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Everything posted by sperry

  1. Just found this... https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2370866 If your tools go missing... Under Preferences/General… The “Open Documents as new tabs in the same window” option needs to be turned on in order for FusionPro Tools to be available in the Customize Quick Tools window (with a FusionPro document opened, navigate to the View Menu-Show/Hide-Toolbar Items-Customize Quick Tools) Hope this helps someone!
  2. Is there a way within this formula to replace ALL spaces, instead of just the first one it finds? var zip = Field("Name"); return zip.replace(" ","<span><z newsize=9> </span>");
  3. Is there a way within this formula to replace ALL spaces, instead of just the first one? var zip = Field("Name"); return zip.replace(" ","<span><z newsize=9> </span>");
  4. Using the <smallcap> tag... If I enter: Quaistrasse 11 I get the 11 in small cap. If I enter: 11 Quaistrasse The 11 is the same size as the large cap. Seems like if the numbers are preceded by a small cap, it gets small cap applied, but if it comes before it, it gets normal (or large cap) sizing. Am I missing something?
  5. Thanks Thomas... that did the trick! Unfortunately, the Trajan i'm using doesn't have smallcaps built in, and Trajan Pro has the numbers smaller than the uppercase, which won't work for this design.
  6. Using font Trajan that has no lower case, so where do I add: '<smallcap>' "x" '</smallcap>' into this: var formatStyle04 = "$1.$2.$3 x $4"; //10 digit phone with extension to get the "x" for the extension to be small caps? Or somewhere else... or can it be done at all?
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