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Amogh Kulkarni

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Posts posted by Amogh Kulkarni

  1. Hello, we have a client with a set of pizza menus that differ depending on the location they're used in. Some pizza items take up 3 lines of space, while others take 2 lines of space. We have been trying to shift the items depending on if there is a 3 liner pizza. Unfortunately, this has caused spacing issues where there are multiple 3 liner pizzas. We would brute force but there are 7 pizza slots on the menu so the number of cases we would programmatically address will be greater than 130. Essentially equivalent to writing 130 if-statements to address every possible combination of menus.

    Is there a better way to go about this?

    Additionally, in our client's menu, we have attempted to programmatically shift a separator / black line to improve spacing, so that it is relative to the position of the pizza before it. For some reason, the following code is not able to change the position of our separator. OnRecordStart

    // Menu layout:
    // ๐Ÿ• #1
    // ๐Ÿ• #2 (takes more space than #1)
    // Separator
    // More ๐Ÿ•
    //OK, lets move everything below #2 down a little
    FindTextFrame("Tier1_Pizza2").y += shiftValue10; // move ๐Ÿ• #2 down by x
    FindTextFrame("Separator").y = FindTextFrame("Tier1_Pizza2").y; // move the separator down to our new y-coordinate for ๐Ÿ• #3
    FindTextFrame("Separator").y += shiftValue10; // Does nothing. Any ideas?

    Using Fusion Pro 12.1.1 adobe plugin on windows 10.




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