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Everything posted by strido

  1. President, AA2 Corporation should read PRESIDENT, AA<sup>2</sup> CORPORATION (No "return tagged text" option on the forum!)
  2. Good afternoon - I require two rules to be applied to only one field. Field is "Title". One rule I have forces it to UPPER CASE. The 2nd Rule I have changes a "2" to a SuperScript "2". How do I combine those two rules to force it to output the "Title" field with both rules applied?
  3. I have a graphics frame that I put a 2 point border on. I'd like it so the border doesn't appear if the client chooses not to upload an image in that spot. Is there a way to suppress that border?
  4. It would be as in the 2nd example. They have an actual line going from one side of the piece to the other, and want the text to flow from there up. Not all fields would be filled all of the time, either. It's a couple of phone numbers (Main, Fax, Mobile, Blackberry)...
  5. I have a field that is going to be using multiple lines, but the client wants to have the text flow up instead of down. Can we do that? If so, how? I didn't see a button anywhere that accommodates that. Would it need to be a rule?
  6. That was weird... Did you redistill it? I did that and it didn't work, but whatever you did to that PDF did work.
  7. Good day folks! I'm getting an error when collecting my data. The zipped file is missing the CFG and DAT files, and I'm not sure why. Something must be wrong with the PDF because I've successfully collected many files today. The log says: Not extremely helpful, I know. The zipped file (or at least what's in it) is provided. You'll notice that one field isn't in the actual .csv file but that's OK as it's ultimately getting populated on the server here. That rule works as is should for at least a dozen other templates. I'd like to tell the client to provide a new file if they can, but I'd at least like to figure out what they did wrong to begin with... FT-FP-WELLNESS.zip
  8. So this code wound up working courtesy of the guy who knows way more than me: lcFieldContent = Field("Left_Content") var rval = ReplaceSubstring(lcFieldContent,"®","<f name=\"Arial\"><superscript>®</superscript></f>"); rval = rval.replace( new RegExp("\u00C2","gm"),""); return rval; The newest trick is now on a different job, it's giving me multiple bad characters when trying to populate a simple apostrophe. I've been trying to modify that code above to accommodate a few (specifically the euro symbol, the "TM" symbol and a lower case version of the "A" character above, as well as the capitalized version. Now, the above code replaces the ® with one in Arial, so it'll populate. I don't need that, I just need to eliminate these guys - € (\u20AC) â (\u00E2) ™(\u2122)... Remember when Prepress was cutting orange paper with an exacto knife?
  9. Is there a function whereby my client can input a zip code into a field, and have the result populate the City and State from that zip code? If so, what's the syntax of the rule? Thanks!
  10. I have a rule that changes the font of the ® character from Minion Pro to Arial, because the superscript ® isn't a character in Minion Pro: A simple rule that works great, for the client weekly feed. However, there is another process that allows the client 1-offs, they go to their website and populate the data in form fields, and that process isn't going so well. It is populating the ® as Â, AND correctly populating the ® symbol as superscripted. So the output is as such: The  is Minion Pro, the original font, and the ® is the correct Arial Font, superscripted as it should be. I've tried a few different rules for replacing substrings and whatnot, but I'm at an impasse. Any thoughts?
  11. The rule Results in a blank space where the en dash should be. Is &ndash a better option? http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q195/strido527/our_why_zpsfe41cbef.jpg
  12. I think I see it now - var c = dbname var s = mission statement var m = '' (blank space) So if the dbname is populated, it should read as follows: http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q195/strido527/Capture-13_zpsb186988b.jpg The DBA Name, then the words "Mission Statement" and underneath, the actual mission statement. if there's no mission statement it's blank (var m?)
  13. Could it be a holdover from a previous version of that rule? I guess if it's not doing anything it shouldn't be there.... I can't really articulate what happens to the client's data as I'm not very technical (can you tell?) - but I do know the .csv file ultimately does work. We run a process to (for lack of a better term) unzip the .csv file - that's when it breaks. So I thought I'd make this rule to change the hyphen to the en-dash. My thoughts on that were to make it as specific as possible to avoid any problems with a hyphen they'd actually want to use, should that arise. However, only keying in on the specific the agency codes should be ok, too. ...(ALT+0150 - I was just specifying what keyboard combination creates the en dash sorry for the confusion!) Thanks for your help guys! I'm going to try out this newest code.
  14. Only when the two specific strings appear. If any other hyphen is populated in "Mission Statement" they should remain. Correct. Just those two. switch (Field("Agency Code") { case "TJ": case "UW": var s = Field("Mission_Statement").replace(/-/g,"(ALT+0150)"); break; default: var s = Field("Mission_Statement"); } Where in your code is that added to the code I provided? (Not sure what the 2nd return does to be honest, so I'll leave it there...
  15. We have a rule called "mission statement" - it takes the mission statement from the data stream and outputs text based on various parameters. For instance, if the agency populated is "A" - it returns "X" and if it's else, it returns "Y". Here it is: (it also uses the tilde to denote a hard break) var c = Field("dbaname"); var s = Field("Mission_Statement"); var m = ''; if (s != ''){ m = '<b>' + c + ", Mission Statement </b><br>" + s; } return Field("Mission_Statement").replace(/~/g,"<br />"); return m; So here's the thing. In the same data stream there is an "Agency Code". Two of the 90 or so agency codes are using the en-dash in their mission statement, presumably to annoy the person doing the template. That would be me. We've tried every permutation of converting from the excel spreadsheet to the .csv file I can think of and the encoding isn't working it's changing the en-dash to a question mark, so we're at the stage now where I'd like to modify the above rule to replace a regular hyphen with an en-dash, but ONLY in the Mission Statement Field, and ONLY if agency code is either "TJ" or "UW". To get real specific, perhaps a rule that says if you see this specific string of text: Our philosophy - our "Why" - has been and for the other agency code: Your success is our success - and while the agency code is TJ or UW, change those hyphens to an en-dash (ALT+0150) This needs to be added to the existing mission statement rule. I'm thinking adding to the "var" statements could do it, but not sure of the syntax. I didn't write the existing rule.
  16. That didn't work.... Is there anyone from Printables that can assist on this? It's a very frustrating issue. Perhaps there could be a way to import only the variable text / graphics boxes without having to choose the old PDF to get them would work?
  17. So my client is asking to update a PDF, called "XYZ.PDF" - I open the new file, and select the data definition wizard, and choose to import a data source from another document. I select the old data definition from last month's version. Then I go to "Advanced>>Import Files" and select the old PDF, because none of the actual fusion pro data is any different, and then make sure the three options are checked 1) Paragraph Styles 2) Layout 3) Colors Since the actual variable data doesn't change, only some cosmetics on the PDF, I would think this would work. But when I compose it, the resulting PDF shows the old one, not the new updated version that I was working on. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
  18. http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q195/strido527/Capture-5.jpg I've got this little issue here with fonts. I'd like to put that bullet / diamond thing in between these fields. All three fields are different variable fields. But if I just put them in the text box, should one of those three variables be empty, it'll put two diamonds back-to-back. The diamonds are wingdings letter "s". So the rule would have to basically just return the field with the letter s changed to wingdings, that way I can just choose to supress when empty. Does that make sense?
  19. That's close, but now when it IS populated it only returns the rule name, not the actual recipient's first name. I need it to say Strido, space is limited But if that first name (strido) is missing, it returns: Space is limited
  20. I have a rule for the recipient's name that is inserted at the beginning of a sentence, to make it proper case: However, it seems that field is empty from time to time, causing the sentence to begin with a comma, then the word "space". I'd like to add to that rule above, with another rule that says if RecipientFirstName is empty, return only the word "Space" I should know this by now....
  21. That didn't seem to want to work.... http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q195/strido527/Capture-4.jpg I'm still getting the first letter Upper Case and the 2nd Lower. It should say "MW" both upper....
  22. Sorry to resurrect the thread - I'm having a bit of an issue here, using the typical ProperCase rule: Now, we have two clients that have capital letters in their name - ABC Corporation for instance. What's the syntax so it doesn't come out Abc Corporation? I tried the exceptions listed above but couldn't get that to work. My client only has the two companies that this is affected by, so it's really not a matter of listing out every possible permutation. We'll be notified if any new ones arise, so it'll just be a matter of plugging them in. Long story short, I'd like the ProperCase to continue, just not when the letters ABC are involved....
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