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Everything posted by kbanks

  1. Hi Dan, Below is how i have my syntax, can you tell me what I'm doing wrong. <table columns = 1 alignment = “left” Margins="Top:5;Bottom:5;Left:5;Right:5" CellShading = "Yellow"> <column width = FusionProTextMeasure.CalculateTextExtent> <row><cellshading="Yellow"><cell><(variable name="Company")> </table> Thnx, Keith
  2. Hello, I think I already have the answer to this but thought I'd put it out here to be sure. Using FusionPro Desktop 6.2 I am trying to create a tagged text file that would allow me to highlight a variable field in my data with yellow. From what I have been able to read, and try, it appears that in this version the column width has to be set to a fixed number. Does anyone know if there is a way to create a var column width using this version of FusionPro? If so, would you please share the tag syntax in combination of applying a background color? Thanks, Keith
  3. I've created an entity for a Carriage Return using the text below but it doesn't work, does anyone know what should this be? &cr; 13 // carriage return
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