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Everything posted by Dmiller35

  1. Thanks Dan. I actually did get it working after I posted here but I couldn't figure out the date. I got it to show, but it would include the entire date plus a time stamp even though I was adding "yyyyMMdd". But I just tried your code and it worked perfectly. Not totally sure what I was doing wrong.
  2. Hello, I use FusionPro to create a lot of variable Business Cards. A lot of times these will be multiple lots with various quantites. I'm pretty sure I've seen a post that mentioned doing exactly what I need but now I can't find it. What I'd like to do is have the files output as: "Company_Bcard"_"nameoncard"_"today'sdate"_.pdf So using my own info it would be, "trevetts_bcard_Dan Miller_20200208.pdf" Is this possible? If so, is it possible to make this script active only when multiple output is selected? For example, we usually generate proofs before it goes to print. I'd like for the proof file to contain all records but then output to separate files when when they're ready to go to print.
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