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Everything posted by KristiM

  1. Thank you, Douglas!!!!! I knew it was going to be something like that! I added ".content" and it worked like a charm!
  2. I am trying to insert a small box into a rule. I have two fields that may or may not contain data. If they have data, I need to return my graphic, a space, and the data from the field name. I have the graphic in resources and as an insert graphic rule. I have try both and either works correctly. Here is what I'm using. if (Field("allocation_name_1").length > 0) return Rule("insertbox") + " " + Field("allocation_name_1"); else return ""; I'm getting "Resource("box") Edith J. Carrier Arboretum" instead my graphic where the bold text is (The text doesn't come back as bold, nor do I want it to). Help!!!
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