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Everything posted by Dagoteo

  1. Hello Dan, FusionPro is the latest version, 9.3.6 and Mac's runs Mavericks. On the PC i have the latest version 9.3.9 and windows 7. Thanks
  2. Hello, Can someone tell me why this rule doesn't work on Mac? onRecordStart FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordCount = Field("nr"); if (FieldChanged("nr")) FusionPro.Composition.StartNewStack (); I tried it on a PC and it perfectly works. I need to obtain an output PDF with the job imposed the right number of times on the sheet. This number is the "nr" DB field. When the "nr" field change i need to start the new stack on another page of the same PDF. The attached file contains all the assets and the Mac error screenshot. Thanks Matteo Etichette_Matteo.zip
  3. Thank you Dan. I'll wait for the patch release. Matteo
  4. Hello, I installed Fusion Pro v9.3.9, but when i start inDesign 5.5 an error with the FP plugins appear. So i tried to delete from the folder adobe->indesign->plugin->PTI all the content and replace with the pugins i found in the PTI folder. It works but partially because i can define how to export all the page elements, but i can't export the document. When I click on "export document..." nothing happens. Any idea to solve this? Thanks Matteo
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