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Posts posted by strido

  1. My customer is sending data to us that we're populating on our PDF. One of the bits of data is a rate percentage - 2.20. They would like that trailing zero to populate on the PDF and I can confirm that it is in their data.

    How would I keep that?


    When I preview it from my template on the desktop it's alright, but when its processed from the server the zero gets dropped.


    Is there a javascript rule I'm missing?


    (Call the field RateX)

  2. I have a business card with three possible variables.


    1) Two phone numbers, a Fax and an Email

    2) One of each

    3) One Phone, one Email.


    The customer is using graphics to indicate which is which. I have all three graphics in .EPS files.


    In order to make it only one template, I'd like to have a rule that says "return graphic + field."


    This way I can just highlight the whole paragraph and suppress if empty to prevent any empty fields from displaying their associated graphic.


    if (Field("Phone1") == "")

    return ""


    return Resource("Phone") + (Field("Phone1"));

    I'm trying to get one down before I do the others. This rule doesn't return the resource, nor will it if I change "Return Resource("Phone") to Return Rule ("Phone1")


    ** I should note that in either case what actually gets returned are the actual words Resource("Phone") as well as the values in the field.

  3. Wow.


    This works great, but there's one syntax issue I'm running into.


    I apologize for not being more specific at the outset, but it seems the keyword actually contains two tilde's. ~~Steve (i mean.. really?? :eek:)Removing the tilde's from the that line of code will cause the rule to work to perfection. So if I just searched for 'Steve' I'm good. I'm sure it has something to do with the RegEx, but I can't seem to find the proper syntax that would allow me to search for the tilde's. I've tried '\~~Steve', but that doesn't seem to want to work.I really appreciate your help on this. It's amazing. Thanksfor your help and patience


    Edit - the list of JavaScript colors I've found on in internet includes "GreenYellow" and "Lime" - but neither of these output as the right color. They default to black. Is there a limited palette available?

    I'll leave that last question up in case someone else has the same problem. But it seems the colors are taken from the library for that specific template. In my case, I went in and created a new color, named it "LimeGreen" and put in the proper CMYK formula. From there I could add it to the flagcolor = "LimeGreen".

  4. Apologies - it's pretty wordy, too

    //Create an empty variable that will be populated with a

    //string of text that lists the customer's purchases

    returnStr = '';

    var pod = 0;

    var CustomState = '';


    if(FusionPro.Composition.isPreview == true || FusionPro.inValidation == true)






    //Get a count of the total number of records in the external data file

    numRecsExtDF = externalDF.recordCount;

    // margins="top:720;left:7200"

    returnStr += '<table columns="6" title="Top" alignment="right" shadestyle="by:row;first:1,Gray,50;next:1,White,0" margins="left:0;top:0;bottom:30;right:0" >';

    returnStr += '<column width="10000">';

    returnStr += '<column width="6000">';

    returnStr += '<column width="5800" >';

    returnStr += '<column width="10000">';

    returnStr += '<column width="24000">';

    returnStr += '<column width="5000">';



    var backGroundShading = 0;





    for (recordWalker=1; recordWalker <= numRecsExtDF; recordWalker++)


    //Compare the value of the OrderID field in the current record

    //we are looking at in the external data file to the value

    //of the Orderid field in the main data file.


    if (externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'OrderID') == Field("OrderID"))








    // Internal ID


    qty = externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'Quantity');

    pod = externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'POD');

    returnStr += '<row>';


    backGroundShading = 0;

    if(recordWalker % 2 == 1){

    backGroundShading = 5;




    returnStr += '<cell margins="left:0;right:0;botton:0">' + '<p quad="L" br = "false">'


    if (externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'StateKit') == '1') {

    CustomState = ' (' + Left(externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'CustomState'),3) + ')'

    returnStr += '<b>  STATE KIT ' + CustomState + ' </b>';




    returnStr += externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'Category');



    returnStr += '<cell margins="left:0;right:0;botton:0">' + '<p quad="L" br = "false">' + externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'Location');


    if (pod == 1){

    returnStr += ' (POD)';



    returnStr += '<cell margins="left:0;right:0;botton:0">' + '<p quad="R" br = "false">' + FormatNumber('#,###', qty) + ' ';


    if (externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'StateKit') == '1')


    returnStr += '<cell margins="left:0;right:0;botton:0">' + '<p quad="L" br = "false"> ' + externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'SKU') + '<b>' + CustomState + '</b>' ;

    returnStr += '<cell margins="left:0;right:0;botton:0">' + '<p quad="L" br = "false"><b>' + Left(externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'ProductDescription'),55) + '</b>';


    } else {

    returnStr += '<cell margins="left:0;right:0;botton:0">' + '<p quad="L" br = "false"> ' + externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'SKU');

    returnStr += '<cell margins="left:0;right:0;botton:0">' + '<p quad="L" br = "false">' + Left(externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'ProductDescription'),40);



    returnStr += '<cell margins="left:0;right:0;botton:0">' + '<p quad="L" br = "false">' + externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'Sequence');





    // returnStr += '<row type="footer">';

    // returnStr += '<cell hstraddle="6" rulings="top:thin,Black"> <cell><cell><cell><cell>';


    returnStr += '</table>';


    return returnStr;


    I'm not much into coding unfortunately. I'm trying to modify this existing rule without much Javascript knowledge...

  5. I have a template with a rather advanced rule called "order details", that creates and places columns on the page, calling in 5 different fields that make up the order details text box.


    I have been asked if I can shade two fields, if one of the two contains a specific word.


    This template already shades every other line, so I would have to change the shading, in two areas (not the whole line) only if a specific word appears.


    The keyword would be in the "description" field, and I would have to highlight that, and the field next to it - "Sku".



  6. I'm trying to type two paragraphs into a text box, but the extra space between the top paragraph and the bottom paragraph is being suppressed for some reason. I'm just hitting enter twice, but it's as if the two returns aren't being recognized.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eu eros tincidunt, finibus sem eget, posuere mi. Nunc semper augue in tortor ultrices sagittis id quis libero.


    Nulla elit est, condimentum eget urna eget, interdum sodales magna. Mauris dui quam, cursus at libero et, maximus bibendum metus.




    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eu eros tincidunt, finibus sem eget, posuere mi. Nunc semper augue in tortor ultrices sagittis id quis libero.

    Nulla elit est, condimentum eget urna eget, interdum sodales magna. Mauris dui quam, cursus at libero et, maximus bibendum metus.


    This is probably something silly...

  7. I have a collection of proprietary fonts that our client uses loaded on my windows machine. These are bounced off of the FusionPro server when we do maillings. The fonts are loaded on both my PC and the Server.


    We've got a user now that uses a Mac.


    Question - If I can't get these fonts in a format that the Mac can read, will I have issues running mailings off of the FusionPro server, or will the Mac workstation simply not be able to display the fonts, ultimately being OK though because it goest to the windows server anyway?

  8. I've got a very small text box, about 2" wide that I need to fit some bullet points into. Trouble is, when the text goes to the 2nd line, I need that 2nd line to line up with the text, not the bullet.


    I'm currently getting this:


    • The Patriots won the Super



    I need this:


    • The Patriots won the Super



    any ideas?

  9. I'm using FP Imposer, and I see the options for stacking, but it's not working quite as I think it should.


    Say I've got 10 records and i'm imposing 2up, the first sheet should have #1 on the top and #6 on the bottom, so when they're cut the output on the bottom of the sheet gets tucked under the top.


    Is that possible with Imposer?

  10. Bonus points!





    See how the word "plan" wraps underneath the bullet (or where it'll be when the above is fixed)? Originally their hope was to have it indented to start under the word "Provide" - how would we accomodate that? We can't (that I know of) include paragraph styles on the variable data. All the bullet points would basically be inside of one cell in the data source.

  11. Many times in the past I've had issues with this character or that displaying improperly. For some reason I can't get through it this time. I'm hoping someone may be able to see something in this code that I'm missing.


    Here's the deal:

    The client is accessing a web portal, and when there, they're choosing one or several bullet points that will eventually populate on their PDF. When I compose the PDF on my desktop the bullets populate correctly. When I process it through the server, not so much. I'm getting the following characters instead of the bullet:




    I've been trying to use some regular expressions and / or replacing to accomodate those. Replacing the offending characters with an empty space. I've tried to replace them with the actual bullet as well.


    The rule below is what I'm trying to get working. Commenting out the "ReplaceSubstring" lines and uncommenting the RegExp lines gives identical results.


    lcFieldContent = Field("Bullet_Points")

    return ReplaceSubstring(lcFieldContent,"•", "<br> •")

    var rval = ReplaceSubstring(lcFieldContent,"â","");

    var rval = ReplaceSubstring(lcFieldContent,"€","");

    var rval = ReplaceSubstring(lcFieldContent,"¢","");

    //rval = rval.replace( new RegExp("\u00E2","gm"),"");

    //rval = rval.replace( new RegExp("\u20AC","gm"),"");

    //rval = rval.replace( new RegExp("\u00A2","gm"),"");


    return rval


    There's got to be something in there I'm missing. Curiously, if I change the 2nd line to ReplaceSubstring(lcFieldContent,"•", "<br> /u2022") the bullet becomes something of a double-quotation mark, even thouh /u2022 is for the bullet.



  12. The <br> works, its just that we can't count on the individual clients ordering the material to be savvy enough to know to do that. They'll just copy-and-paste from word, thinking WYSIWYG. A paragraph on-screen should populate the PDF accordingly. That sort of thing.


    This does get submitted to FP Server. After I type in some text and hit return, then look at the resulting data it just puts spaces where the paragraph break should have been. Same if i copy and paste from word. The data file is a .csv.

  13. Its not marcom central.


    I guess the best way to describe it is that it is a user interface. They go onto our web portal and fill out their information. (name, address, etc.)


    They then submit that form ("hit enter") which populates the data file used by FusionPro to process the PDF. I'm sorry i can't be more technical! Not my strong suit it would seem.


    In essence, the memo field will be added to a comma-delimited file. It's due to that that I can't just put a <br> in there. The whole memo field is variable.

  14. I have a memo field that is going to have to recognize paragraphs, but I'm unsure of the rule to use. Most likely they're going to copy and paste from a word document onto the on-screen field. When they do that, or even when they type it in, the break isn't recognized. It just comes out as an extra space.


    I know <cr> is carriage return but they're not going to want to type that into the field, so I'll need some sort of rule that can recognize the return and populate that instead of having one long paragraph....


    Assuming the field is called "memo" - what would a rule look like that would accomodate that?

  15. So we have a document that has a portrait sheet, and a few landscape sheets. I'd like to make it so it stays like that - but when I compose the output, it auto-rotates the landscape sheets -90 degrees.



    How can we keep two different orientations inside the same sheet?

  16. It seems we're about to undertake a fairly large server migration.


    My graphic rules currently point to an static address that the server uses, and that address is going to change. In an attempt to make my life easier, I tried to write some code (ColdFusion) that unzips a template, modifies the .def file, which has the rules in it, and re-zips the file.


    However, when I re-open the template and double-check the rules, they still reflect the old server address, even though the .def file has the new address in it.


    I'm going to need to modify roughly 300 templates to accommodate this change, which is why it was suggested I go the coding route. Based on this info, is there a step I may be missing? Or am I doomed to do this all manually?

  17. I have the installer for FP version 8.2.5.


    It looks like my PC is about to go the way of the dodo, and get replaced by a new PC with a 64 bit OS. Are there any known issues regarding compatibility with Windows 7 64 bit?


    If there's a new download that I'll need, is it safe to assume my old key will work with the new 64 bit version?

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