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Posts posted by PrintNW

  1. I have a rule that counts the pages in a given PDF file.

    What I need to do is have this page count (either 1 or 2) be applied to a hidden form field. Then I can apply this field name to the SKU. For example, SKU: Flyer-Tacoma-1 or SKU: Flyer-Seattle-2

    I've tried modified Switch rules and OnRecordStart rules, but so farI can get anything to actually insert a number, or choose a selection from a drop[-down box for a given form field.


    Is this something that is even possible? Or is there another way to apply data from a rule to a SKU in Marcom?

  2. Sorry, it's not working.

    I tried "FusionPro.Composition.isPreview" and "IsDesktopPreview()" and neither one removes the frame from the preview.

    Additionally, because I'm trying to simply hide something in the background when the job is composed and imposed, I switched the frame to a TextFrame and filled it with white in the background. Now my OnRecordStart rule reads:

    FindTextFrame("Cover").suppress = IsDesktopPreview()

    but it still appears in both the preview window and the imposed print PDF.

    This will eventually be for a Digital Storefront product, but uploaded to Marcom for the time being. Basically, I need a white box to appear when the final imposed PDF is created (covering up a logo) but when the product is previewed, I need the white box to be gone (revealing the logo).

    Any thoughts?

  3. I'm looking for a wal (and a rule configuration) that will hide an image frame during preview, but will create or display it during composition.

    Essentially this would work like a watermark, where the preview is not covered by any graphic, but when the product is composed (and imposed) the graphic is revealed.

    I've seen the following rule:


    FindGraphicFrame("Cover").suppress = !FusionPro.Composition.isPreview;

    Which sounds like the opposite of what I'm looking for.

    Any ideas on how I can do this?

  4. I have a font that uses a very unique style for the "@" symbol which my client likes. The only problem is that this symbol does not appear in the standard ASCI keyboard - it can only be accessed using the Glyph menu in InDesign.

    I've read over other post from people with similar problems, but unfortunately their solutions (usually requiring replacing the symbol with one from another font file or creating a completely new font file using a font building program) will not work for me. So here is my idea...


    Would it be possible to use an Inline Graphic to replace the @ symbol? In other words, I've created an .EPS file of the required symbol and it is exactly the size required. My thought was to somehow read the supplied email address, and replace the @ symbol with my EPS file, but have the rest of the email address use the required font.


    Is this possible? If so, what would the code for the Rule look like?

  5. Dan, I finally was able to get it to work. The code I used looked this:

    FusionPro.Composition.impositionSheetSlugText = "Job# " + FusionPro.Composition.JobOptions["MCC_OrderNumber"] + " / SKU# " + FusionPro.Composition.JobOptions["MCC_OrderLineItemSKU"];


    And it gave me a slugline that looked like this: Job# TEST1049 / SKU# pt-61


    Thanks again for all your help!


  6. Okay Dan, I'm almost there. (Thank you SO MUCH for your help by trhe way)

    I used your rule syntax in my OnJobStart rule, checked the Page Info box when I was composing and tested it out on my Marcom web site. And it worked!

    The only problem I have now is that I can't seem to create the proper sytax for using more than one parameter. In other words, I'd like to use JobTicketNumber and OrderLineSKU together in my slugline. But so far, every attempt I make creates an "unidentified" label in my slugline.

    My most promising attempt looked like this:

    FusionPro.Composition.impositionSheetSlugText = FusionPro.Composition.JobOptions["MCC_JobTicketNumber" + " - " + "MCC_OrderLineItemSKU"];

    So far nothing I do can get a result that looks like this: TEST1002 - HB-BC-Card


    Any thoughts on how to achieve this?

  7. Dan,

    What I'm looking for is some control over what is placed in the infoslug line.

    I've comtacted Marcom support and all they were able to tell me was:


    Currently, you can't place variable fields in the slug line of an fpi file but you can put certain items from the .cfg file into the template. Those items are:








    While I'd like to use some of these variables, I can find no resources to tell me how to apply them.

    I'm assuming I need to create an OnJobStart rule (lets call it slugline) then apply some of these variables to that rule. Lastly I'd create a text box outside of the print area taht includes this rule. Is that correct?

    If so, I can find no resources that tell me the proper syntax for writing this rule.


    Can you help? Lets say I want a slug which displays the "MCC_JobTicketNumber" and the "MCC_OrderLineItemSKU" I haven't gotten much help from Marcom so far so any assistance you can give would be appreciated.



  8. I'm looking for a list of variables and the required syntax, to add custom dynamic content into a slugline.

    I'm creating templates for use on Marcom Central and I'd like to be able to simply add this dynamic slug (referencing date, job ticket number, etc) to the slugline field in FusionPro Imposer.

    If this program won't accept dynamic code, then I suppose I can add it in my FusionPro template - as long as I know the proper coding.

    Can anyone tell me of a website or PDF document that lists all acceptable variables for this?


  9. Okay, this works great, however, now that I look at it I realize that I made this too simple (of course, right).

    We are not open on Saturday and Sunday, so the days added need to be adjusted based on the day the item is ordered. I played with variations of the following code, but it still doesn't work correctly.


    All orders placed Thurs after 10 are due Mon at noon.

    All orders placed Fri before 10 are due Mon at noon.

    All orders placed Fri after 10 are due Tue at noon.

    All orders placed Sat or Sun (at any time) are due Tue at noon.

    All other days and times foilow the old formula


    Here is my last attempt:


    var myDate = new Date(); // current local date and time
    myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate()+1); // add one day
    var theDate=new Date(Today());
    var weekday=new Array(7);
    var newDay = weekday[theDate.getDay()]; 
    if ((newDay=0) && (myDate.getHours() >= 10))
    else if ((newDay=1) && (myDate.getHours() >= 10))
    else if ((newDay=2) && (myDate.getHours() <= 10))
    else if ((newDay=2) && (myDate.getHours() >= 10))
    else if (newDay=3)
    else if (newDay=4)
    myDate.setSeconds(0); // set to noon
    return FormatDate (myDate,"mm/dd/yy - hh:nn")+" Noon";


    Any ideas?

  10. I need some help with a complex formula.

    I need to create a rule that will grab the current date and time, add 24 hours to it, and then return a date value that is either one day later (if the current time is earlier than 10:00 AM) or two days later (if the current time is later than 10:00 AM).

    In other words, I want to display a due date that is 12:00 noon of the next day if the user is placing an order before 10:00 am, but displays a due date of 2 days later, at 12:00 noon, if the user is placing an order after 10:00 am.

    By the way, there aren't any fields being referenced. I'm strictly using the getDate or getTime feature.

    I won't bother posting all my various rule attempts. But I've played with converting and comparing the date to milliseconds, looked at samples of setting future due dates found here on the message boards and various formatting options. Suffice it to say that I'm now completely lost - lol.

    Can you please help?

  11. Okay, new issue.

    My number formatting is not working correctly.

    If I use the code as you supplied it, the price cuts off if the price ends in zeros (so that $1.10 appears as $1.1). I tried correcting this by changing the format to look like this:


       return '$'+ FormatNumber("#,###.00##", totalPrice);


    But that causes the amount to read as $1.10000


    Any ideas on what I can do?

  12. I have a calculation script that is meant to subtract one dollar amount from another and then format the result into either ##¢ (for cents results) and $##.## (for dollar results).

    I've worked out the subtraction, but the formatting is getting thrown off because the the result of the subtraction id not correct. For example, when I subtract 6.49-5.89 the result is 0.6000000000000005 and when I subtract 7.00-5.89 the result is 1.1100000000000003. This all occurs even before my currency formatting script begins.

    Can someone please look at the code below and help me determine how to correct it? Or, if possible, provide me with an alternative script to accomplish what I want?

    Thanks in advance.

    Lee Francis,

    Print NW


    var prc1 = Field("LRG Cheese Pizza Only Price");
    var prc2 = Field("Base Price - Pepperoni");
    var totalAmount = StringToNumber(prc1 - prc2);
    // Used only to see how FPD was calculating
    // return totalAmount
    if (totalAmount.length < 3)
       return FormatNumber("##", totalAmount)+'¢';
       return '$'+ FormatNumber("#,###.##", totalAmount);

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