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Posts posted by Hadrian

  1. I have to use the x and y coordinates before the rotation and not the values if they were rotated.......weak. On a visual standpoint that could be a headache if you need to troubleshoot Why cant FP say need the declaration of rotation or no rotation first and then use then use the true rotation alignment values? Got it to work but still a little backwards if you ask me.....my 2 cents.
  2. I took a screen capture (attached) with the x,y, width and height that the original or static text frame has. I then took those values in inches and plugged them into a record. I also took off the rotation angle object from the OnRecordStart. By all accounts the alignment of the more slender text frame should be aligned exactly on top of the static or original text frame similar to the larger text frame. The only difference is obviously the rotation but the values are the exact and it is still throwing it off. Are you saying i need to create some type of offset value?


  3. Noticed that the API gave one the ability to rotate text frames as well. I have been using the x,y, width and height successfully with a correct preview in the desktop environment as well. I am using an external database for the values (in inches) as the template has different attributes for the 2 frames being referenced. Once when I add the rotation value I get the frame completely off where it should be. If I take the rotation off the preview is correctly aligned. I attached a screen shot of where the frame X is 2.99 and the Y is 3 and its pretty far off. Any help from anyone familiar with my dilemma would be greatly appreciated.


    below is the js sample of what i am using

    tag_frame.x = BrochureXDF.GetFieldValue(fschool, "tag x")*7200;

    tag_frame.y = BrochureXDF.GetFieldValue(fschool, "tag y")*7200;

    tag_frame.width = BrochureXDF.GetFieldValue(fschool, "tag w")*7200;

    tag_frame.height = BrochureXDF.GetFieldValue(fschool, "tag h")*7200;

    dtp_frame.x = BrochureXDF.GetFieldValue(fschool, "dtp x")*7200;

    dtp_frame.y = BrochureXDF.GetFieldValue(fschool, "dtp y")*7200;

    dtp_frame.width = BrochureXDF.GetFieldValue(fschool, "dtp w")*7200;

    dtp_frame.height = BrochureXDF.GetFieldValue(fschool, "dtp h")*7200;


    tag_frame.x.rotationAngle = 270;


  4. I think i forgot to mention that i intended to use this in order to create a sequenced set of tickets



    NY 3000 number padded pieces in one file "0001", "0002", etc.


    I am only getting one record or padded record per file


    i was using this to number the pieces


    return FormatNumber("0000", 1 + FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordNumber - 1);

  5. I have a database that has specific quantities to output per store that I want placed in one PDF per store.

    Store Sticker Qty

    NY 3000

    CA 2500

    NV 3000

    TX 4000

    OR 2900

    FLA 1500



    I know i have to use repeat record count

    FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordCount = Field("Sticker Qty");

    and OnNewOutputfile

    FusionPro.Composition.outputFileName = Field("Store") + ".pdf";

    How do i get FP to output say all of the 3000 for the NY store to one pdf file and the 2500 for the CA store to another. I know that i can compose to multiple files but that asks for specific quantities per record. I am assuming i need to have FP know the start and stop per record and move to the next record. My question is what callback do i use when using repeatrecord?

  6. Is there a way to create and apply a text frame color that is not in the color library? For example, dynamically create C=43 M=43 Y=0 K=0 based on a text field entry or say an image file that is named "043-043-000-000.jpg".


    I know i would need to use something similar to the code below but that is referencing a color in the library. Is there a color value tag i can use?


    theBox = FindTextFrame("box");
       theBox.fillColorName = "Red"

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