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Posts posted by scubajbc

  1. If you go to the Global Settings, there are values for the ratio (sizes) and offset (baseline shift) for superscript and subscript characters.


    To get to Global Settings, open the text editor, click on paragraph, click on Global Settings...

  2. I'm not sure if I do it the right way but it works...

    I use the InDesign Export for FusionPro with the bleed set. When it opens up in Acrobat, I see no bleed. In Acrobat I go to crop and set CropBox:Top, Bottom, Left & Right to 0, click All Pages and then OK. Now Acrobat shows me the bleed, marks etc. and when I impose, the bleed shows as well.

  3. I created a job with Expression 3.1 and used Producer to create all the files for a job. I was able to choose CMYK tif @ 300dpi output and all was good. Then the customer wanted to run a few more, so I decided to set it up in FusionPro 7.1P1c (Mac) and not use producer. I wrote a pdf and everything looks OK, but I noticed the files rendered were RGB jpg @ 300dpi. Is there a way to set the Output Settings when generating the images through FusionPro?
  4. Here is how I would do this job. Export the 432 page .indd as a pdf and then do an Extract Pages from within Acrobat (extract pages as separate files) to make 432 individual pages named Ticket 1, Ticket 2, Ticket 3...etc.


    Then make an Excel file with 11425 rows and 3 columns...














    and so forth and save as a .csv. If you know Excel and how to fill cells efficiently, this shouldn't take too long. (It will take some time but iIt should be faster than trying to work with 432 different FusionPro files.)


    Then make a 1 page FusionPro file, make your text frames and fill in your numbers.

    Make a graphic rule for the front, something like..


    var ImagePath = "/Volumes/Jobs/MyJob/"; // this shows a Mac path not PC

    var ImageName = "Ticket " + Field("Ticket");

    return CreateResource(ImagePath + ImageName,"graphic",true);


    and a rule for the back

    return Resource(Field"BackVersion");

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