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If/Then Statement


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Good afternoon everyone,


I have a business card that contains a phone and fax number on the same line which would be separated by a "/"


Neither number is mandatory so I need a script that will show the "/" only when both numbers are in use. Also the phone number when used needs to have a "Tel. " in front of it and the fax number needs to have a "Fax " in front of it.


Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Here you go:


if ((Field("Phone") != "") && (Field("Fax") != ""))


return Field("Phone")+"/"+Field("Fax");


else if ((Field("Phone") != "") && (Field("Fax") == ""))


return Field("Phone");


else if ((Field("Phone") == "") && (Field("Fax") != ""))


return Field("Fax");




return "";

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