.OpenNewOutputFile();
FusionPro.Composition.composeThisRecord=(Field("CERT AND LABEL")=="YES"||Field("CERT AND LABEL")=="Just Label & Notecard"||Field("CERT AND LABEL")=="JUST LABEL");


Thank you.



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