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Posts posted by bkurzbuch

  1. Hi Dan


    I went to take a look at the Marcom forum and all the categories for it say private. How do I go about getting access to see and post to the Marcom Forum. Sorry, didn't know where else to post this question. Thanks for your time.

  2. Hi Dan

    I agree, yes it will. After meeting with the customer. That is what they want. Now most chooses will be pre filled on MCC and never be touched, but they want to ability to edit all chooses. Kind of a one stop place for all there coverage. So before I start down this rabbit hole. Any advice? I awesume i'll have to start with making a data file and go from there. Thanks for taking a look Dan

  3. Good Morning Forum

    I have a FusionPro job that will end up on Marcom and it has a large table on the back page. I have attached a single page pdf of the table I will need to build. This will be my first table and was looking for some advice on the best way to attack this. The only file I have is the Indesign Doc. All the chooses under the green headers will need to be editable in Marcom as far as if it prints or not and if it needs one or two bullets in the last two columns. I have studied the manual and the posts for building a table and i think i can do this. I guess my main question is do i create a XDF for all this data and pull it in that way or just code it all and how do i insure that all the choose are available to Marcom. Thanks for the help and advice. For once i have several weeks on this and it looks like a good opportunity to learn javascript syntax. Which is my main stumbling block. Thanks


  4. I'm trying for the first time to call out to a external data file and hit a syntax error i don't understand. It a Doctor provider list that I will need to eventually compare Longitude and latitude to pull in the 3 nearest Doctors. So the only 4 Variables I need out of the External File Are "Name", "Tel", "Long" and "Lat".


    The Error is: Line 10 PROVIDER_DATA_FINAL is not defined.


    P.S i know there is a proper why to post code, but using Safari I don't see the Go advanced button to put the code in a code block.


    Thanks for the help



    EDF_PROVIDER_DATA_FINAL = new ExternalDataFileEx("PROVIDER_DATA_FINAL.csv",",");


    if (!EDF_PROVIDER_DATA_FINAL.valid) {


    ReportError("PROVIDER_DATA_FINAL.csv not successfully loaded...");



    for (var i = 1; i <= EDF_PROVIDER_DATA_FINAL.recordCount; i++) {









  5. Thanks STU


    To help me better understand this would you need just the data or the template also. With this kind of code I feel like a 12 year old with dads car keys. I understand the logic behind it just not how to get where I need to go. If you have time to look at it I'll post it later today.


    Thanks again for all your help.

  6. Hi Dan

    My apologize for the mess. I know there's a proper way to post my code, but was unsure how to do it. Thank You.

    I would love to explain the reason for the lengthy code, but this project was so far over my head that we had PTi build it for use. Of course after a couple of production runs there are some small edits. I've been able to make all of them accept for excluding the subscriber in the chart if "total paid by" field is empty. Due to HEPA regulations i can't really post much more. Was hoping for a insert this line here kind of fix. Building arrays and charts is still beyond my abilities. I will have to do some more research on building these to better understand on how to trouble shoot them. Thanks for taking a look Dan

  7. I have a rather length piece of code for retuning a chart on a Ins. flyer. The problem I'm having is that the "Subscriber" is always listed because it's there account but may not have any service. The charts is populating by service date then family member (i.e. Subscriber first, then spouse, child 1 and so on). What was done and then amount payed by the Ins company. with a total returned at the end of the chart. I need to code it if field "total payed by xyz" is empty then do not populate chart with subscriber. Code is below.

    Thanks for looking





    var FirstRow = "";

    var NumLinesInRec = "";

    var CurServiceDate = "";

    var PrevServiceDate = "";

    var totalPaid = 0;

    var frame1 = FindTextFrame("TablePg1");

    Subscriber_Name = "";

    Spouse_Name = "";

    Child1_Name = "";

    Child2_Name = "";

    Child3_Name = "";

    Child4_Name = "";

    Child5_Name = "";

    Child6_Name = "";

    Child7_Name = "";

    Child8_Name = "";

    FirstRow = StartRow[CurrentRecordNumber()-1];

    NumLinesInRec = (StartRow[CurrentRecordNumber()]) - (StartRow[CurrentRecordNumber()-1]);



    for (var i=1;i<=NumLinesInRec;i++)


    if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "SUBSCRIBER")

    Subscriber_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);

    else if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "SPOUSE")

    Spouse_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);

    else if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "CHILD 1")

    Child1_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);

    else if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "CHILD 2")

    Child2_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);

    else if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "CHILD 3")

    Child3_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);

    else if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "CHILD 4")

    Child4_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);

    else if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "CHILD 5")

    Child5_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);

    else if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "CHILD 6")

    Child6_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);

    else if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "CHILD 7")

    Child7_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);

    else if(Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info"))) == "CHILD 8")

    Child8_Name = CreateName(FirstRow-1+i);




    FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Rule_ADN",XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow, "ADN"));

    FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Rule_Comp Name",XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow, "Company Name"));

    FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Rule_Covered Since",FormatDate(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow, "Covered Since"), "lm yyyy"));

    FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Rule_AD_Line_1",XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow, "Current Member Addr line 1"));

    FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Rule_AD_Line_2",XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow, "Current Member Addr line 2"));

    FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Rule_City",XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow, "Current Member Addr City"));

    FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Rule_St",XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow, "Current Member Addr State"));

    FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Rule_Zip",XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow, "Zip Code"));

    FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Rule_Bar_Code",XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow, "Intelligent Mail barcode"));


    ///////////////////////////////////////////////Sort Table Values///////////////////////////////////////

    var Dates = [];

    var UniqueDates = [];

    var RowsInOrder = [];

    var Dependent = ["SUBSCRIBER","SPOUSE","CHILD 1","CHILD 2","CHILD 3","CHILD 4","CHILD 5","CHILD 6","CHILD 7","CHILD 8"];


    for(var i=1;i<=NumLinesInRec;i++)


    Dates.push(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Service Date"));



    Dates.sort(function(a, b){

    var aa = a.split('/');





    var bb = b.split('/');





    return aa < bb ? -1 : (aa > bb ? 1 : 0);



    for(var i=0;i<Dates.length;i++)


    if(UniqueDates.indexOf(Dates) < 0)




    for(var h=0;h<UniqueDates.length;h++)


    for(var k=0;k<Dependent.length;k++)


    for(var i=1;i<=NumLinesInRec;i++)


    if((UniqueDates[h] == XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Service Date")) && (Dependent[k] == Trim(ToUpper(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Dep Info")))))


    RowsInOrder.push(FirstRow-1+i); //Stores a list of XDF row numbers sorted by ascending date and level of dependent






    //////////////////////////////////////////////////Create Table///////////////////////////////////////////

    var table = new FPTable;




    table.Rows[0].Type = "Header";




    table.Rows[0].SetContents("Date of Service","Name","Benefit Category","Amount Paid by<br>Delta Dental Iowa");


    for(var i=1;i<=NumLinesInRec;i++)


    CurServiceDate = XDF.GetFieldValue(RowsInOrder[i-1]/*FirstRow-1+i*/, "Service Date");

    table.Rows.SetContents(CurServiceDate,CreateName(RowsInOrder[i-1]/*FirstRow-1+i*/),XDF.GetFieldValue(RowsInOrder[i-1]/*FirstRow-1+i*/, "Benefit Category"),FormatNumber("#,###.00",XDF.GetFieldValue(RowsInOrder[i-1]/*FirstRow-1+i*/, "Total Paid by Delta Dental of Iowa")));


    if(CurServiceDate != PrevServiceDate)


    for(var j=0;j<4;j++)



    PrevServiceDate = CurServiceDate;


    totalPaid += StringToNumber(XDF.GetFieldValue(FirstRow-1+i, "Total Paid by Delta Dental of Iowa"));



    table.Rows[NumLinesInRec+2].SetContents("TOTAL DENTAL BENEFITS PAID BY DELTA DENTAL:<br>$"+FormatNumber("#,###.00",Round(totalPaid,2)));




    for(var col=0;col<4;col++)



    table.Rows[0].Cells[col].VAlign = "Bottom";

    for(var row=0;row<NumLinesInRec+1;row++)

    table.Rows[row].Cells[col].HAlign = "Center";


    for(var col=0;col<3;col++)


    for(var row=0;row<NumLinesInRec+1;row++)



    table.Rows[NumLinesInRec+1].minHeight = 3924;

    table.Rows[NumLinesInRec+2].Cells[0].HStraddle = 4;

    table.Rows[NumLinesInRec+2].Cells[0].HAlign = "Center";

    table.Rows[NumLinesInRec+2].Cells[0].VAlign = "Middle";

    table.Rows[NumLinesInRec+2].minHeight = 6400;


    table.Rows[NumLinesInRec+2].Cells[0].Font = "HelveticaNeueLT Std Bold Cn";

    table.Rows[NumLinesInRec+2].Cells[0].PointSize = 15;



    return table.MakeTags();

  8. Thanks Dan

    We are printing the job on a digital press which needs a page 2 for the single pieces so the two pages back up correctly. Without a second page for the singles its either all single sided or all double sided.


    I was thinking there has to be a way to output a blank when the overflow page is not used, but was unsure how to accomplish it. I know its possible, just unsure of the best approach. I'll look over the threads you referenced and do some testing.


    Thank You

  9. Hi STE


    Thanks again for your help. I needed to change the order of the Icons and add some space, but was able to figure it out on my own with the code your provided. One last question. If I wanted to force formatting for the number so they always appeared as 123.456.7891 i could just copy and paste some of the code from the prebuilt rules, but where in the coding would i put it.


    Thanks again

  10. Hi Ste


    Thats awesome. I have almost the exact same template to build. My text is to the left of the icons thou. I can assume I just need to rearrange the code to have the "Field" called out first and then the image, correct?

    As for the first three lines, i can just create then as a graphic resource and call then out as such, correct?


    Thanks Stu - You guys are awesome

  11. FusionPro 9.3.6

    Acrobat Pro 11

    Windows & 64 bit


    I have a job that uses several Helvetica Neue LT Std font's and no matter what I try, 75 Bold and 87 Heavy condensed just will not load for FusionPro. All of the Adobe programs on the same machine see them BUT not FusionPro.


    Any Ideas?

  12. Anyone else have a issue with rules dropping out. Working a Mac. Acrobat 11, FusionPro 9.3.6, with a pdf exported from Indesign cs-6. Mac OS10.9.5.


    Twice now, half way through programing a job i've went to create another rule to find the palette empty. All rules gone. You can see the names still applied in the frame but return no data since the rules are gone.


    Since I can not get half of the fonts to load on the PC version I'm stuck with working on my Mac, but have had to restart these job twice now with the same problem.


    Any ideas would be greatly appreciatied.

  13. I've been asked to give a quote on a job and not sure if FusionPro can do this. I will be doing a mailing to let a customer know a business is closing but they can visit the next 3 nearest store's. The 3 nearest stores would be the variable. I would be given a weekly updated provider list. Since I haven't started this yet, I believe I'll be able to at least suggest how I need the data to come in. So my question is. Is there a way for FusionPro to pull in data based on closest location. Any ideas or suggestions are greatly apprecatied. Thank You
  14. Hi Ste


    Yes it did. Have some down time and trying to learn more about JavaScript and different ways around the same problem. Thanks for you help. Always greatly appreceatied.


    Do you have a good book or online source for learning JavaScript. It seems so simple yet extremely powerful in what it can do. Trying to get a good knowledge of the language and syntax is a little overwhelming. Thanks Again for your help, have a good weekend.


    P.S. You are correct. i did pull the text out of the text resource.

  15. JavaScript Newbie



    This is my first attempt using tagged text. There is a problem with my code, but I don't have the JavaScript knowledge to understand what the error is. Code is below.



    Trying to "If value of UA Plus Individual is greater than 1 return line of text "Individual: $<UA Plus Individual> per <Pay Period> otherwise return nothing."



    I get a error Line 8 Syntax Error: unexpected end of XML source.

    Any advise or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.







    if (Field("UA Plus Individual") > "1")


    return <p style="(no style)" br="false" override="true" quad="L" findent="0" lindent="0" rindent="0" leadbefore="0" leadafter="0" keeplines="true" widows="2"

    kerning="true" hyphenate="false" skipifempty="false" skipifemptyvar="false" noparabreakoncopyfit="false"><tracking newsize="0">

    <f name="TisaSansOT-Medium"><z newsize="8.0"><color name="Black">Individual:<f name="TisaSansOT-Light"> $<variable name="UA Plus Individual"> per

    <variable name="Pay Period"><t>;


    return "";

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