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Everything posted by jwhittaker

  1. Does anyone know how to limit the number of orders a user or user group can order over a month. The last 5 or 6 customers we have had demos with are asking for this and they are saying the other vendors we are bidding against can do it. I did find out a couple of the other vendors don't use PTI or Marcom for their stores. I have had current customers that want this feature but we have told them we can't do it. Does anyone know if this going to be possible any time soon? It sounds like other vendors of storefronts are offering this now so hopefully this is in the works now.
  2. Thanks Dan. When ever I see these problems show up the only way to fix them is to save them as a tab delimited text file. That has always seem to the most stable.
  3. I have been using .csv files for almost all my data files over the last several years. I have seen some weird things happening with the data in these files lately. It's not just with Fusion desktop that I'm seeing it with either. What is everyone else using for the data format? comma delimited? tab delimited? Some issues I'm seeing things disappear other than letters dates changing format. If I open my csv in excel there will be a comma ($10,000) but if I open it in a text editor it's not there. I've have seen just the opposite as well. I've seen the month and day swop places in dates looking at the same file in excel and a text editor. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about a stable data format.
  4. Oliver Try this. You need to make sure the pages are not set to unused in page usage and the pages are named "One", "Two" and "Three" if (Field("Version")=="ABRIBUSDIRECTIONNELgauche1") { FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("Two", false); FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("Three", false); } else if (Field("Version")=="ABRIBUSDIRECTIONNELgauche2") { FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("One", false); FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("Three", false); } else if (Field("Version")=="ABRIBUSDIRECTIONNELgauche3") { FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("One", false); FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("Two", false); } else FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("One", true);
  5. Farns I don't know anything about optimized settings for pdfs but as far as the PPML vs pdf, this is what we found out. It's been awhile since we used PPML files for our HP 7600, but we had color issues between a PPML and a pdf. We would output pdfs for proofs so we and the client could cycle through them on screen and as hard copy proofs, then write PPML files for the final print run and there was color differences between the 2 files. Like I said it's been awhile, about 2 years, since we have looked into the PPML files. It might be better now but we can't take that chance and we like to be able to cycle through pdfs to see the versioning, PPML files you can't open that way.
  6. On your Rule 3 you need to add an "else" for the last return statement. Also you need to make sure the tagged text is NOT checked. if (Rule("RuleFormatMobile") == "") return ""; else if (Rule("RuleFormatOffice") == "") return ""; else return ' | ';
  7. It looks like you had both the Address and Address2_rule line selected and had do not break on copyfit but the address2_rule had a line break in it so it was freakin out. If you select the entire first line and then un-check the don't break on copyfit and it will be fine.
  8. Can you just add the address2 field on the second line by itself and select suppress if empty instead of using a rule to create a return? I did it and saved it. I'll attach.84150 Epam_BC.pdf
  9. I have an image collection that I need to add 2 page pdfs to several times a week. I will use both pages of each pdf in a variable template as backgrounds. The name of the background pdf used in the template is coming from a variable text field. My problem is that I can't get the backgrounds to show up unless I add them as images in the template and then republish. I don't want to have to republish every time I add a new pdf. I have tried using both a text field and graphic field. I tried using Resource((Field("artver") + ".pdf")) CreateResource((Field("artver") + ".pdf"), graphic) I tried using the function FileNameFromPath(fullPath) and the function matchPathToString(path, stringToMatch) What am I missing?? How do I call out pdfs by name from image collections.
  10. Marc When I use extensions I have a separate field for just the extension. I write a rule returning the spaces and the label. Something like this. I know it's not the most efficient but it gets the job done. if (Field("ext") != "") return " ext " + Field("ext"); else return "";
  11. Mike Just checking that you already made the folders in the path you are using. They have to be created by you because PTI can't make them yet. I just noticed that I have a field that is unique to all records that is in the if (FieldChanged("Dealer Code")). Do you have a field that is unique maybe the name field you can put in the if (FieldChanged("Name")) instead of if (FieldChanged("WelcomePackageCode")) Also you are using the \\ not // right?
  12. What are the error messages? I work on a mac and it's a little different than a pc. I know I had a problem with the number of chars in the length of the path. I also didn't use any special chars. One thing is that when I assign the data to the str variable I made it to lower case and you are search for uppercase. Another thing Dan Corn said somewhere is to put in \\ instead of single \ in the path but he also said you could put forward slashes to / instead. Just giving you some options to try. outpath = "c:\\Files\\7-7 to Print\\74289NY0010001-01ONES\\";
  13. Mike I have a job I do every 4 months or so and it's kind of like this. I have changed some of the code to make it more like your example. My output folders are always the same names so I made a folder on my desktop called AllPlans and then made sub folders called Plan1, Plan2, Plan3, etc You could then search your Plan field for the correct file location and then name the output file with the plan and name. var str = ToLower(Field("Plan")); if (str.search("plan1") != -1) outpath = "/Users/MacPro/Desktop/AllPlans/Plan1/"; else if (str.search("plan2") != -1) outpath = "/Users/MacPro/Desktop/AllPlans/Plan2/"; else if (str.search("plan3") != -1) outpath = "/Users/MacPro/Desktop/AllPlans/Plan3/"; else if (str.search("plan4") != -1) outpath = "/Users/MacPro/Desktop/AllPlans/Plan4/"; filename = Str(Field("Plan") + "-" + Field("Name")); outfile = outpath + filename; if (FieldChanged("Plan")) FusionPro.Composition.OpenNewOutputFile(outfile + "." + FusionPro.Composition.outputFormatExtension);
  14. I don't know anything about 2D barcodes but I noticed that you are returning a value for if the field PacketKey was changed. Maybe make the return an if statement saying if the field packetkey changed then return the barcode if ((FieldChanged("PacketKey"))) return DMbarcode.Make(barcodeData);
  15. dreimer This is what I use for the OnRecordStart rules I use. FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(Field("Ver"), true); You can use regular if-then statements to set the page to use or suppress. The Field("Ver") can be a field with the page to use or suppress but it can also be hard coded with the page name "back2" for example in an if-then statement if (location == "san diego") FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("backpage1", true); else FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("backpage2", true); Where both backpages are set to unused.
  16. I think the first thing to speed it up is to create a 1up instead of 6up document and create an imposition using FPImposer. There would be 6 times less fields to process per page. I try and not impose anything unless I have to in the pdf template. The FPImposer is still limited but I think it processes faster.
  17. I created a sample template for you to see what I was talking about. You can adjust as needed. Good Luck.test.zip
  18. Damien You can create another graphic frame and assign the position layer image and then use this rule to only see it while proofing but have it suppress during composition. //access the “isOnlinePreview” property and the “isPreview” property onlinePreviewVal = FusionPro.Composition.JobOptions.isOnlinePreview; desktopPreviewVal = FusionPro.Composition.isPreview; //if this is a preview composition or a desktop preview //then return the text “PROOF” if (onlinePreviewVal == "Yes" || desktopPreviewVal == true) return Resource("Position layer.pdf"); else return NullResource();
  19. This is definitely not the best, easiest or most efficient but you could us something like this: //commaRule (This is the rule name) if (Field("Title") != "") return ", " + Field("Title"); else return ""; Then in your text frame you wouldn't put the comma just the rule. Field("First Name") Field("Last Name")commaRule
  20. Dan For the final printing both pages need to be vertical and isn't the problem. The problem is showing only the rotated page for the customer to see the variable right reading or landscape. I don't like proofing from one page and printing from another especially with a complex setup. The customer oks something that never actually prints and what prints isn't ever seen or ok'd. This is the structure for my template right now. page 1 vertical views and prints vertical page 2 vertical (this is for printing only doesn't show in preview) page 3 landscape (this is only used for the preview and is shut off for final composition) I'll attach a jpg of the template layout Thanks Dan
  21. Thanks for all the responses. While still in the designing stages with this product, having to make numerous changes everyday, the final ending place for this template will be on a Marcom store. While this is going through the proofing stages with this template I am having to compose a set of sample data 3-4 times a day and then rotate every other page so our customer can read all the text right reading. This is the way they want the store to preview as well. I'll have to look into repeatable components like Dan suggested, but haven't figured out how repeatable components work yet. I'm still rookie when it comes to javascript.
  22. Thanks Step That is what I am doing but there are about 15 text boxes and 5 image boxes that have fit exactly in the right place because of the art etc. I just takes a long time and I am having to make minute changes on both pages. This customer is making a lot of changes on that side of the template every day. I missed one of the type corrections on the print pdf. They have circles inside circles and text very close to art elements and if they are off at all you see it. I was just hoping I could use the same page to proof and to print from instead of having 2 different ones and hoping they are exactly the same.
  23. I have a 2 page postcard template where the front is portrait(page1) and the other side(mailing panel)page2 is landscape. There is variable on both sides and the customer was to view both sides right reading. (Page 1 vertical and page 2 rotated 90 CCW.) I want to create the preview like this but the print pdf without the rotate. I think I need an OnRecordStart using this code: onlinePreviewVal = FusionPro.Composition.JobOptions.isOnlinePreview; desktopPreviewVal = FusionPro.Composition.isPreview; if (onlinePreviewVal == "Yes" || desktopPreviewVal == true) code to rotate page 2 only else don't rotate
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