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Posts posted by Natea11

  1. This is exactly what I have been looking for. Well, almost.


    What would the complete rule on this look like? Create an email address by combining the first initial of the first name (FName Field) with the last name (LName Field) and then place "@company.com".



  2. I've got a client that is putting together an order form and was wondering if there is a way to right a rule to the effect of something like this.


    If fields "Name", "Address", "Phone# and "Recipient#" are empty return graphic "Contact". Basically, if all those fields are empty they want to place a graphic in the same space that has lines so that someone can hand write in.




  3. Wondering if it's possible to have a label that's two words. Ex. toll free:

    Every time I try to validate this, I get a SyntaxError: missing : after property id on line 6


    Here's my rule:


    var labels =


    phone: Rule("Phone Rule"),

    mobile: Rule("mobile rule"),

    fax: Rule("Fax Rule"),

    toll free: Field("Toll Free"),

    email: Field("Email Address"),




    var result = [];

    for (var l in labels)


    if (labels[l])

    result.push(l + ": " + labels[l]);



    return [result.join("\n")]

  4. I'm looking for a fusion pro rule that will automatically position contact input from three fields four different ways. I imagine this would be achieved through a "if, result" scenario.


    Variable fields are "phone" (required), "fax" (optional) and "cell" (optional) presented in a data pattern as such (###) ###-####.


    Here's the if, result scenario.

    1. If just the "phone" field has content then it's alone on one line and will appear as " t (###) ###-#### "

    2. If the "phone" and "fax" are supplied the result will be " t (###) ###-#### | f (###) ###-#### " all on one line.

    3. If "phone" and "cell" the result is " t (###) ###-#### | c (###) ###-#### "

    4. The last scenario is if "phone" , "fax" and "cell" are supplied the result is " t (###) ###-#### | f (###) ###-#### <br> or hard return and c (###) ###-#### " so telephone and fax are on one line and the cell gets placed on the line below.


    Here's what I have so far. It's return the phone, but that's all. And I don't think there's any data pattern.


    if (Field("Fax") == "") and (Field("Cell") == ""); // Both Fax and Cell are empty

    return ("p " + Field("Phone")); // returns just the Phone #

    } else if ([Field("Fax") !== "") and (Field("Cell") == ""); // Fax is not empty and Cell is empty

    return ("p" + Field("Phone")" | " "f " + Field("Fax")"<br>"); // returns Phone number & Fax

    }else if (Field("Fax") == "") and (Field("Cell") !== ""); // Fax is empty and Cell is not empty

    return ("p" + Field("Phone")" | " "c " + Field("Cell")"<br>"); // returns Phone number & Cell

    } else // Last default resort, all fields contain something so you need the last scenario...

    return ("p " + Field("Phone")" | " "f" + Field("Fax")"<br>" "c " + Field("Cell")"<br>"); // returns all the items


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