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Inline graphic - Illustrator EPS


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I am trying to use an Illustrator EPS as an inline graphic.


Looking at the TagRefGuide.pdf supplied with FusionPro it says EPS graphics can be used.


When previewing the EPS graphic does not show up.

When composing the EPS graphic does not show up and it gives me an error in the error log:

Graphic is not found or is not processed properly: /Users/Desktop/Projects/Fee Mailing/Merge Links/Page 3 bar shorter v8.pdf

Check for file existence and that it is of the proper format.

PDF crop error: This file cannot be found.

I've tried saving in all the different Illustrator versions from 8 to CS6 - none work.


My rule is written like:


return '<graphic file="/Users/Desktop/Projects/Mailing/Merge Links/Page 3 bar shorter v8.eps">'

Saving as a pdf works, but I'd prefer to use EPS files since its one less step.




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There is a file called "Page 3 bar shorter v8-d72.pdf.log" that was created when I previewed the job. It's empty though.


Also a file called "Page 3 bar shorter v8.pdf.log" that was created during composition that is blank.


I've attached the eps in a zip file.


I have 3 other EPS files that I can't get to work.

Page 3 bar shorter v8.eps.zip

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I used an EPS in a different rule


if ((Field("2012 Claims Total") || Field("2013 Claims Total")) != '$0.00 ')

return CreateResource("//Users/Desktop/Projects/Fee Mailing/Merge Links/Claims Chart Misc Text.eps");

else return NullResource()

It did not preview but worked when I composed.



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Using a EPS in a graphic rule works in a graphic frame when composing but it does not show a preview.


if ((Field("2012 Claims Total") || Field("2013 Claims Total")) != '$0.00 ')  return CreateResource("//Users/Desktop/Projects/Mailing/Merge Links/Claims Chart Misc Text.eps");  else return NullResource()

But the EPS does not work when used as an inline graphic.


return '<graphic file="/Users/Desktop/Projects/Mailing/Merge Links/Claims Chart Misc Text.eps">'

Should I contact Tech Support?




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  • 2 years later...

Have you tried saving the file as a pdf? That's all I use anymore and never have issues regarding the file format. I make sure I save with the "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities" checked so I only have one file to keep track of. Also, you can use multiple pages in one file and use the "<resource>.pagenumber = x;" JavaScript to call any page from the file where "x" is the page you require.


I don't know if this is a "Best Practice" or not per Marcom, but it has sure worked well for me and has gotten rid of clutter. Also, you have to use the "Open" command or drop the pdf on the Illustrator icon to correctly reopen the saved pdf back in Illustrator.

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