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Posts posted by Admin1676454018

  1. (Originally from user Dsweet)


    It also works on my computer (desktop version only), but not on our server via a command line. That's my problem -- I don't want to process 100,000 or more records at a time using my desktop alone. This small process took about 15 seconds to do 26 records. Image how long it would take to do the full 100,000! That would be over 16 hours to do this on my desktop - assuming a constant process speed and that the actual pdf files won't be any bigger than the sample files of 140k. A full day of time that I lost since I can't use the FusionPro server version for this. I'm assuming that it would compose faster on server, as well as the facts that being on server we could automate the process and it wouldn't tie up my computer and time for the full day.


    I'm beginning to wonder why we purchased the server version at all if it doesn't function in the same manner as the desktop version does. It seems that we might have done just as good to purchase several standalone software packages and just linked them to several computers to do the processing.

  2. There has to be something about the path you are defining. I took the job and changed the output path to C:\Temp\Output (since that exists on my computer) and it worked. I made no other changes (including to the filename - just the path).


    JavaScript is case-sensitive - is the capitalization of the actual directory name the same as it is on the server?



  3. (Originally from user Dsweet)




    Did a quick search for OnNewOutputFile and only got this thread as a response.


    I will be having a recurring project that will be fed nearly 100,000 or so records at a time and the desire is to create separate output pdf files for each record based on unique field entries in the data file. I thought that this would be tailor-made for this callback rule. However I have one major glitch in the process. The rule works on my desktop version, but not on the server? Both Acrobat and FusionPro are the same version (Acrobat 8.1.2 - FusionPro 4.2P1d) with the only difference being I'm working on Widows XP Pro and the server is Windows 2000 (sp4 installed).


    I've tried both the full pathname and the basic output file version of this callback rule and get the same results with each. This is the coding for the two versions of the rule that I used...



    FusionPro.Composition.outputFileName = Field("jobID") + "_testFile_" + Field("Market Code") + ".pdf";


    full pathname...

    FusionPro.Composition.outputFileFullPathName = "D:\\fusionProJobs\\testBatch\\" + Field("jobID") + "_testFile_" + Field("Market Code") + ".pdf";


    I've put report message lines at the entrance and exit of the rule to help track the composition. I've also made certain that the path is acurate for both systems. I had my computer drives remapped to match the drive letters for the servers that we use. I've also tried the unc path name thinking that it still might be possible that a location error might occur. Still the same result.


    When I compose the template on my desktop, the message file contains the following...

    Job started 13:48:56 - 1223920136.

    OnNewOutputFile, line 1: Entered OnNewOutputFile

    OnNewOutputFile, line 3: Exited OnNewOutputFile

    Begun composing record #1

    OnNewOutputFile, line 1: Entered OnNewOutputFile

    OnNewOutputFile, line 3: Exited OnNewOutputFile

    Begun composing record #2

    OnNewOutputFile, line 1: Entered OnNewOutputFile

    OnNewOutputFile, line 3: Exited OnNewOutputFile

    Begun composing record #3

    OnNewOutputFile, line 1: Entered OnNewOutputFile

    OnNewOutputFile, line 3: Exited OnNewOutputFile

    Begun composing record #4

    OnNewOutputFile, line 1: Entered OnNewOutputFile

    OnNewOutputFile, line 3: Exited OnNewOutputFile


    ...and so on through to the end of the data file - just as I would expect. However the same file that is created on server contains...


    Job started 13:52:44 - 1223920364.


    ... and that's it! The only message that I do get is in the command window when I envoke FusionPro and it states...


    Composing Document...

    Reading input

    Reading input

    Reading input



    FusionPro has encountered a fatal error and must abort.

    If the problem persists, please call Printable Technical Support.



    It appears that FusionPro doesn't even get to the callback rule at all or the entrance message would have been contained in the file. I've gone this route last year with Printable Technical Support, and even sent them files to work on. I'm still waiting to hear back from them.


    I just wondered if anyone can see a problem in my coding, or if someone else has had this situation and figured a solution to it. I REALLY don't want to have to do this project via a desktop composition. This is why we bought the server version for in the first place.


    David A. Sweet

    Variable Data Specialist

    HKM Direct Market Communications

  4. And while you can subscribe to certain threads, most boards don't have the ability to have the best of both worlds - the themed discussions and the increased speed and usability of e-mail lists.


    Is there a way in this forum to do both?

    Hi Marcus,


    Thanks for the thoughts. We've set the forum so that, by default, you are subscribed to any thread that you start or reply to. Instead of having to check the forum on a regular basis (which we would love to have you do but we also know you need to get work done), you will receive an email saying that someone has replied.


    Additionally, but not yet installed, is a plug in that will allow you to subscribe to specific discussion forums (areas). This way, if you subscribe to the Web to Print forum, for example, you can be notified whenever a new thread is started, regardless of whether or not you have participated in that thread.


    Since this forum is in its infancy, we are still looking at additional functionality, so please keep the ideas coming.

  5. Thanks so much for the positive feedback, especially when the community is in its infancy. We're planning some more features to make this even easier to use and follow!


    If you are one of our web to print users (a Manager and Dashboard customer), then the W2P (web to print, get it?:D) is the forum for you.


    Since it is available only to our FusionPro Web customers, you need to request to join.


    To request membership, go to "My Settings" and, under the Networking section in the left hand menu, select "Group Memberships".


    Thanks again and keep watching.

  6. If you compose a job and, for some reason, your fonts are not appearing, make sure you run the Load Fonts utility from the FusionPro menu. This needs to be done whenever you add new fonts or activate fonts through a font manager program.



  7. This sample job shows how multiple variable PDF graphic files, each of an unknown page-count, can be inserted into a FusionPro template as inline graphics into a text frame. This sample includes all sample files and heavily commented JavaScript that shows how this logic is created.


    To accomodate the varying and unknown page count as well as number of PDF graphics to be inserted in each record, the advanced "Automatic Page Insertion" option in FusionPro is used. This option, also called "Page Overflow" is a function of a variable text frame. Designed initially to accomodate varying text content length, the functionality also allows for multiple graphic file insertions and is a great solution when each data record requires an unknown and possibly extremely variable set of variable graphics.


    Pay special attention to the variable frame settings especially the size of the frames and the settings in the "Paragraph" dialogue (inside of the variable text editor).


  8. // This rule allows you to apply a color to a variable.


    // There are three methods of specifying a color – using the color's name from the color dictionary, using the RGB value, using the CMYK value.

    // Both the RGB and CMYK declarations use the Hexadecimal values.


    // In the code, all three methods are listed. Simply remoev the methods you don't want and apply the correct value.

    // For example, to apply "blue", <color name = "Blue">, <color RGB = "0000FF">, or <color CMYK = "FFE61900">


    // The final line resets the color back to "black"



    if (Field("fax") == "")

    return "";



    return "Fax: "+ "<color name = \"Blue\"> <color RGB = \"0000FF\"> <color CMYK = \"FFE61900\">" + Field("fax") + "<color name= \"Black\">";

  9. Instructions:

    This Phone Formatting Rule can accept any US format (barring major user error) and style it to conform to design guidelines.

    If the user enters a phone number that does not meet any traditional US styles, it will be returned back into the template just as the user entered it.


    Here is a small list of the numbers that it can accept:

    847-6608 or 847.6608 or 847*6608

    858-847-6608 or 858.847.6608 or (858)847-6608 or (858)-847*6608

    1-858-847-6608 or 1.858.847.6608 or 1(858)847-6608 or 1-(858)-847*6608 or +1 (858)8476608

    any of the above numbers with extensions using x, ext, ext., extension, no, number, or #



    1. JavaScript in a txt file

    2. Sample template with Javascript Phone Formatting and Roll-up Rules (Note, the Rule in the sample may not be the most current, please use the attached text file for the Script)


    End User Instructions:

    1. create a new DL Rule and copy and paste the attached JavaScript from the text file into the Rule.

    2. point the Rule to a variable by modifying the "Field("phoneNumber")" (line 7 below) where phoneNumber is the variable for the phone field.

    3. change the format styles to look any way needed (commas, dashes, dots, parens, etc. (lines 1 to 6 below), eg. var formatStyle04 = "$1.$2.$3 ext.$4" will look like 858.847.6600 ext.608.

    4. insert the Rule where you want the Phone Number to appear with the formatting applied.




    ************************This is what the user will see to edit***********************



    var formatStyle01 = "$1.$2"; //simple 7 digit phone, could look like $1-$2

    var formatStyle02 = "$1.$2.$3"; //simple 10 digit phone, could look like ($1) $2-$3

    var formatStyle03 = "+$1 $2.$3.$4"; //10 digit phone starts with 1

    var formatStyle04 = "$1.$2.$3 ext.$4"; //10 digit phone with extension

    var formatStyle05 = "+$1 $2.$3.$4 ext.$5"; //10 digit phone starts with 1 with extension

    var formatStyle06 = "$1.$2 ext.$3"; //7 digit phone with extension


    var thisNumber = Field("phoneNumber");





    Copy and paste everything below this line:



    // This rule allows the user to enter a phone number in any format the want and then have FusionPro re-format

    // the number according to your preferences.


    // To define the separator characters (between the area code, exchange, and number) simply type the character

    // between the $1, $2, and $3 in the first six lines of code. By default, the separattor character is a decimal (.).



    var formatStyle01 = "$1.$2"; //simple 7 digit phone

    var formatStyle02 = "$1.$2.$3"; //simple 10 digit phone

    var formatStyle03 = "$1.$2.$3.$4"; //10 digit phone starts with 1

    var formatStyle04 = "$1.$2.$3 ext.$4"; //10 digit phone with extension

    var formatStyle05 = "$1.$2.$3.$4 ext.$5"; //10 digit phone starts with 1 with extension

    var formatStyle06 = "$1.$2 ext.$3"; //7 digit phone with extension

    var formatStyle07 = "$1.$2"; //7 digit phone can end in non-digits

    var formatStyle08 = "$1.$2 ext.$3"; //7 digit phone can end in non-digits with extension

    var formatStyle09 = "$1.$2.$3"; //7 digit phone can end in non-digits starts with 1

    var formatStyle10 = "$1.$2.$3 ext.$4"; //7 digit phone can end in non-digits with extension starts with 1


    var thisNumber = Field("Phone1");


    // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


    return formatNumber(Trim(thisNumber));

    function formatNumber(number01){

    var pattern01 = /^(\d{3})[^\w]*(\d{4})$/; // 2201727 or 220-1727 or 220- 1727

    var pattern02 = /^[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})$/; // 8002201727 or 800-220-1727 or (800)220-1727 or (800) 220-1727

    var pattern03 = /^\+?(\d{1})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})$/; // 18002201727 or 1-800-220-1727 or +1 (800) 220-1727

    var pattern04 = /^[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})\D*[x#n]\D*(\d+)$/; // 800-220-1727 ext 12345 or (800) 220-1727 ext 12345

    var pattern05 = /^\+?(\d{1})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})\D*[x#n]\D*(\d+)$/; // 1-800-220-1727 ext 12345 or +1 (800) 220-1727 ext 12345

    var pattern06 = /^(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})\D*[x#n]\D*(\d+)$/; // 2201727 ext 1234 or 220-1727 ext 1234 or 220- 1727 ext 1234


    var pattern07 = /^(\d{3})[^\d]*(\w{7})$/; // 800LETTERS or 800-LETTERS or 800- LETTERS

    var pattern08 = /^(\d{3})[\D]*(\w{7})\D*[x#n]\D*(\d+)$/; // 800LETTERS ext 1234 or 800-LETTERS ext 1234 or 800- LETTERS ext 1234

    var pattern09 = /^\+?(\d{1})[\D]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\w{7})$/; // 1800LETTERS or 1-800-LETTERS or +1 (800) LETTERS

    var pattern10 = /^\+?(\d{1})[\D]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\w{7})\D*[x#n]\D*(\d+)$/; // 1-800-LETTERS ext 12345 or +1 (800) LETTERS ext 12345

    var patternEndExt = /(.)[x#n](.)/;

    var patternStart1 = /^[\D]*[1]/;


    number01 = number01.replace(pattern01, formatStyle01);

    return number01;

    } else if(number01.match(pattern02)){

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern02, formatStyle02);

    return number01;

    } else if(number01.match(pattern03)){

    if (number01.match(patternStart1)){

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern03, formatStyle03);

    return number01;

    } else {

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern06, formatStyle06);

    return number01;


    } else if(number01.match(pattern04)){

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern04, formatStyle04);

    return number01;

    } else if(number01.match(pattern05)){

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern05, formatStyle05);

    return number01;

    } else if(number01.match(pattern06)){

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern06, formatStyle06);

    return number01;

    } else if(number01.match(pattern07)){

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern07, formatStyle07);

    return number01;

    } else if(number01.match(pattern08)){


    number01 = number01.replace(pattern10, formatStyle10);

    return number01;

    } else {

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern08, formatStyle08);

    return number01;


    } else if(number01.match(pattern09)){

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern09, formatStyle09);

    return number01;

    } else if(number01.match(pattern10)){

    number01 = number01.replace(pattern10, formatStyle10);

    return number01;

    } else {

    //return "no match any pattern";

    return number01;



  10. Copy and paste everything below this line:


    This rule automatically superscript the dollar sign for pricing. Prior to using this rule, you need to set the superscript offset and ratio values in the Global Paragraph Settings dialog box. To do this:

    1. Double-click any text frame and click the Edit Text… button.
    2. In the Variable Text Editor, click the Paragraph button.
    3. In the Paragraph Formatting dialog box, click the Global Settings… button.

    Once you have set the values, change the field "Price" in this JavaScript rule to the name of the field in your data.



    // set superscript font size and baseline shift in template:

    // Variabe Text Editor --> Paragraph... --> Global Settings...

    // Superscript (Ratio and Offset).

    // Set price field name here.




    priceVariable=priceVariable.replace("$", ""); //remove dollar sign if entered by user

    priceVariable=FormatNumber("##,###.00##", priceVariable); //format as price with two digits after decimal point

    var dollarsCentsArray=priceVariable.split("."); //divide up dollars and cents

    dollars = dollarsCentsArray[0];

    cents = dollarsCentsArray[1];

    //format with superscripted dollar sign/cents if dollars are entered

    //or with superscripted cent sign if no dollars entered

    if (dollars!="")


    return '<superscript>'+"$"+'</superscript>'+dollars+'<superscript>'+cents+'</superscript>';




    return cents+'<superscript>'+"¢"+'</superscript>';


  11. The following rules are to ensure everyone has a splendid ol' time in our Printable Community.


    Please read the following; signing up here constitutes your agreement to the following:


    1. Spam is morally reprehensible: Spamming unsolicited advertisements anywhere in these forums will get you banned. Additionally, your next three reincarnations will be pretty nasty.
    2. No name calling, personal attacks, publicly questioning the species from which another member came. We're all friends!
    3. While we're sure that your competitor is indeed a foul-mouthed pirate whose sole existence is predicated on the basis of scamming his own mother, please don't call him by name. It's called outing and it's a no-no.
    4. Having a school-yard spat with another member? Remember that the <Del> key is all-powerful, as is the passive-aggressive tactic of ignoring them. If they just won't go away, send a message to the admin.
    5. Feel free to give your Social Security Number, email address, home phone number and other personally identifying information to complete strangers on the internet who want to send you millions of dollars for helping them sneak money out of their country after the collapse of their monarchy, but we'd prefer it if you didn't post it here. kthx.
    6. People will be reading these forums during office hours and from their work computers. Please do not upload or attach pictures that are NSFW (Not Safe for Work). The thread will be locked, hidden, and the member may have to enjoy their next life as a dung beetle.
    7. You can have your own avitar (that cool picture that is beside your name). See #6, please.
    8. Please respect ALL copyrighted items. This includes pictures and articles. If you want to quote parts of an article or refer to one, post just the first couple of lines and add a link to the article instead. Violation of copyright will result in the thread being locked, hidden, and... well, you know.
    9. Further to #8: Please observe the law. Do not discuss, suggest, engage, or encourage any illegal activities. Links provided to locations that deal with any such activity are also expressly forbidden. [insert threat of dung beetle reincarnation here]
    10. Decisions to lock or hide a thread are final. Sorry folks, but we have to allow the moderators a little bit of unchecked power for them to wield over the masses.
    11. DO NOT SHOUT IN THREAD TITLES. Seriously, it lacks class.
    12. Stay on topic, please. It's possible that we'd be impressed by your ability to take the original thread topic about the merits of VDP and spin it to talk about the proper pronounciation of pirate noises, but it's disrespectful to the OP (original poster).
    13. Swear words (even cleverly disguised swear words) cannot be used in thread titles. Remember, keep it work safe!
    14. Newbies, noobs, n00bs... we have all been a newbie at one time or another. Treat them with kindness.
    15. Critiquing poster's grammer or spleling ain't right.
    16. Post it once, please. Regardless of how important it is to you, multiple threads about the same topic just take up space and will be deleted.
    17. Please keep religious debates (my RIP is better than your RIP) to a dull roar in the Off Topic forum.

    These rules may be expanded and edited as time goes on, but the intent and the spirit should be clear: let's have fun and keep it respectful.

  12. Congratulations on your recent, or not-so-recent, purchase of FusionPro Desktop.


    If you find yourself stuck, we've built some short training videos for you to watch. Each section has anywhere from 10-20 videos in it and each video is between 4 and 10 minutes.


    When you are done these, jump over to the JavaScript Library forum and watch those videos, too.


    Happy watching! :)


    Basic Functionality

    Advanced Features

    FP Imposer

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