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Posts posted by jwarz

  1. sure not a problem!

    below is the rule for the Table:

    var DataSource = "Multi-line records"; // "Data Source:" (Required): DataSourceList
    var Columns =  // "Column": MultiGroup with fields:
      { "Field": "name", "Heading": "Biomarker", "Width": HundredthsOfPointsFromText("2 in"), "HAlign": "Left", "VAlign": "Middle", "Format": { }, },
      { "Field": "observation", "Heading": "Result", "Width": HundredthsOfPointsFromText("1 in"), "HAlign": "Left", "VAlign": "Middle", "Format": { }, },
      { "Field": "interpretation", "Heading": "Finding", "Width": HundredthsOfPointsFromText("1.5 in"), "HAlign": "Left", "VAlign": "Middle", "Format": { }, },
    var Style = "Biomarker Results Table Format";
    var StretchColumnsToFrameWidth = true;
    var table = new FPTable;
    if (Style)
        table = Rule(Style);
    for (var i in Columns)
    var header = table.AddRow();
    header.Type = "header";
    for (var c in Columns)
        var column = Columns[c];
        var cell = header.Cells[c];
        cell.Content = TaggedTextFromRaw(column.Heading || column.Field);
        cell.HAlign = column.HAlign;
        cell.VAlign = column.VAlign;
        if (table.style && table.style.headerStyle)
            var HeaderStyle = table.style.headerStyle;
            cell.Font = HeaderStyle.family;
            cell.Bold = HeaderStyle.bold;
            cell.Italics = HeaderStyle.italic;
            cell.PointSize = HeaderStyle.pointsize;
            cell.TextColor = HeaderStyle.color;
        if (table.style && table.style.each_cell.Rulings)
            cell.Rulings = table.style.each_cell.Rulings;
        if (table.style && table.style.each_cell.Margins)
            cell.Margins = table.style.each_cell.Margins;
    // Create the main body from the data.
    var data;
    if (DataSource == "Multi-line records")
        data = FusionPro.GetMultiLineRecords();
        data = FusionPro.GetDataSource(DataSource);
    for (var r = 1; r <= data.recordCount; r++)
        var row = table.AddRow();
        for (var c in Columns)
            var column = Columns[c];
            var cell = row.Cells[c];
            cell.Content = FormatGenericTagged(column.Format, data.GetFieldValue(r, column.Field));
            cell.HAlign = column.HAlign;
            cell.VAlign = column.VAlign;
            if (table.style && table.style.bodyStyle)
                var BodyStyle = table.style.bodyStyle;
                cell.Font = BodyStyle.family;
                cell.Bold = BodyStyle.bold;
                cell.Italics = BodyStyle.italic;
                cell.PointSize = BodyStyle.pointsize;
                cell.TextColor = BodyStyle.color;
            if (table.style && table.style.each_cell.Rulings)
                cell.Rulings = table.style.each_cell.Rulings;
            if (table.style && table.style.each_cell.Margins)
                cell.Margins = table.style.each_cell.Margins;
    if (StretchColumnsToFrameWidth)
    return table;


    and we also have a Table Format Rule:

    // Rule converted from XML Template "Biomarker Results Table Format":
    // Begin XML Template selections //
    var HasGrid = false; // "Grid": CheckGroup
    var GridStyle = "All"; // "Style:" (Required): PickList ["Inside" (Inside), "Outside" (Outside), "All" (All)]
    var Color = "Black"; // "Color:" (Required): ColorList
    var Thickness = "Thin"; // "Thickness:" (Required): PickList ["Thin" (Thin), "Medium" (Medium), "Thick" (Thick)]
    var HasHeaderShading = false; // "Header Shading": CheckGroup
    var HeaderColor = "Black"; // "Color:" (Required): ColorList
    var HeaderTint = Int("30"); // "Tint (%):" (Required): SingleLine (Integer)
    var HasRowShading = false; // "Row Shading": CheckGroup
    var RowColor1 = "Black"; // "First Color:" (Required): ColorList
    var RowTint1 = Int("30"); // "Tint (%):" (Required): SingleLine (Integer)
    var RowColor2 = "White"; // "Second Color:": ColorList
    var RowTint2 = Int("30"); // "Tint (%):" (Required): SingleLine (Integer)
    // Section "Margins":
    var MarginLeft = HundredthsOfPointsFromText("6 pt"); // "Left:": Space (SmallUnits)
    var MarginRight = HundredthsOfPointsFromText("6 pt"); // "Right:": Space (SmallUnits)
    var MarginTop = HundredthsOfPointsFromText("0 pt"); // "Top:": Space (SmallUnits)
    var MarginBottom = HundredthsOfPointsFromText("0 pt"); // "Bottom:": Space (SmallUnits)
    // Section "Fonts":
    var HeaderStyle = { "bold": "0", "color": "Black", "family": "Arial Black", "italic": "0", "pointsize": "11 pt", }; // "Header Font:": CharStyle
    var BodyStyle = { "bold": "0", "color": "Black", "family": "Arial", "italic": "0", "pointsize": "11 pt", }; // "Body Font:": CharStyle
    // End XML Template selections //
    var table = new FPTable;
    table.style = { each_cell: {}, headerStyle: HeaderStyle, bodyStyle: BodyStyle };
    if (HasGrid)
        if (GridStyle != "Inside")
            table.SetBorders(Thickness, Color, "Top", "Bottom", "Left", "Right");
        if (GridStyle != "Outside")
            var eachCellRuling = { Color: Color, Thickness: Thickness };
            // These need to be copied to each cell after the table is populated with data:
            table.style.each_cell.Rulings = { Left: eachCellRuling, Right: eachCellRuling, Top: eachCellRuling, Bottom: eachCellRuling };
    if (HasHeaderShading)
        table.HeaderShadingColor = HeaderColor;
        table.HeaderShadingPct = HeaderTint;    
    if (HasRowShading)
        table.ShadingColor1 = RowColor1;
        table.ShadingPct1 = RowTint1;
        table.ShadingColor2 = RowColor2;
        table.ShadingPct2 = RowTint2;
    // These need to be copied to each cell after the table is populated with data:
    table.style.each_cell.Margins = { Left: MarginLeft, Right: MarginRight, Top: MarginTop / 10, Bottom: MarginBottom / 10 };
    return table;



  2. Hello,

    We are very new the MultiLine record thing and were having through getting our data to display "N/A" if one of the cells are blank within the table.

    var result = "";
    var data = FusionPro.GetMultiLineRecords();
    for (var r = 1; r <= data.recordCount; r++)
       result += data.GetFieldValue(r, "name") + " " + data.GetFieldValue(r, "observation") + " " + data.GetFieldValue(r, "interpretation") + "\n";
    return result;

    I have another rule that says... 

    if (Field("observation") == "")
    {   return "N/A"; }
    {    return Field("observation"); }

    So I was thinking maybe we could tell the data.GetFieldValue(r, "observation") to somehow read a rule rather than field. But then I also got the idea of putting something in the table format that if it finds a blank, return N/A, but again I couldn't seem to figure that one out either. Either way would be fine, as long as we can get any cell in the table thats blank to display N/A??

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