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Posts posted by rpaterick

  1. I have the following 2 rules:


    if (Field("version") == "ped")
    if (Field("version") == "alz")
    if (Field("version") == "gen")
    return "";



    for (var field in FusionPro.Fields)
       FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable(field, ToUpper(Field(field)));



    I'm trying to get the pages to call out properly plus put all of the fields to UPPER-CASE.


    Not sure how to properly do it. I tried to just add the upper-case callout but it didn't work after previewing an exported .pdf.


    Thanks for any direction

  2. We are trying to do some QC for our bindery dept. and this came-up at a meeting.

    Inserting an image that would show when the TRAY break comes-up.


    We have a field called Tray Number in our data that shows how many mail pieces go in the tray(most everyone knows this here). I would like to have FusionPro look at that field and insert an image during the 1st record of each tray number break then continue on with the mailing.


    Every mailer we do would have to have this "extra" image/page added to our digital workflow.



  3. This is the way I learned how to do it and I haven't had any issues with it. It is a little different than the example found in the forums though.


    Thanks Thomas. I got an error when trying to just validate the HotelOffer though. Function doesn't return a value.


    Any ideas? suggestions?



  4. I'm not grasping the external data setup. I've tried the sample file and still can't figure how it works.:o


    Attached is the actual external data file(should be formatted correctly). Master Tier is the main lookup from the mail file. MT is the column header from the mail file that points to Master Tier in extern.



    On Record Start

    //Link to the external data file.  
    //The '\t' is used to indicate TAB delimited data in this external data file
    externalDF = new ExternalDataFileEx('Formatted.txt', '\t');
    if(externalDF.valid != true)
       Print('Failed to link to the external data file in OnJobStart');



    Then to create the individual fields from the external data file(very basic), I get lost in the Rules.

    How would you create the HotelOffer from the external data file? If I can get that to work, I can then create the rest. I'm just not getting my current code to "validate" the HotelOffer.


    Also, does the mailing file and the external data file need to be in the same root as the Fusion Pro Template?


    Thanks for any direction on this.:)

    external proof file.txt

  5. I would create a "Proof" data file from your list out of excel. Pretty easy to do and saves A LOT of time. Would show all the unique levels and give you the 20 each as well.


    So you would have your "final" data file and then your "proof" data file. each one you link to for proofing and then running the job.


    Let me know if you are interested in knowing what the steps are in excel?

  6. If the piece is just one-color(1/1 or 1/0, not 4/1), you should be able to have the RIP output at a One-Color Black. It will print the piece in grayscale.


    If you have any Prep software(hot folder) you could have the .pdfs be monitored and Ripped to your specifications(impose, color output, etc..)


    I just took a .tiff file out of .ps that is pure grayscale. Put it just into FusionPro, composed a .pdf and it showed only 1-color in the Output Preview.


    How are the images being created? Do you have a sample of the images that you can post, the fusionpro file, and the output file?

  7. What would be easier for the shop?


    - One file that goes to the press and RIPS. Then hand bindery sorts it out based on SEQUENIAL NUMBERING somewhere on the piece(MASTER SEQ).


    - Or you sending over the 432 versions already done and then gets sent out for finishing?


    Dan, something like this, shouldn't a data file be supplied with the callout of the artwork(front, back, and sequencing columns)? Would it be easier to have just one FP file with a placeholder for the front and back, 432 unique fronts all labeled different(1.pdf,2.pdf,3.pdf etc...) and then the data file would also tell you what back(1_back.pdf,2_back.pdf,3_back.pdf) to have as well. Only thing that would be nice is to tell FP how to do the composition breaks based on the front artwork.

  8. Dan or someone else could easily clean this up and to account for casing issues that your data may have.

    If the data is lowercase al for example, it will just return al and not Alabama. Otherwise it works.


    Oh yeah, Dan, why is it between District of Columbia and Florida does it produce another record during testing of all states?


    if (Field ("state") == "AL")
    return "Alabama";
    if (Field("state") == "AK")
    return "Alaska";
    if (Field("state") == "AZ")
    return "Arizona";
    if (Field("state") == "AR")
    return "Arkansas";
    if (Field("state") == "CA")
    return "California";
    if (Field("state") == "CO")
    return "Colorado";
    if (Field("state") == "CT")
    return "Connecticut";
    if (Field("state") == "DE")
    return "District of Columbia";
    if (Field("state") == "FL")
    return "Florida";
    if (Field("state") == "GA")
    return "Georgia";
    if (Field("state") == "HI")
    return "Hawaii";
    if (Field("state") == "ID")
    return "Idaho";
    if (Field("state") == "IL")
    return "Illinois";
    if (Field("state") == "IN")
    return "Indiana";
    if (Field("state") == "IA")
    return "Iowa";
    if (Field("state") == "KS")
    return "Kansas";
    if (Field("state") == "KY")
    return "Kentucky";
    if (Field("state") == "LA")
    return "Louisiana";
    if (Field("state") == "ME")
    return "Maine";
    if (Field("state") == "MD")
    return "Maryland";
    if (Field("state") == "MA")
    return "Massachusetts";
    if (Field("state") == "MI")
    return "Michigan";
    if (Field("state") == "MN")
    return "Minnesota";
    if (Field("state") == "MS")
    return "Mississippi";
    if (Field("state") == "MO")
    return "Missouri";
    if (Field("state") == "MT")
    return "Montana";
    if (Field("state") == "NE")
    return "Nebraska";
    if (Field("state") == "NV")
    return "Nevada";
    if (Field("state") == "NH")
    return "New Hamspire";
    if (Field("state") == "NJ")
    return "New Jersey";
    if (Field("state") == "NM")
    return "New Mexico";
    if (Field("state") == "NY")
    return "New York";
    if (Field("state") == "NC")
    return "North Carolina";
    if (Field("state") == "ND")
    return "North Dakota";
    if (Field("state") == "OH")
    return "Ohio";
    if (Field("state") == "OK")
    return "Oklahoma";
    if (Field("state") == "OR")
    return "Oregon";
    if (Field("state") == "PA")
    return "Pennsylvania";
    if (Field("state") == "RI")
    return "Rhode Island";
    if (Field("state") == "SC")
    return "South Carolina";
    if (Field("state") == "SD")
    return "South Dakota";
    if (Field("state") == "TN")
    return "Tennessee";
    if (Field("state") == "TX")
    return "Texas";
    if (Field("state") == "UT")
    return "Utah";
    if (Field("state") == "VT")
    return "Vermont";
    if (Field("state") == "VA")
    return "Virginia";
    if (Field("state") == "WA")
    return "Washington";
    if (Field("state") == "WV")
    return "West Virginia";
    if (Field("state") == "WI")
    return "Wisconsin";
    if (Field("state") == "WY")
    return "Wyoming";
    return Field("state");



    Your other info right above their name in the address block "1 1 1" could go to the RIGHT of the endorsement line. You could separate them by an asterisk also. Comes in handy when you are tight on space for the address block.

  10. rpaterick,

    Thanks for the reply, but that simply provides today's date. I never know what date goes on the letters till the customer tells me what date they want on the letters when they send the data file.


    In a perfect world the program would ask me for the date when it starts to compose.





    ahh, gotcha. Yeah, I would think that would be stretching it a bit to have FusionPro prompt you to enter in the date prior to composing. It would be nice if the customer just put the date in the data file, back to the "perfect world."

  11. Well, that will superscript all the words and the registration mark. The mark is in the data, so I need a rule that tells it to superscript that symbol when it sees it.



    jwickman, this will only work for one symbol. Give me sometime to work on it or maybe Dan or others could modify it to work for multiple symbols.


    return Field("symbol").replace(/[.®234567890]/g,"$+<superscript>®</superscript>");; 

    You can change the numbers to what you want superscripted only. Name of the field for me was called symbol.


    As you can see, ® was used to test.

  12. I have searched your manuals, site, and forum. I cannot find out how to superscript a registration mark, trademark or copyright that comes in from the data. :confused:


    I just did a ® from characters map into a data source and applied superscript to it. Worked for me.


    In Variable text editor, do you see SUP button? It should be two buttons to the right from the U button.

  13. In FusionPro versions 5 and 6, there is a text effects tool selectable from the text frame properties palette that can help you achieve this.

    Also, if you are using an older version. you can simply draw two text frames,altering their positions and adjust to achieve the desired effect.


    Alex, how do you add a stroke outline to variable text in 6.1?


  14. We ended up purchasing a Postscript version of the Font for Macs from a Third party source since the Truetype font would not work.


    Did purchasing the .PS for MAC work?


    The Pitney Bowes Smartmailer, does that run locally on your MAC? I'm not familiar with the program.

  15. Last shop I was at we got it to:

    Order comes in, emails group of people to alert them that the job is here, Estimator/CSR writes-up the job, job number is created(track-ability issue, couldn't do monthly ticket), ticket is given to the press guys, job is printed/cut/and handed off to shipping, shipping updates the job that it's shipped and email is created that is sent off to notify group plus customer.


    The less people that had to touch the job, the better IMO.;)

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