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Return Graphic File Name


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Hi, I'm trying to return a file name from a graphic upload and I'm not sure where to start with this. Ideally, I'd like to just create a blank rule that says if Field (x) = "", return ""; else return "uploaded file name only" (not the image, as this will be in the graphic frame.


Is this something doable?

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You should just be able to return the entire field value from a Graphic rule and assign that rule's name to your graphic frame.


That said, if you really do need just the file name, you can use the GetFileName function:

return GetFileName(Field("YourFieldName"));

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Dan, I've got the images showing up, but since there are multiple images in the template, the shop guys would like a page that names locations and which file goes with it.

I need to know more about the context in which this job is running. In your original post, you say, "I'm trying to return a file name from a graphic upload." What do you mean exactly by a graphic upload? Upload to what? Is this from a web form? If so, in what web application? MarcomCentral? EFI Digital StoreFront? Some other web app? Or something else?


Also, what do you mean by "names locations?"

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Dan, I'm running the template in WebCRD for garment printing. Its got 3 pages, the first 2 contain a variety of image locations. The third page purely is to label which location gets which file. Just looking to grab and write down data.


Your advice worked perfectly for what I was looking to do and its doing just what I need.


return GetFileName(Field("YourFieldName"));


Thanks for the help.

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