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Everything posted by hinesj87

  1. My original intent was to use native PHP functionality to submit jobs to the SOAP server. Due to (my IIS) server configuration and a general lack of ambition to troubleshoot the issues I have encountered, I have decided to use Curl. Here is the code: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $endpoint_url = "https://services.printable.com/trans/1.0/PackingSlip.asmx?wsdl"; $soap_action_url = "http://www.printable.com/WebService/PackingSlip/CreatePackingSlipByLineItem"; $xml = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pac="http://www.printable.com/WebService/PackingSlip"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <pac:CreatePackingSlipByLineItem> <pac:pRequest> <PartnerCredentials> <Token>TOKEN_STRING</Token> </PartnerCredentials> <PackingSlipNode> <PackingSlipNumber>PACKINGSLIPNUMBER_STRING</PackingSlipNumber> <ShipDate>SHIPDATE_DATE</ShipDate> <CarrierName>CARRIERNAME_STRING</CarrierName> <TrackingNumber>TRACKINGNUMBER_STRING</TrackingNumber> <ShipCost>SHIPCOST_FLOAT</ShipCost> <SkipAdjustInventory>BOOL</SkipAdjustInventory> <ShipToAddress> <Attention>ATTENTION_STRING</Attention> <Name>NAME_STRING</Name> <Address1>ADDR1_STRING</Address1> <Address2>ADDR2_STRING</Address2> <Address3>ADDR3_STRING</Address3> <Address4>ADDR4_STRING</Address4> <City>CITY_STRING</City> <State>STATE_STRING</State> <PostalCode>ZIP_STRING</PostalCode> <Country>COUNTRY_STRING</Country> </ShipToAddress> </PackingSlipNode> <LineItems> <LineItem> <ID type="Printable">LINE_ITEM_ID_STRING</ID> <Quantity>QTY_INT</Quantity> </LineItem> </LineItems> </pac:pRequest> </pac:CreatePackingSlipByLineItem> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>'; $send_payload_response = send_payload($endpoint_url, $soap_action_url, $xml); var_dump($send_payload_response); exit; /******************************************** * Sends an XML payload to the SOAP server of your choice * * @param string $endpoint_url * @param string $soap_action_url * @param string $xml * @param array $headers */ function send_payload($endpoint_url, $soap_action_url, $xml, $headers = array()) { $default_headers = array( 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($xml), 'SOAPAction: "' . $soap_action_url . '"' ); if(count($headers) == 0) $headers = $default_headers; if( ! function_exists('curl_version')) die("cURL is not installed. Please relay this error to your friendly neighborhood webmaster."); $c = curl_init(); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $endpoint_url); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($c, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, TRUE); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml); $response = curl_exec($c); // debug // echo "<pre>" . htmlentities($xml) . "<hr>" . var_dump($response); exit; return $response; }
  2. I'm trying to create a packing slip in PHP. What is the correct method of passing in the PartnerCredentials.Token? <?php $xml = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pac="http://www.printable.com/WebService/PackingSlip"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <pac:CreatePackingSlipByLineItem> <pac:pRequest> <PartnerCredentials> <Token>TOKEN_STRING</Token> </PartnerCredentials> <PackingSlipNode> <PackingSlipNumber>999999</PackingSlipNumber> <ShipDate>2017-01-19</ShipDate> <CarrierName>UPS</CarrierName> <TrackingNumber>TRACKING_NUMBER</TrackingNumber> <ShipCost>9.99</ShipCost> <SkipAdjustInventory></SkipAdjustInventory> <ShipToAddress> <Attention>Attn</Attention> <Name>Name</Name> <Address1>123 Fake St.</Address1> <Address2></Address2> <Address3></Address3> <Address4></Address4> <City>City</City> <State>ST</State> <PostalCode>99999</PostalCode> <Country>US</Country> </ShipToAddress> </PackingSlipNode> <LineItems> <LineItem> <ID type="Printable">LINE_ITEM_ID</ID> <Quantity>1000</Quantity> </LineItem> </LineItems> </pac:pRequest> </pac:CreatePackingSlipByLineItem> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>'; $soap = new SoapClient("http://services.printable.com/trans/1.0/PackingSlip.asmx?wsdl", array('trace' => 1, 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE)); $parameters = array( "pRequest" => $xml ); $soap->CreatePackingSlipbyLineItem($parameters); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $soap->__getLastResponse(); exit; Here is the response: <soap:Envelope> <soap:Body> <CreatePackingSlipByLineItemResponse> <CreatePackingSlipByLineItemResult> <OrderId/> <Status Action="PACKING_SLIP" Status="ProcessFailure" Code="2" Message="Service Failure - Printable.WebServices.BusinessLogic - PartnerCredentials.Token element missing."/> <LineItemResponses/> <Actions/> <LineItemID/> </CreatePackingSlipByLineItemResult> </CreatePackingSlipByLineItemResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
  3. Result expected: The text output to be rendered as "Avenir Next Demi Bold" Actual result: The text output is rendered as "Avenir Next Demi Bold Italic" (after composing and opening the output file in Adobe Illustrator) Relevant code from the rule: return '<f name="Avenir Next Demi Bold">' + Field("Phone4Header") + ' ' + '</f>';Information about the rule: The output of the rule is specified to be treated as tagged text The font shows in my font.ini as: Avenir Next Demi Bold There is no mention in font.err. I have also tried setting the text frame to use Avenir, and click the bold icon but that doesn't work either. Edit: It's not a PostScript font, so maybe that's the issue.
  4. I have an item in the warehouse that comes in different shapes and/or sizes. The static product type does not work because of the varying sizes, so Static w/ Attributes seems like the way to go. The only problem is that I cannot find a way to keep track of the inventory like I can with a true static item. It seems like I can't do this because I don't have hard-coded SKUs to link an inventory level to. Any help or explanation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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