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Posts posted by mclisa81

  1. 19 hours ago, ThomasLewis said:

    I've run into this same issue. I don't think phone extensions are part of the vCard spec. Putting it under NOTE: or omitting it entirely, depending on the client, is how I've handled it.

    This is an easy to read resource for all the other options available: https://www.evenx.com/vcard-3-0-format-specification

    There are more under the version 4.0 spec but I'm not sure how widely adopted that is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard

    Thanks for that information! I think putting it under NOTE is the way to go.

  2. Hi,

    I'm wondering how to handle adding a telephone extension. I realize my code below isn't correct because it dials the whole number, including the extension. I saw a vCard that had the extension in the notes but can't find one that has the extension with the telephone number. Would that be the only way to accomplish this? My rule is below and I will upload my collected files. 

    // vCard format
    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard
    // Note that support for vCard may be more limited than for MECARD,
    // and that vCard requires more data to be encoded, resulting in a denser barcode.
    var info = {
       N: Field("Employee Name") + ';;;;' + Field("Suffix"),
       FN: Field("Employee Name") + ' ' + Field("Suffix"),
       ORG: Field("Title 2"),
       TITLE: Field("Title 1"),
       "EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=WORK": Field("Email"),
       "TEL;type=Cell": Field("Cell"),
       "TEL;type=Work1": Field("Work1") + ' ' + Field("Extension"),
       "TEL;type=Work2": Field("Work2"),
       "ADR;type=WORK": ";;" + Field("Address 1") + ';' + Field("City") + ';' + Field("State") + ';'
                               + Field("ZIP"),
    var result = ["BEGIN:VCARD", "VERSION:3.0"];
    for (var label in info)
       if (info[label])
           result.push(label + ":" + info[label]);
    return MakeQRBarcodeGraphic(result.join(Chr(13) + Chr(10)));

    One additional question. When I scan the QR Code using my iphone camera, it puts the email under the name at the top, which is incorrect. But when I add it as a contact and view it, the titles are under the name, as they should be. Is this just a glitch or can that be fixed somehow?

    Thank you in advance



    Business Cards code.zip

  3. Hi Scott,


    Thanks for getting back to me.


    I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing (or not doing), but the output isn't working correctly. I may have not explained it clearly the first time. I'll attach screen captures ... sorry, they're BIG screen captures.



    This is how my output looks now with the new rule ...







    This is what I need ...






    Thanks again,




  4. Good morning,


    I have a rule that I need a little help on.


    The client is sending us one very large pdf file and I need to split it into single record pdfs by the page count in their data.


    Record 1 would be pdf pgs 1-6

    Record 2 would be pdf pgs 7-10

    Record 3 would be pdf pgs 11-12

    Record 4 would be pdf pgs 13-16

    Record 5 wuold be pdf pgs 17-22



    Only using the "Count" column in the data, I have Record 1 working using the "graphicRuleNeedsHelp" rule. I just can't figure out how to add the previous record page Counts to the current record page Counts to get the start and ending numbers on the subsequent records.


    NOTE: I have a rule, "graphicRuleWorks" which works correctly because I added 2 columns to the data with formulas to get the "start" and "end" pdf pages. I can use this rule, however, I would rather just use their "Count" column they supply.


    I'm uploading the collected file for a visual.


    Thanks in advance,



  5. Thanks Dan,


    After removing the loop (which also fixed the double spacing on all the rows), the alignment is perfect (dates aligning under the days) using:


    Note: There's still a "different" spacing issue mentioned below on certain rows.




    I think I need to keep this:

    var title = '<p br=false quad=C><z newsize=12><leading newsize=-20>' + MonthName + '<br><br></color></leading>\n';

    Because, if you preview record 2, row1 is in the perfect position. The whole calendar looks like it should:





    However, record 1 does not:




    EDITED - I believe the issue with row1 on record 1 is that the empty cells do not have the same Margins or PointSize as the other cells. Is there a way to add Margins (Top and Bottom) and the PointSize to the empty cells? Or, is there a way to change the default Margins and PointSize (without affecting any other FusionPro jobs that is).



    I also changed this:

    row.Cells[day].VAlign = "Bottom";

    to this:

    row.Cells[day].VAlign = "Top";

    I'm assuming this only "appears" to have fixed record 2 because row5 with empty cells is now Top aligning. However, record 1, since there are empty cells on row1, you see the extra space below. I guess it doesn't matter if it's Top or Bottom, if we can get the Margin thing working correctly.




    I messed up in my original post by implying I only had questions on the bottom calendars. See boxed area on p2 of the template.


    I have white Text Frames behind all the dates that are knocking out the top rule behind the date:





    However, if there are empty cells (no dates), I need that Text Frame to be suppressed:




    Typically I would just write a rule to suppress if something is empty. However, I don't know where to incorporate that in the Calendar Function. I believe it would only be needed for the first 6 cells of row1 (Frames b1 through b6) and the bottom 7 cells of row5 (Frames b7-b13).


    I'm sorry I was less than clear originally. I was rushing, being given extremely short notice to produce this. That's no longer the case, so I can take the time to try and understand everything.


    Thank you for your detailed explanations and invaluable help as usual.






  6. This is a job we've done for years and they're trying to keep as much of it as "static" as possible. Only the Dates and Month/Year are to be variable components.


    I came in with a clear head ... found and fixed a few issues in my rule, but I'm still fighting with the same problems. Revised and re-uploaded the files. If anyone was looking into my first files, that's fine. I didn't change much and any help with them would be welcomed.


    All of these are for the calendars at the bottom of the page.


    When I use "AddColumns" and put in 7 different column widths, the leading between the dates messes up, but my columns align where I want them. When I use "AddColumn", which allows only 1 column, that fixes the leading between my dates, but the columns don't align. See p2 in the template for what I'm looking for.


    I have white boxes behind the calendar dates to knockout the static rules. I know how to suppress boxes, but I just don't know where/how to add this to the calendar function. There are 13 boxes I believe this could happen on, the first 6 on the top row and the complete bottom row. See p2 in the template for what I'm looking for.


    Not sure about the table width error either. I added up the columns and they don't exceed my frame widths. I opened up the text frames and still get the errors. I don't think this is messing anything up, just throwing an error.


    As always, any help is appreciated and thanks in advance!!



  7. Hi,


    I'm trying to generate a table for particular calendar months and ran into an issue. Since we are only allowing for 5 weeks, some dates need to be combined on the 5th row (see circled dates on p2 of the template for an example). I believe there would only be 3 different occurrences, 23/30, 24/31 or 23/30 and 24/31.


    I'm sure there is a way to do this but I'm stumped. I've uploaded the collected files.


    Thanks in advance for any help.



  8. Hi,


    This is a 2 part problem. I'm trying to match (or come close) to the 2 static examples at the top of the template page.


    1) I need the space between the $ and the 1 closed up. I'd actually like it a more closed up between all the numbers if possible since the client may ask for that after they see the proof.

    2) I need tighter tracking on the word "OFF".


    In both cases if I remove the superscript tag from my function/rule, it sees the tracking tag.



    My javascript global

    function YourPrice(price)
       var newYourPrice = "";
    var trimPrice = price.replace(/[^\d\.]/g,''); // Strips out anything that's not a digit or a decimal
    var decimalPrice = FormatNumber("0.00", trimPrice); // Formats to 2 decimals
       var SuperPrice = decimalPrice.split(".")[1]; // Everything to the right of the decimal
       var SuperPriceNoZero = SuperPrice.replace(/00/g, "");
       var NormalPrice = decimalPrice.split(".")[0]; // Everything to the left of the decimal
       var regOneMatch = /1/g;
       var NormalPrice1 = NormalPrice.replace(regOneMatch, "<tracking newsize=\"-12\">1</tracking>");
       var dollar = "<tracking newsize=\"-40\">$</tracking>";
       if (price != "")
           // If the price doesn't start with zeros, format as $x.xx
           if (NormalPrice1.replace(/0/g,'')){
               newYourPrice = '<p override="true" br="false" superratio="44" superoffset="95"><superscript>' + dollar + '</superscript>' + NormalPrice1 + '<p override="true" br="false" superratio="44" superoffset="95"><superscript>' + SuperPriceNoZero + '</superscript>';
           // If the price is cents only, format as: xx¢
           else {
               newYourPrice = '<tracking newsize="-5">' + SuperPriceNoZero + '</tracking>' + '<z newsize="8">' + " " + '<z newsize="50">' + '<p override="true" br="false" superratio="44" superoffset="95"><superscript>' + "¢" + '</superscript>';
    return newYourPrice;


    The off rule

        newOffPrice = Field("Value2");
       off = newOffPrice.replace(/ /g, '<span><z newsize=25>' + " " + '</span>');
       OffPrice1 =  '<span><z newsize=30> </span>' + '<span><p override="true" br="false" superratio="60" superoffset="50"><tracking newsize="-12"><uppercase>' + off +'</span></tracking>';
       return OffPrice1;


    I'll upload the template if that will help.


    Any help is appreciated since I'm on a tight deadline for this.






  9. Hi Jason,


    Here is my final code ...


    On Job Start

    FusionPro.Composition.forcePreprocessing = true;


    On Record Start

    FusionPro.Composition.composeThisRecord = FusionPro.Composition.inPreprocessing || [1,FusionPro.Composition.totalRecordCount].indexOf(CurrentRecordNumber()) > -1;



  10. Hi Ste,


    I've already finished this job, however, I'm now trying your suggestions since they're a few less steps. Both of them are composing the first record (1) only. Any ideas?


    On Job Start

    FusionPro.Composition.forcePreprocessing = true;


    On Record Start

    var ranges = [ 1, FusionPro.Composition.totalRecordCount ];
    function CheckRanges(val)
     for (var i in ranges)
       if (val == ranges[i] || ((ranges[i] instanceof Array) && val >= ranges[i][0] && val <= ranges[i][1]))
         return true;
     return false;
    FusionPro.Composition.composeThisRecord = CheckRanges(CurrentRecordNumber());





  11. Hi,


    I have 44 data files that I'm pulling in one at a time into my template and composing only the first and last record of each for proof pdfs. I am going in and modifying the rule each time, changing the last record since they are all different record counts. I'm sure there's a way to automate this to make it less painful. Any help is appreciated.


    var ranges = [ 1, 225 ];
    function CheckRanges(val)
     for (var i in ranges)
       if (val == ranges[i] || ((ranges[i] instanceof Array) && val >= ranges[i][0] && val <= ranges[i][1]))
         return true;
     return false;
    FusionPro.Composition.composeThisRecord = CheckRanges(CurrentRecordNumber());
    return FusionPro.Composition.composeThisRecord;


    Thanks in advance,


  12. I put in a support ticket for this but the suggestion to optimize the pdfs didn't fix the problem so I'm hoping maybe someone in the User Community has run into this and can offer some help or suggestions.


    We're currently using Acrobat 9.5.5 with Fusion Pro 9.2.3 software on a PC running Windows 7. Our IGEN3 is running a CREO rip on Windows XP.


    The first .vps of our compositions crash at the IGEN rip. It doesn't happen on every composition but about half of them. Every subsequent .vps in the run will rip as expected.


    They've recently updated the software on the rips. The IGEN operators are clearing the cache, I'm told, after every job is run.


    A ticket was submitted Xerox and they tested our .vps files and their reply...

    "I am seeing the same fault that you are. I cannot find the reason for the fault or any setting on the Creo that will eliminate the fault. Unfortunately, I can also not send this into engineering for analysis since they are no longer accepting problem tickets for the iGen3 or any of its connected DFEs."


    Does anyone have any ideas or has anyone experienced a similar issue?




  13. Thanks Dan.


    First thing, I'll update to 9.2.


    I did think tables at first, then decided on tabs because I am more familiar with them. What makes tables better than tabs? Would tables speed up the composition also?


    Since you guys were able to compose without any problems, it leads me to believe it's not a FusionPro issue (if it still doesn't work after updating). I'm going to clean out some temp files on my computer. If no luck, I'll rebuild as tables. I've got to start composing early tomorrow, I'll figure something out. Thanks!!

  14. Not my day today...Hopefully the last question (of this job :))...


    I'm getting the error "dlpdfdocwritepdf, progress Doc->PageCount is zero error" on record 1 of the uploaded template. I've read this is caused when a job doesn't generate output. It works fine for record 2 (and all other records in my live data) and the only difference is the large amount of pages that will be produced in record 1 (about 56). It always throws the error on page 36.


    Could be related to my OnPageCount and OnPageNumber rules?? I don't think I have these set up right, but they're working. Although they may be sloooowing down my composition the way they are.


    FYI - I tricked the file uploader and put a .pdf on the end of the "Standard Letter Fee Schedule Discount June 27 mailing_r1.pdf" it should be .txt. - My file size was too big as a .txt :)


    Once again, thank you all for your help!!


    Standard Letter with Discount Fee Schedule June 27 Mailingr3.txt

    Standard Letter Fee Schedule Discount June 27 mailing_r1.pdf


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