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Output Files to Specific Directory with OnJobStart

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I'm working on a rule to output files to a specific directory based on the letter designation on a data file. And I'm getting some odd errors that I have never got before and I'm not certain my regex is correct for what I need to do.


Our data files are named as the following:

20170405(A or B)_STD_(PC or DM)_record numbers-.txt

i.e. 20170405A_STD_PC_1-20000-.txt


I'm looking to place these in the following location:

D:\FPDirect\Submitted\RUN 20170405A\20170405A_PC_ALL


I started with the following code in a OnJobStart rule and it returned code 1071. I tried it in a OnRecordStart rule and it returned code 1112.


Here is what I am trying in the rules. I'm a novice at regex so bear with my code if it is completely wrong.


FusionPro.Composition.inputFileName = '[^2[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]A_STD_PC_1-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-.txt$]')


FusionPro.Composition.outputFileFullPathName = 'D:\FPDirect\Submitted\[^RUN 2[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]A\2[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]A_PC_ALL$]'


Any help would be appreciated. I am using the hot folders for the new Web Services dashboard and leaving the Output File location blank.

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You don't need to use regexp matching for this. Why not just split the input file name at the underscores?

var input = GetFileName(PrimaryInputFile()).split('_');
FusionPro.Composition.outputFileFullPathName = 'D:\\FPDirect\\Submitted\\RUN ' + input[0] + '\\' + input[0] + '_' + input[2] + '_ALL\\' + ReplaceFileExtension(input.join('_'), FusionPro.Composition.outputFormatExtension);

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You don't need to use regexp matching for this. Why not just split the input file name at the underscores?

var input = GetFileName(PrimaryInputFile()).split('_');
FusionPro.Composition.outputFileFullPathName = 'D:\\FPDirect\\Submitted\\RUN ' + input[0] + '\\' + input[0] + '_' + input[2] + '_ALL\\' + ReplaceFileExtension(input.join('_'), FusionPro.Composition.outputFormatExtension);



Would that work for all the file names? This is a list of all the file names that I would need to compose to the correct folders:






Would it work for when the file name changes to a B after the run number? We alternate weeks from A to B on an 8 week cycle.

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Would that work for all the file names? This is a list of all the file names that I would need to compose to the correct folders:






Would it work for when the file name changes to a B after the run number? We alternate weeks from A to B on an 8 week cycle.

Yes, it would work for all of those scenarios. Here's a breakdown of what I mean by "splitting the input file name at the underscores" that may make it easier to visualize:

var input = PrimaryInputFile(); // /path/to/20170405A_STD_DM_1-50000-.txt
input = GetFileName(input);     // 20170405A_STD_DM_1-50000-.txt
input = input.split('_');       // [  '20170405A',     <--- input[0]
                               //    'STD',           <--- input[1]
                               //    'DM',            <--- input[2]
                               //    '1-50000-.txt']; <--- input[3]

As you can see, when the file name is split at the underscore, the first position in the resulting array (input[0]) will be the correct run number regardless of whether an A or B is used since it simply takes everything up until the first underscore as that value.


The only issue I see is that all our data file names don't have the same number of input slots.

I don't know what that means.

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Thanks again for your help.


The part where I said the data file names don't have the same number of input slots is because we have proof files so when I have input[0], input[2] and I added an input[3], I get 20170405A_PC_test_undefined-.txt because we don't list the record numbers in the proof file names. As long as the files list the record numbers, I don't get an _undefined in the folder name.


Minor annoyance but we could just change our naming of the files.

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