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Everything posted by johper

  1. Thank you very much! Works perfectly!
  2. Hi, I'm creating a business card template and I have a problem getting rid of of a separator at the end of a text line when there's a line break. The customer can select different brands in a html checkbox list and automatically the selected brands align with comma between them. I have managed to replace the comma with dash and no break space and allow only linebreak after the dash. But I also want to remove the dash at the end of the line in case there is a line break. Image: http://s30.postimg.org/ajtqvu94h/procar.jpg This is code I´m using so far: var mystring = (Field("Extra line")) function NoBreak(s) { return s.replace(/ /g, " "); } mystring2 = NoBreak(mystring); var newchar = ' - ' mystring3 = mystring2.split(',').join(newchar); return mystring3; Any help would be appreciated.
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