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Everything posted by kristina3909

  1. Ok I have figured out the alignment now I just need to figure out how to format each field within the table.
  2. I am working on a table and am new to formatting and alignment etc. What I would like to do is format my date (MM/dd/yyyy), amounts (add $) and keep the first 2 column left aligned but right align the last 3 columns. Any help would be appreciated! var table = new FPTable(); table.AddColumns(8000,29500,7000,7000,5700); var data = FusionPro.GetMultiLineRecords(); for (var rec = 1; rec <= data.recordCount; rec++) { function ExField(str) { return '<p br=false linespacing=0.8>' + TaggedTextFromRaw(data.GetFieldValue(rec, str)); } var content = ["Trx_Date_From","Description","ApprovedAmt", "Payments","Balance"].map(ExField); var row = table.AddRow(); var [cell] = row.Cells; cell.Margins = { 'Top': 1, 'Bottom': 1, 'Left': 0, 'Right': 0 }; cell.VAlign = 'Bottom'; row.CopyCells(0, 1, 2, 3, 4); row.minHeight = 15 * 100; // 15 pt row height. row.SetContents.apply(row, content); } return table.MakeTags();
  3. I am using the desktop version and by original I mean the data source I am mapping to the template. I want to store that name and use it in a rule.
  4. Is there a way to store my original data source name? I would like to use the name of my flat file as a way to find the matching background image. For instance my data source name would be 12345.csv and I would like to use that in a rule to pull the associated background image 12345.pdf.
  5. This works perfectly! Thank you for your help!!
  6. I am using a rule within a text box to dynamically pull in pdf images. I am wondering if there is a way to add a frame just around the image. I have defined the width but since the pdf pages are different sizes the frame does not adjust. Below is the rule I am using to get the images. return "<graphic file=\""+Field("Order ID")+"_"+Field("Document ID")+".pdf\""+" width= 25000 pagenumber=1>"
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