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Hello - I recently upgraded to FP 7.2 and from what I can tell, we did not receive the IDAutomation 2D font. Has this happened to anyone else, and how can I go about receiving it?




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The IDAutomation2D font is included with the 7.2 release, however sometimes it takes an extra step to load. First, if you're using Vista or Win 7, you'll need to disable the Windows UAC control first. Afterwards, please browse to the following location on your computer to ensure that the font installed: On Mac, browse to the Hard Drive:Library:Fonts folder and ensure that it is listed. On Windows, open an explorer windows and browse to the C:\Windows\Fonts folder to ensure that the font has installed on the computer. Now in Acrobat, select the option to reload all fonts. Close and then reopen Acrobat. You should see the font listed in the Variable Text Editor now.
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