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Everything posted by tou

  1. provided that there are 2 page PDFs create for each REP, create 2 rules to use for 2 page template: 1. front page 2. back page front page rule: Pic = CreateResource("//[b][color="Green"]YOUR VNC PATH[/color][/b]/"+[b][color="Purple"]YourRepField[/color][/b]+".pdf", "graphic", true); Pic.pagenumber = [b][color="Red"]1[/color][/b]; return Pic; back page rule: Pic = CreateResource("//[b][color="Green"]YOUR VNC PATH[/color][/b]/"+[b][color="Purple"]YourRepField[/color][/b]+".pdf", "graphic", true); Pic.pagenumber = [b][color="red"]2[/color][/b]; return Pic; these are graphic rules, so you'll have to use graphic object and use the graphic rules accordingly. In most cases if you have bleeds and crop marks already, depending on the PDFs bleed settings and gutters needed to nUp the files, you may need to delete pre-cropped marks and use impositioning's crop features (especially if you are doing 0.25" crop marks). When uploading to server to compose, make sure server has access rights to VNC location otherwise you'll have blank backgrounds. If composing locally does not take a long time, you shouldn't have to worry about it (but it will lock your acrobat until it's done composing). Over time, building off of blank PDFs with re-usable coding and settings (colors, etc) will save you time. If you have a different page size you can always FP insert a different page size and resize background sizes copied to the new template page. Good luck and happy findings.
  2. I don't know, but that's huge......you may want to try doing some data processing lookups to the file prior to bringing it into FP....I understand sometimes we can't. Good luck.
  3. I'm assuming that expression images will vary in size based on what's composed.... We'd had issues with higher volume PDFs print runs and had to use PPML for our iGen and although the file sizes aren't that drastic in size, the RIP was significantly faster. Printing is slower while RIP'ng.
  4. Got it...thanks! Will give it a shot later...
  5. How do I nUp a static 664 page pdf? I generated a PDF from our mailing software and just want to use FP to 9-up it onto 12x18 sheet. I tried it and it gave me 664 pages completed at 12x18 with my 6x4 labe in the upper left hand corner.....I should get 74 pages.....(664/9~74 pages).... Sorry if I missed it in other posts...
  6. http://forums.pti.com/showthread.php?t=4714&highlight=external+data Lots of resources to search from but the one above is a good start. I don't personally have experience in this, but it looks achievable via rule scripting. Good luck.
  7. Whoops sorry about that. I remember reading something about reusable resources, but I'm not sure how to do that. Good luck and I'm sure there will be better suggestions soon.
  8. I'm not a FP master, but I'd pasted the common BACK to the Layouts and created an OnRecordStart rule: FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(Field("BackLayout"), true); I also noticed that Layout4 was missing the "t" before the 4 so had to edit the data. Set all Back Pages to "unused" and data driven value will set pages to use when called. TestUpdated.zip
  9. What have you got so far. Can you post on here? 1 front and 12 backs? 1 front and 1 back? etc........ Based off of your PDF you got 1 common front and variably different backs. Lots/minimal variables on front and/or back? What does your OnRecordStart rule look like now? If you are doing graphic rules, what do they look like? Maybe a sample of the data (sample a sample sensitive parts - name and address) leaving the pages fields in tact can steer us in a direction?
  10. Either create 24 pages all set to "not used", then data is coded to set page to "use" accordingly (assuming pages 1-12 is fronts and 13-24 is backs). using following code in OnRecordStart: FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("yourPageName", true); If VDP is the same like a postcard and just swapping artwork, create 2 page template, then image call the fronts and backs accordingly based on data. creating 2 rules and calling images dynamically: Pic = CreateResource("//youPath/"+yourDataCalledArtwork+".pdf", "graphic", true); Pic.pagenumber = yourDataCalledArtworkPageNumber; return Pic; Creating the 24 pages allows more WYSIWYG feel of things, whereas 2 pages is a little more cryptic. I'm sure there are tons of resources on here that have touched on this and may prove to be better. Stitching it up together is the key.
  11. onJobStart should have the following: FusionPro.Composition.chunksBreakStacks = true infinite stacks in fpi checked as well as you already have it. output file, split on 5000 record chunks.
  12. Yes, I was. You may have to load new fonts too. That might fix it.
  13. it depends...maybe like the UMD sample we were looking at, or compose the entire letter. what have you got programmed so far?
  14. something like the attached sample might work.....I'm sure there is a simpler way of doing things. happy findings.... coupons_template.zip coupons-test-data-Output.pdf coupons.pdf
  15. Without knowing the full scale of this setup...the visual way would be to setup as many textbox as you need and use coding in OnRecordStart to suppress unneeded textbox...refer to how to suppress elements in previous chats here. You can also try table programming too, but I'm not that well verse in scripting tables. Same logic would apply for the coupons also. Are you call look-up information or are they in the data already? Casino business is good, but complex and sometimes messy....QC buddy....
  16. I'm not a FusionPro pro, but I'm sure Dan and Step will respond if it's beyond everyone else's experience.
  17. It's another way of programming resources, then calling it in a rule without the font tags in a rule. Formatting in the resources layout physically and directly. What you see is what will print. See resources, then see ask amount rule.
  18. Attached is what I download and quickly programmed. Looks like your letters lines up pretty well so didn't have to suppress multiple text boxes. I've also include the modified PDF less the VDP stuff for you to put somewhere and update letterFront and letterBack rules to the right location. Calling PDFs directly from a network location means FusionPro needs to have access to it if you are compiling server wise...otherwise load them in as resources and change coding to call it. Good luck. p.s. I didn't do the address block part.... TEMPLATE-UMD.zip TEST-DATA-Output.pdf
  19. You can do what @dreimer suggest. However while composing the job all pages will be processed, then not used. The advantage is you see all the pages and can manually make changes more directly. Given that the ask amounts doesn't wrap your first paragraphs, I'd setup 3 PDFs less the variables portion of the letter and variably call the PDFs via Graphic Rule and setup the text box accordingly. In OnRecordStart rule, you can then suppress the text box you don't want to show. 2 page setup should do the trick. here's a snippet of a setup I have that controls two different positions of address blocks and indicias due to design of the piece. You have to name your elements according. In your case you will possibly have 3 sets of objects. var VariableName = FindTextFrame("addHigh") var VariableName2 = FindTextFrame("addLow") var VariableName3 = FindTextFrame("indiciaHigh") var VariableName4 = FindTextFrame("indiciaLow") var VariableName5 = FindTextFrame("addHigh2") var VariableName6 = FindTextFrame("addLow2") var VariableName7 = FindTextFrame("SAL1") var VariableName8 = FindTextFrame("SAL2") if (Field("user05")=="5") { VariableName.suppress = true VariableName2.suppress = false VariableName3.suppress = true VariableName4.suppress = false VariableName5.suppress = true VariableName6.suppress = false } else { VariableName.suppress = false VariableName2.suppress = true VariableName3.suppress = false VariableName4.suppress = true VariableName5.suppress = false VariableName6.suppress = true }
  20. Can you provide a screen shot? A picture can mean 1000 words. If you are to retain the exact position, then sometimes using the static text as a graphic (PDF) is a good option. Again, without knowing what we're looking at. It's hard to suggest. When you mention letter with variables, I'm thinking a letter with variables in the middle of a paragraph and not form type, so I can't imagine no wrapping if its a formal/conventional letter. Good luck and hope to see some screen shots, if you may. Thanks
  21. I usually use word or some word processing tool to type my letters and copy and place into text box or formatted text rule. Add your variables afterwards. Make sure the "hard" returns are remove to have a natural line wrap.
  22. I would imagine you create another text box and have it center vertically? Or you can have one big text box and have everything collapse blank lines when a variable is empty? Another suggestion is to format the numbers after the colon to start at the same spot....but that's just for looks of course.
  23. I'd parsed your business card to have only the top line for one graphic resource. Parsed the business card to have only the bottom line plus the graphic logo as another resource. I would use something like pitstop to delete components you don't need to make the two images above. Once you import the graphics as resources, you can create two separate rules to return the graphic resource (as a tagged text). This way you can then insert it into the textbox. Hard to explain, so here's the collect job....attached... golf template.zip
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