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Everything posted by jl_arnold

  1. This does not seem to be working. I still get my text to preview with the black font, but the graphic is not getting added to the preview output file. I did not originally realize I would need to create a preview rule for a background graphic, but once I did, I assumed it would be as easy as the text resources since I selected to include the Graphic Resources when collecting the files. Is there a reason this doesn't work the same with graphics? Or does my graphic need to be a file type other than PDF? Thanks! Jason
  2. Wow! That was easier than expected! There is one more part of this product that used to have black text but it will now be in white. It's part of the background of the PDF. I deleted the black layer and added a variable Graphic frame in its place. I created a Graphic Resource "PreviewBlack" choosing the pdf with the black text. I also created the rule to return the Resource("PreviewBlack"). The graphic rule is working in FusionPro, but does not appear in MarcomCentral. The only reason I can think of is that during uploading to MarcomCentral, my collect file contains the PDF file from the Graphic Resource, but it doesn't get uploaded with the rest of my collect files because only one PDF is allowed. Is there a different method to display a graphic resource? (note: FusionPro tells me there could be an error with my graphic rule. It says Graphic Rules must display graphics, but the graphic displays in FusionPro) return IsPreview() ? Resource("PreviewBlack") : ''; Thanks! Jason
  3. I have a template that contains to layered variable text frames. The variable text frames are stacked on top of each other with the same content, only the color of the text is different. This product is a clear static cling, so the variable text frames are layered so the background text frame font color is white and the foreground color is black. This item is changing. We will no longer be printing the black layer. However for proofing purposes, we'll likely need to keep these black variable text frames setting it to preview only to see the text in the proof. In FusionPro, I created a new rule: PreviewBlack. The code to the rule is below: if (FusionPro.Composition.isPreview && !FusionPro.Composition.composeThisRecord) return Resource("PreviewBlackHours"); else return ""; The Black text frame content to Rule("PreviewBlack"). FusionPro no long displays the black text (which is the expected outcome). I uploaded my collected files to MarcomCentral, but in composition, it does not display the black in the Proof/Preview. Am I doing something wrong? I know the documentation on the rule I'm trying to edit returns text and not a Field or Resource, but I can't see why that would not be working. Can you help me figure out the best way to get this type of product setup so we get a press print file with only white font but the store proof gets a colored font or outline so the user can see what they are proofing? Thanks! Jason
  4. This post can be closed. I have determined the root of the issue is a combination on-screen display, Acrobat display settings and how Acrobat displays EPS graphics/transparencies. http://rwillustrator.blogspot.ae/2014/01/white-lines-and-far-lines-in-pdf-files.html http://blog.imagesmith.com/2011/04/28/white-lines-in-your-pdf-dont-worry-they-wont-print/ Hopefully I can format the graphics so they do not display differently on-screen versus printed.
  5. Dan, Thanks for all the info! It certainly helps me go back to the client and reiterate we want to keep the vector art using EPS or PDF graphics. The part where I lost you, I meant that more as the JPEG versions were fine for downloading and desktop printing because they would only be printing a few copies, but they didn't want JPEGs for us to print because the EPS files print better. You can just wrap this in as answered with your other responses. I have now included a sample. In the sample image, the PDF on the lefts uses a JPEG background and the PDF on the right uses the EPS background image. On the right you can see the white lines. https://images.printable.com/imagelibrary/Seller/1061/WebImages_07202016100114_277/images/src/JPEGvsEPS.jpg I think I found what I needed. It seems like it's just a quirk with EPS graphics and PDF display settings. I found an article or two that explains things a bit. This one was good: http://rwillustrator.blogspot.ae/2014/01/white-lines-and-far-lines-in-pdf-files.html http://blog.imagesmith.com/2011/04/28/white-lines-in-your-pdf-dont-worry-they-wont-print/ I've been trying to explain it's an on-screen only issue, but our client believes the lines will cause questions and issues for those creating documents from in MarcomCentral. Hopefully we can avoid this by using PDF graphics instead of EPS. I did not think this was an issue with Marcom, but you guys certainly helped me figure out a better way to save the graphics in the templates. Thanks!
  6. Honestly, I think the only issue is on screen viewing of the PDFs that contain EPS graphics. The same issues occurs when exporting the InDesign file with EPS graphics to a high quality print PDF, so to me there is no issue, it just an on screen resolution/display thing. The PDF displays the EPS graphics with thin white lines, as if it's creating boxes around the grouped vector art. However when we print this PDF, it looks perfect. BUT I like your idea of getting PDF graphics. Because if they create the graphics and see the white lines, hopefully they finally understand it's an on screen viewing issue and the files print just fine. I'll see if I can get copies of the original artwork and save them as PDF graphics. Thanks Step!
  7. I have a template that is available for printing and downloading. The client accesses the template in MarcomCentral. They would like for the printed version to contain EPS graphics, however they would like the downloaded version to contain the same images, just as JPEGs. I'm just wondering if it's possible to do something like this? It seems similar to how a watermark can be added to a PDF Proof, but I don't know how the template would be downloaded with Digital Delivery? Is something like this possible? For an idea how I thought this can work without any extra help: I could recreate my template using both EPS and JPG pages (double the original number of pages), adding a text fields with prefilled "Print" and "Download" that will then correspond to page usage settings where Print displays only the EPS pages and Download displays only the JPG pages. What's do you think of this? Thanks!
  8. Step, Yes, the client is creating their templates through MarcomCentral. I think I'll need to repost this there. I started with this forum because I wasn't sure if there is known JavaScript rule to swap variable graphics. However, I did think of an option that could work: Recreating my template using both EPS and JPG pages, adding two fields Print and Download, and making these fields determine the page usage where Print is the EPS and Download is the JPG art. If you see any issues with this or can think of a better way, please let me know! Thanks! Jason
  9. Question on something similar to a watermark. We have a template that is available for printing and downloading. The client would like the printed graphics to be EPS images, however they would like the downloaded version to contain the same images, just saved as JPEGs. Before getting into any technical questions, I'm just wondering if it's possible to do this similar to how a watermark can be added to a Proof? Their issue is that the EPS output looks bad on their screens when downloaded, but it prints very well on our end. The next issue when using JPEGs is that while it makes the on-screen PDF looks great, the printed version with JPEGs from us does not look as good. However, they prefer the downloaded JPEGs because those print fine on a desktop printer. Is something like this possible? Thanks! Jason
  10. I like it! It works perfectly! I'm definitely going to look into the Copyfit function and work on it for each row, but I was able to set the global Copyfit rule to work that way. Thanks so much for the help!
  11. I was getting something similar. I ended up going with the rule to require sequential ordering for Locations 1 through 6 for now. I want to also be able to copyfit and since I had added point sizes for the cell references, I felt I had a little more control with the more basic code. I was going to do additional testing for copyfit. Step, I'm going to test that on your original code since that is limited to two rows. Thanks again guys! PS. I meant to include a view of what my current "incremental" code displays as. https://images.printable.com/imagelibrary/Seller/1061/WebImages_07202016100114_277/images/src/SampleTextTable.jpg
  12. Quick follow up question. This really would only pertain to the 5 Locations table. I made Tou's suggestion work and was able to set the table properties for 1 location, 2 locations, 3 locations, etc. so I designed each table individually. I did this and made the table with 5 locations have 4 columns, where I merged column 2 and 3 in row 1, and the I merged 1 and 2 in row 2, as well as 3 and 4 in row 2. The end result is in this image: It seems like I should be able to change to var = cols, but I'm not sure how.
  13. This is perfect! I was going to see how much extra coding it was to make this work incase 1 - 6 is not filled in incrementally, but this definitely works for me. Thanks for your help. I'm going to be tweaking the table a bit so I may have another question or two about formatting, but I think I should be good to go! Thanks again.
  14. Thanks Tou, however the design of the table was not my issue. But I did update my code for simplicity and constancy. The issues I am having is formatting the code so that if Field("Location 1") is the only entry in the form, than I would get a single column, single row table. Then I want to code to determine if Field("Location 1") and Field("Location 2") are being entered in the form and if so, than a two column row would be composed. Here's a sample screenshot for what I'm trying to accomplish: https://images.printable.com/imagelibrary/Seller/1061/WebImages_07202016100114_277/images/src/Table%20Formatting.jpg Is this type of conditional formatting possible?
  15. I have a template that is asking for up to 6 text fields. The first field is mandatory, where the next five are optional. I am trying to build a table that will format these text fields in 3 columns and 2 rows. However, if only two of the six text fields are entered, I want the table to be formatted with one row and two columns. I have been reading over creating tables, but I am not positive how I should go about creating this type of table that adds additional cells if additional fields are entered in the form. My current table is below. The basic form of the table is there, but it doesn't adjust the cells to merge if the last text fields are not used. var myTable = new FPTable; myTable.AddColumns(10776, 10776, 10776); myTable.HAlign = "Center"; //Line1 var myRow = myTable.AddRow(); myRow.Cells[0].HAlign = "Center"; myRow.Cells[1].HAlign = "Center"; myRow.Cells[2].HAlign = "Center"; myRow.Cells[0].Content = Field("Location 1"); myRow.Cells[1].Content = Field("Location 2"); myRow.Cells[2].Content = Field("Location 3"); //Line2 if (Field("Location 4") || Field("Location 5") || Field("Location 6")) { var myRow = myTable.AddRow(); myRow.Cells[0].HAlign = "Center"; myRow.Cells[1].HAlign = "Center"; myRow.Cells[2].HAlign = "Center"; myRow.Cells[0].Content = Field("Location 4"); myRow.Cells[1].Content = Field("Location 5"); myRow.Cells[2].Content = Field("Location 6"); } return myTable.MakeTags(); Am I on the right track with something like this?
  16. Score! I got it! I modified your code slightly because I couldn't get it working for every quote I was testing. I basically broke the rules apart to replace quotes before and after words separately. Here is my code in it's entirety for future reference. As you mentioned before there are likely instances not covered by this rule, but this converted a correctly for the text that follows: function replaceFunction(field) { field = field.replace(/(\w+)"/g, "$1”").replace(/"(\w*)/g, "“$1").replace(/(\w)'(\w+)/g, "$1’$2").replace(/'(\w+)/g, "‘$1").replace(/(\w*)'/g, "$1’"); (field.match(/<[^>]+>/g) || []) .filter(function(tag) { return /[“”‘’]/.test(tag); }) .forEach(function(find) { var replace = find.replace(/[‘’]/g, "'").replace(/[“”]/g,'"'); field = field.replace(find, replace); }); return field; } if (Field("Body") != "") return replaceFunction(Rule("BodyFont")) else return ""; Thanks for the help!! I would never have gotten this without you two! - Jason
  17. Thanks Ste! Testing this code, I found it works for both Rich Text and plain text form fields, which is very convenient. There is only one thing I found that does not convert correctly to smart quotes. It's a single quote after a word. This would be used for possessives. For instance: The Arnolds' house. I like Texas' weather. To add this to the existing code, would I add the following: .replace(/(\w)'/g, "$1’") I noticed that the code doesn't convert characters with spaces around it, but that shouldn't be an issue since that shouldn't be used by itself. Please let me know about fixing a single quote at the end of a word. Thanks!
  18. I received the following code from my BRM to replace standard quotation marks with Smart Quotes in a form field using the Rich Text Editor. field = field.replace(/(\<)(.+)(\>)/g, function(m,p1,p2,p3){return p1 + p2.replace(/\"/g, "\|") + p3;}); field = field.replace(/"([^"]*)"/g, "“$1”").replace(/(\w)'(\w)/g, "$1’$2").replace(/'([^']*)'/g, "‘$1’"); field = field.replace(/\|/g, "\""); return field; This code works with the Rich Text Editor for single quotes (aposotrophe), but does not work for double quotes. Can someone help fix this to work with double quotes? See the PDF using the link below to see the working single quotes, but not double quotes. https://images.printable.com/imagelibrary/Seller/1061/WebImages_07202016100114_277/images/src/iitsucvy.pdf Thanks!
  19. I know the font is there, because the Green bar background color in the one composition is the 1st page of a 4 page template. There is a field in the form where the user selects Green, Teal, Purple or Pink. I only edited the Green template with the new code which loses the font. The 2nd PDF with the Teal is simply selecting that page of the template which uses my original rule. Nothing in the template was changed other than the addition of the second smart quote rule. But the message is found below: Job started 04:21:28 - 1469100088. Creator: FusionPro VDP Producer (API) 9.3.36 Computer Name: SDPFI04 Current working folder: D:\US\ImageServer\bin Temporary files folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTI\FusionPro\TEMP_1524\ Template File: \\sdfsc02.dc.pti.com\tempvol\tmp\vd3j4hiy.dif Input File: \\sdfsc02.dc.pti.com\tempvol\tmp\vd3j4hiy.xml Job Config File: \\sdfsc02.dc.pti.com\tempvol\tmp\vd3j4hiy.cfg Unknown Tag /p ignored. Composing record #1, input record 1 Para style <> not found Unknown Tag /p ignored. Job ended 04:21:29 - 1469100089. Total Job Time: 1s I compared the message above to the message created with the Teal bar, and the only difference seems to be that the Green bar had a message with: "Para style <> not found". (see below) Teal composition message: Job started 04:23:53 - 1469100233. Creator: FusionPro VDP Producer (API) 9.3.36 Computer Name: SDPFI04 Current working folder: D:\US\ImageServer\bin Temporary files folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTI\FusionPro\TEMP_10880\ Template File: \\sdfsc02.dc.pti.com\tempvol\tmp\dtmwb01p.dif Input File: \\sdfsc02.dc.pti.com\tempvol\tmp\dtmwb01p.xml Job Config File: \\sdfsc02.dc.pti.com\tempvol\tmp\dtmwb01p.cfg Unknown Tag /p ignored. Composing record #1, input record 1 Unknown Tag /p ignored. Job ended 04:23:55 - 1469100235. Total Job Time: 2s
  20. Dan, I am also including a composed PDF that uses the rule I previously had in place, to show you that the font type is being lost. https://images.printable.com/imagelibrary/Seller/1061/WebImages_07202016100114_277/images/src/cmiirg4e.pdf
  21. I have a product in my storefront that uses the Rich Text Editor settings from MarcomCentral. Within FusionPro, I have a JavaScript rule to fix Smart Quotes. This code works in a Plain Text Form Field. field = field.replace(/"([^"]*)"/g, "“$1”").replace(/(\w)'(\w)/g, "$1’$2").replace(/'([^']*)'/g, "‘$1’"); This code does not work with the Rich Text Editor feature from MarcomCentral. The Rich Text Editor allows users to format text to be bold, italicized, centered, left aligned, etc. Can someone assist with editing the code above to ignore any text found between HTML tags to allow this to work with the Rich Text Editor? Thanks! Jason
  22. Dan, The PDF does contain smart quotes in both sections, where the white text is 100% correct. This white text uses a plain text form field. The black text is incorrect. Downloading the PDF, you will see the text in white has rounded curly quotes. When you zoom in to the black text, it's squared smart quotes. The text color is also black, when it should be 80% black and the font type is Helvetica when it should be Proxima Nova A Light. This black text form field uses a third party "Rich Text Editor" within MarcomCentral to allow users in the storefront to make the font changes. I'll post the Rich Text Editor question in the other forum you mentioned, but if you know what can be added to the code you originally provided to ignore any text found between and open tag (<) and closing tag (>), that would be extremely helpful. field = field.replace(/"([^"]*)"/g, "“$1”").replace(/(\w)'(\w)/g, "$1’$2").replace(/'([^']*)'/g, "‘$1’");
  23. https://images.printable.com/imagelibrary/Seller/1061/WebImages_07202016100114_277/images/src/1abk4uuy.pdf
  24. The image below shows the quotes correctly where the green background is, but the text has incorrect quotes. I also just noticed the font is not Promixa Nova which is used in the FusionPro template. As for the Rich Text Editor, this is a feature in MarcomCentral that allows users to choose to bold certain text, or italicize, as well as center and left align. I have two smart quote rules, one when a plain text form field is used in MarcomCentral, and another for the rich text form fields. The JavaScript Regular Expression for the Rich Text Editor seems to ignore any content within a tag <>. This extra part of the code contains data like (?=[^<>]*<) in one of the expressions I was previously using. Does this make sense and help determine the code needed?
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