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Everything posted by mclisa81

  1. Worked perfectly! (ps - Thanks for cleaning up my code also!)
  2. Thanks Dan! I'll give that a try.
  3. That's probably the way I'll go since I'm on a tight schedule with this. I figured there may be a quicker way to do it in the rule so it would take care of any characters, not just ampersands. Just in case one of the thousands of errors that this 1 records threw, was for another problem character. Thanks again.
  4. Thanks for the quick response Don. I was trying to avoid going back to the data, unless I really needed to. I may have to do that if I can't get it to work with the rule. Thanks!
  5. I'm getting an error that I believe is related to the "&" ampersands in my external data. Incomplete entity definition TROUGH Unknown Entity &TROUGH; in record 169 From reading other posts, I'm pretty sure I need to insert the TaggedTextFromRaw function in my rule somewhere, so far everywhere I've tried has failed. returnStr = ''; if(FusionPro.Composition.isPreview == true || FusionPro.inValidation == true) { Rule("OnJobStart"); } numRecsExtDF = externalDF.recordCount; for (recordWalker=1; recordWalker <= numRecsExtDF; recordWalker++) { if (externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'Client No') == Field("Client No")) { returnStr += '<t>' + externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'Service Code') + '<t>' + externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'Service Name') + '<t>' + externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'Current Price') + '<t>' + externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'Price Effective 07/28/2014'); returnStr += '<br>'; } } return returnStr; Thanks in advance for any help Lisa FusionPro VDP software version 9.0.3 Windows 7 Acrobat Version Acrobat 9.x
  6. If only I had searched for Continuous page number instead of Continuous page count...I will be more diligent in my searches next time. Thanks again Dan!
  7. I searched the forum and there were questions like this, but no answers to them. I have overflow pages with varying page counts and I need to put a sequential number on every page of the final output. (not per record) For Example. I may have 1200 records and my output file for all 1200 records may be 28,000 pages. I need sequential pages numbers starting from 1 on the first page to 28,000 on the last page. Can this be done? Thanks in advance
  8. Thanks Dan that worked great.
  9. Is there a way to pad the numbers with zeros using the $pagenum and $pagecount variables?
  10. Yes, it was a combination of things including the leading. I was able to come in with a clear head and fix that. But I ran into another issue with the overflow pages after composing a big chunk of records. I'm working on that now. Thanks for your help though.
  11. THANK YOU!!! I was actually feeling quite pleased with myself to get as far as I did on this since it was my first try at a table...now I'm feeling less pleased, forgetting that important step. Anyway, it is ALMOST perfect. A problem with the bottom bar is still appearing when the tables flow onto the overflow page. Any Ideas?? THANKS AGAIN for your help Lisa
  12. Hi Dan, I followed your suggestion with the rounded corners, adding the graphics before and after the table. It seems to work fine in some instances, but in others it falls apart. I sent my template to PTI support, since you stated this was more complicated than what you do here, but they referred me back to the forum to have it debugged. Is there any way you or someone else on the forum, that like challenges, could take a look at the template and see what is causing the weird spacing issues. They happen when one or more of the tables are suppressed (and on overflow pages). I've included all the graphic files etc. along with the output which I've added arrows in the problem areas. Record 3, with all 3 charts is almost perfect except for when it goes to the overflow page, then the spacing is off. The other spacing issues are when one or more of the tables is not returned based on the data. It seems like it's just a matter of adjusting leading, but I've been doing that for days and I'm going crazy since it doesn't make sense that a table will be correct for 1 record and not for others:confused:. Thank you Lisa AllStatement_Haband_TEMPLATE_20.pdf supportingfiles.zip
  13. Is it possible to build a table with rounded corners? Thank you Lisa
  14. EXCELLENT! Thanks for all your help and Happy Holidays!
  15. Hi, Thanks for the quick reply! It's almost there. The only thing is that the last .pdf in the composition may not have 10 records, so it leaves the endcode blank on filename as below... ITEMNAME_3_codes_w6MZ_thru_.pdf Any idea for fixing that? I'm going to play around with the rule you sent me and see if I can come up with anything. Thanks for the help Lisa
  16. I have a rule that names my output files that I need some help with so it works correctly. I'm uploading my files for clarity if needed. FusionPro.Composition.outputFileName = "ITEMNAME_" + CurrentRecordNumber() + "_" + "codes_" + Field("Codes") + "_thru_" + Field("codeend") + "." + FusionPro.Composition.outputFormatExtension; 1) The CurrentRecordNumber needs to be changed to number the output files sequentially 1, 2, 3, etc. 2) I want to eliminate the Field "codeend" (which I put in manually each time) and use only the Field "Codes" to pull in the ending code # of each batch. Assuming for this example, I'm composing 23 records in batches of 10. My rule names the output... ITEMNAME_1_codes_X43c_thru_My1x.pdf ITEMNAME_11_codes_eX92_thru_P9Mt.pdf ITEMNAME_21_codes_w6MZ_thru_Z7e1.pdf What I'd like the files to be named, using only the Field "Codes" are... ITEMNAME_1_codes_X43c_thru_My1x.pdf ITEMNAME_2_codes_eX92_thru_P9Mt.pdf ITEMNAME_3_codes_w6MZ_thru_Z7e1.pdf Thanks in advance. Lisa Output_test_template.pdf filename.txt
  17. Hi, I believe if you check the box "Treat returned strings as tagged text" in your rule editor, that should do the trick. Lisa
  18. Actually this is the same issue I'm having using Fusionpro 9.0.3 on the PC. Although I only need to quit out of acrobat once after getting this error Collect finished with possible errors. Please check the log file in <>. I do need to move the previous files I have collected otherwise it will overwrite them, even though I've made new folders for the subsequent collects, it always overwrites.
  19. Thanks for the help John. I'll have to give it a try on Tuesday. - Lisa
  20. Hi Alex, The Bold version is installed. It's working correctly on another template page, but it's not stylized on that page. Possibly the "stylized Bold" isn't looking for "Bold"? Maybe Ultra or some other heavier style? I'm attaching a pdf of my output from Creator 9.0.3 (just updated this morning). P1 shows the word Bold, not working and P2 shows the Benton Sans Bold font that is working, not stylized. I tried to put in a help ticket in MarcomCentral but it's under maintenance. Is there some other way to upload my collected files or have someone look at the item in MarcomCentral? I've asked the customer for truetype fonts, but understandably, they're not to eager to purchase them. Thanks Lisa 13-636 Assoc pstcrd.pdf
  21. I'm not able to Bold or Italicize fonts using the Rich Text Editor and I was wondering if they need to be Truetype fonts to do this? The fonts I'm using now are Opentype and they're not working. Thank You Lisa
  22. Hi, I'm having problems with spacing when an ampersand is used in Marcom Central. It is composing correctly in FP Desktop 7.1 PC. I'm thinking it's possibly related to the rule I'm using. return '<lowercase>'+ReplaceSubstring(TaggedDataField("IntroOne"), " ", "  "); So when the client enters an ampersand somewhere in the field, space is being reduced before the ampersand AND the spaces are too large for the rest of the line. I'm attaching a screen capture of what I'm getting correctly in FP Desktop and incorrectly in Marcom Central. Thanks in advance, Lisa
  23. I forgot to mention something. This not the whole document. I have other pages within the template. Some static, some overflow (pulling in pdfs with unknown page counts). So, I guess the question is, I have the 1 blank page that works, giving me an even number of pages. Now, can the number of pages be counted and then blanks added if needed to be divisible x4. Would seeing the template help you, help me? Thanks again Lisa
  24. Dan, I need to modify this rule that you helped me with last year. Instead of just needing it to be an even page count, we have turned it into a saddlestitch book so in the end, the page count needs to be divisible x4. Is there a way to modify this existing rule to incorporate this change? var TotalFields = 67; var PrintVersions = new Array(); // Populate array with all versions printing in current record for (i = 0;i < TotalFields;i++) { if (Field(i+1) != "") { PrintVersions[i] = Field(i+1); } } // Set which pages print for current record for (n = 0;n < PrintVersions.length;n++) { var Front1 = PrintVersions[n] + "-front1"; FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(Front1,true); FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("BlankBack", PrintVersions.length % 2); } } Thanks for all your help Lisa
  25. Your suggestion worked perfectly, as usual. Thanks Dan!
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