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Just: Illegal font lookup (font/pointsize not loaded)


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Has anyone seen this message before and how can we fix it. When we try to preview our document nothing shows and we got the following error when we compose.


Just: Illegal font lookup (font/pointsize not loaded)



OS: Mac 10.6.3

Font Manager: Suitcase Fusion

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The font maybe corrupt. Verify the font validates using Suitcase or FontBook. Also, FusionPro generates an error log that may contain the information regarding the font. Locate the file "fonts.err" located in

Mac HD : Library : Preferences : Printable : FusionPro : Fonts.

Open to view in Text Editor to see if there is information regarding this specific font.

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  • 8 months later...

I just ran into this very same issue. I am working on marcom product edits and now, all of a sudden, I am getting this error. Even on products that were just working fine this morning. It is as if something has gotten corrupted. It is not with any specific font, the fonts.err log is listing more fonts than I have ever seen it list before and it is almost every font on my system. I have restarted my machine to rule that out. To restate the issue at hand, once preview is selected nothing shows (all blank). I thought it may be a fluke so I composed the file and I get the error message "Just: Illegal font lookup (font/pointsize not loaded)" repeated many times. It also states that it is failing to load all of the graphics and even states failing to load the PDF itself. I am in a super cruch to get this project done and now this. Any expedited assistance is appreciated.




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Ok, well I have narrowed the issue down to what I believe to be font cache issues. I rebooted into an admin account on the machine and used Cocktail to clean all caches system and user level (mainly for font caches). Rebooted into safe mode to allow caches to be cleared in the user account. Rebooted once more, navigated to fusion fonts folder, removed all fonts and fonts.ini/fonts.err files. Started FP, loaded all fonts, quit FP, then started Acrobat and opened my template. I was still seeing funky preview display (showing up all jumbled jibberish), but it was ok upon composition. I then began diggin in the forum again and read a thread regarding deleting .ufk files. I did that and all is back to normal again. Any idea what caused this? It happened in between composing/collecting files, uploading, then opening the template again to edit (that's when everything went nuts).



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