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Alex Marshall

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Posts posted by Alex Marshall

  1. In Acrobat, select "Acrobat>>>Preferences>>General>>Page Display".

    Is the "Use Local Fonts" box enabled? If not, check this box then

    rerun "Load Fonts>>Load All".

    Please also ensure that the "IDautomation4State" barcode font is located in the "Mac HD: Library : Fonts" folder is present and active.

  2. Click “Create Rules>>New(Text)>>>Empty”.

    Check the box for “Treat Return Strings As Tagged Text”.

    Give the Rule an identifiable name. This Rule will be selectable from the “Variable” drop box in the Variable Text Editor once completed.

    The script:

    var imb = Field(IntelligentMailBarcode);

    return MakeOneCodeBarcode(imb.substr(0,20),imb.substr(20),12); //change field name to match your data file

    Click “Ok”, “Ok”.

    Now in the text frame where this barcode will appear, insert this Rule from the “Variable” drop box.

    Set the point size to 12pts. No need to apply a font, as the script will execute and print the font.

    Let me know if this helps. J

  3. Check out the CopyfitLine function. It will automatically select the best size to make your text fit. The "How to use Copyfitting"

    article in the Knowledge Base explains it:


    Search for "CopyfitLine".

    Here's the relevant part of the article:

    <begin cite>

    The CopyfitEmail() function works by identifying the @ character and copyfitting everything to the right. If you want to copyfit the entire line, use the CopyfitLine() function instead. It is used in a similar manner, although there are some added attributes.

    The basic function reads:

    CopyfitLine(staticpart, dynpart, font, size, width, minimum, justwidth)

    • staticpart – written as a string, this declares the text that should remain static and not be copyfitted.

    • dynpart – written as a string, this declares the text that should be copyfitted.

    • font – this is the name of the typeface to be used when copyfitting.

    • size – this is the size of the text that is not to be adjusted or fitted.

    • width – this is the width of the frame, in points.

    • minimum – this is the minimum font size, in points, that should be used when copyfitting.

    • justwidth – expressed as a boolean (true or false), this tells FusionPro to stretch the text’s width (true) or leave the width as-is (false).

    For example, you work for a company that is a division of a larger corporation, Clear Sound Concepts – a division of MicroComm Global. You only want to copyfit the text “a division of MicroComm Global” while leaving your company’s name as- is. The division name is contained in the field called “Division” and the corporation name is contained in the field “Company”. The rule would look like this:

    CopyfitLine(Field(“Division”) + “ - ”, Field(“Company”), “Arial”, 12, 300, 8, true); <end cite>

    In your case you only have a "dynamic" part, so your rule should look something like this:

    return CopyfitLine("", Field("Email"), "Minion Pro SmBd", 10, 50, 6, false);

    Change the font name and frame width as appropriate.

    Or you can write your own Copyfit logic using the FusionProTextMeasure object.

  4. Adobe Creative Cloud is simply a marketing upgrade path to new product versions from Adobe Inc.

    They have this “Cloud” option for its various software product lines.

    It has nothing to do with Fusionpro. As long as the version of Acrobat / Indesign is supported with Fusionpro it will be fine.

  5. Did you copy and paste the trade mark symbol in the template?

    You may need to specify the entity for the trade mark symbol using a rule in the template.


    If you're doing this in your flat (delimited) input file, you may need to check the "Treat field values as tagged text" box on the Flat File step of the Data Source Wizard.

    You can also return the entity directly from a rule, like so:

    return "™";

    Make sure to check "Treat returned strings as tagged text." You could name the rule "Trademark" and insert it in the Text Editor wherever needed.

    Another option is to use either the Character Map utility on Windows or the Character Palette on Mac to locate the trademark symbol and insert it directly into the Text Editor. (Unlike in external files, any text entered into the Variable Text Editor dialog in FusionPro will automatically be converted to the proper encoding when moving your job across platforms.)

  6. In the Composition Settings Menu, click the "Imposition" tab.

    There is a check box for Crop Marks. Also it could be that the Crop

    Marks are being specified in the original design file, or the FP Imposer utility.

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