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Everything posted by C.courtens

  1. hello, Sorry for my English, I'm french. I'm in trouble with my javascript code for a rule. I try to change the color of my text but fusion pro doesn't interprate the code, it just translate into html. var s = Field("tel"); s = s.replace(/\D/g,""); if (s.length == 10) { return "" + "" +Left(s,1) + "" + s.substring(1,2) +" " + s.substring(2,2)+ "" + s.substring(4,2) +" "+ s.substring(6,4) +" "+ s.substring(8,6) + " " +Right(s,2); } else { string1="!!!! NUMERO DE TELEPHONE NON CONFORME !!!!" ; return '<color name="red">' + string1 + "</color>"; } I just want to write a message if the phone number is not correct (10 numbers in my country), but FB write « <color name="red">!!!! NUMERO DE TELEPHONE NON CONFORME !!!!</color> » Can someone help me ?
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