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Tweak to JavaScript Global Rule


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We had pti write a global rule for one of our templates and we need it tweaked to include when our client has a price like this 3.49-4.49




function myPrice(price)




var trimPrice = ReplaceSubstring(ReplaceSubstring(price,'$',''),',','');

var decimalPrice = FormatNumber("0.00", trimPrice);

var SuperPrice = Right(decimalPrice, 3);

var NormalPrice = Left(decimalPrice, decimalPrice.length-3);

var CentPrice = Right(decimalPrice, 2);



var patt=/\d+/;

var result = patt.test(price);


if (result == false)


var newPrice = price;



else if (result == true)



if (price.indexOf("/") > -1 || price.indexOf("%") > -1)


var newPrice = ReplaceSubstring(price, "$", "<superscript>$</superscript>");





if (StringToNumber(decimalPrice) >= 1)


if (price != "" && price.indexOf("$") < 0)


var newPrice = NormalPrice+"<superscript>"+SuperPrice+"</superscript>";



else if (price != "" && price.indexOf("$") > -1)


var newPrice = "<superscript>$</superscript>"+NormalPrice+"<superscript>"+SuperPrice+"</superscript>";



else if (price == "")


var newPrice = "";



else if (StringToNumber(decimalPrice) < 1)


if (price != "")


var newPrice = CentPrice+"<superscript>¢</superscript>";



else if (price == "")


var newPrice = "";





return newPrice;


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