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Posts posted by Meir

  1. Thanks Dan. That seems to make sense.


    I am making a very general product that allows users to choose page size and upload a graphic up to 250 pages. The product uses inline graphic with overflow enabled to create the number of pages uploaded in the pdf at the size selected from a drop down.


    I've done a little testing and it seems the padding needed is somewhere greater than 0.1" and less than or equal to 0.12".


    I just wanted to make sure that this is supposed to happen. Otherwise I was concerned there was something wrong with my inline graphic rule, that I would have to adjust. Seems like it is supposed to happen though.


    Thanks for the help.

  2. I have a product with an inline graphic. I am finding that my 8.5" x 11" image does not fit in an 8.625" x 11.125" text box.


    I have found that same file fits in an 8.625" x 14.125" text box.


    I also notice that my text box is 8.62" x 11.1" because it cannot have two decimal places when the dimension reaches 3 digits.


    I am just looking to confirm my observation that a text box must be at least "0.12" bigger than the dimension of the image inserted inline within it.


    Otherwise, do you know of any other reason this might be happening?


    Thank you,


  3. I have product that has an option for page size, orientation, and bleed.


    As of now, my product will suppress all pages that are not the size or orientation selected. However, when I compose my record, regardless of my selection for bleed, the "Bleed" and "NoBleed" graphic box appears.


    Each page has a two graphic fields on them [bleed, NoBleed].


    Is the fact that there are multiple graphic frames with the same name an issue? I assume that it should suppress all graphic fields with this name.


    if (Field("Bleed") == "Yes"){
       FindGraphicFrame("Bleed").suppress = false;
       FindGraphicFrame("NoBleed").suppress = true;
    else {
       FindGraphicFrame("Bleed").suppress = true;
       FindGraphicFrame("NoBleed").suppress = false;
    if (Field("Orientation")== "Portrait")
           FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("small_L", false);
           FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("large_L", false);
           if (Field("Size") == '11" x 17"' )
                   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("small_P", false);
                   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("large_P", true);
           else if (Field("Size") == '8.5" x 11"' )
                   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("small_P", true);
                   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("large_P", false);
    else if (Field("Orientation")== "Landscape")
           FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("small_P", false);
           FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("large_P", false);
           if (Field("Size") == '11" x 17"' )
                   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("small_L", false);
                   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("large_L", true);
           else if (Field("Size") == '8.5" x 11"' )
                   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("small_L", true);
                   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("large_L", false);

  4. Thank you for taking the time to help me.


    I'm sorry, the extension is not in the data file, as I am using this online and that is where I am encountering the error by a user. However, the error persists in the collect files.


    I tried your method, but this is making the entire phone number drop to the line below my phone label. I attached a screen shot of the output.


    Before your change:

    Main: +1(123) 456-7890



    After your change:


    +1(123) 456-7890 ext.12345


    Desired output:

    Main: +1(123) 456-7890 ext.12345



    I have attached updated collect files with records 3-7 demonstrating the issue.


    You will notice in record 3 that all those lines fit in the text box. Notice how Address2 is present.


    You will notice in record 4 that all the phone extensions can fit on the same line as their phone numbers. Notice how Address2 is not present.


    You will notice in record 5 that all those extensions that had previously fit on the same line as the phone number are dropped to the next line. Notice how Address2 is present.


    You will notice in record 6 that the extension on phone 1 pushes to the next line. Address 2 is present. All the fields that fit in record 3 no longer fit, because phone is taking up two lines instead of 1.


    In record 4, I displayed that the extension for every phone number can fit on the same line as the phone number. Yet in record 6, the phone number and extension are on different lines.


    Why is the extension dropping onto the next line only when Address2 is present?


  5. This did not have an effect. The Address 2 field was suppressing when it is not present prior to your change. After your change, the extension is still dropping one line when address2 is present.


    Attached are screen shots. Address 2 drops the extension on all the phone numbers when it is present even though they all fit fine on one line when it is not present.

    Archive 2.zip

  6. So I have a business card where the address and other info all share one box. They display like this:



    «City», «State» «Zip» «Country»


    «Phone1_Label_Rule» «Phone1_Format_Rule»

    «Phone2_Label_Rule» «Phone2_Format_Rule»

    «Phone3_Label_Rule» «Phone3_Format_Rule»

    «Phone4_Label_Rule» «Phone4_Format_Rule»

    Email: «Email»@epam.com



    The text box is set to "Adjust text to fit"


    The phone lines are set to "Do not break on copyfit"


    Address2 is not involved in any rules for any Phone label or number.


    When there is no Address 2, my output displays like this:



    123 Anystreet

    Citytown, PA, 12356 USA


    Main: +1(123) 456-7890 ext.12345

    Fax: +1(123) 098-7654

    Cell: +1(123) 102-9837

    Email: JSnow@company.com



    When there is an Address 2, my output displays like this:



    123 Anystreet

    Suite 303

    Citytown, PA, 12356 USA


    Main: +1(123) 456-7890


    Fax: +1(123) 098-7654

    Cell: +1(123) 102-9837



    When there is no Address2, but an extra line for Phone4, the extension is still on the same line.


    I need help understand what is going on here. I cannot comprehend why the extension would drop a line only when address2 is present. This is also causing my email to no longer fit in the text box.



    Attached is my collected files.


  7. I have customers entering up to three titles. Occasionally they add a linebreak tag to have more control on appearances.


    Currently, there is an email field in a static position, but they want it to shift down a line only if the titles take up 4 lines.


    I have a rule that outputs the all the titles formatted as one variable, and breaks those lines with a linebreak tag.


    How can I count the number of instances of "<br>" in the output string?

  8. I just got a Japanese font working in my online storefront.


    In addition to enabling asian character support with fusion pro, It seems you need to mess with the data file a little. In the field I wanted to use Japanese characters, I put this as my sample data:




    The advice came from this forum:




    I didn't have to change any settings in my storefront. Once I added that to my data file, when I uploaded the collect files it just worked.

  9. I have a letterhead I need the address info to be on the top right corner, but aligned left, where the end of the furthest right letter of the Address and/or Address2 lines up with the 8" mark.


    To compensate for this, I have set a rule that calculates how many spaces it needs to use as padding to before each line. (Feel free to point out a better way.)


    The below code keeps erroring out on line 52: Error: execution limit exceeded.


    I'm not sure why it wouldn't work. Any ideas?



    var frameWidth = 2; // set width of the text box (in inches)
    // Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
    var space = new FusionProTextMeasure;
    space.pointSize = "8 pt"; // set the type size
    space.font = "HelveticaNeue Condensed"; // set your typeface
    space.CalculateTextExtent(" ");
    space.useTags = false;
    var spaceWidth = space.textWidth;
    // Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
    var address1 = new FusionProTextMeasure;
    address1.pointSize = "8 pt"; // set the type size
    address1.font = "HelveticaNeue Condensed"; // set your typeface
    address1.useTags = false;
    var addressWidth = address1.textWidth;
    // Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
    var address2 = new FusionProTextMeasure;
    address2.pointSize = "8 pt"; // set the type size
    address2.font = "HelveticaNeue Condensed"; // set your typeface
    address2.useTags = false;
    var address2Width = address2.textWidth;
    // Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
    var gap = new FusionProTextMeasure;
    gap.pointSize = "8 pt"; // set the type size
    gap.font = "HelveticaNeue Condensed"; // set your typeface
    gap.CalculateTextExtent(" • ");
    gap.useTags = false;
    var gapWidth = gap.textWidth;
    var i=1
    var success = false
    while (success ==  false)
       if (Field("Address2") != "") //if there is an address2
           if((spaceWidth*i) + addressWidth + gapWidth + address2Width >= frameWidth*7200) //if there is an address 2 and the width is greater or equal to frameWidth
                   success= true; //then stop looking
           else i= i+1; // if there is an address 2 and the width is less than frameWidth
       if ((spaceWidth*i) + addressWidth >= frameWidth*7200) //if there is no address 2 and the width is greater than frameWidth
           success= true; //then stop looking
       else i= i+1; // if there is no address 2 and the width is less than frameWidth  #### ERRORS OUT ON THIS LINE  ####
    var result = Array(i).join('space');
    return result;

  10. when I validate in the rule editor, it gives me the result I want.


    When I compose, I get this error

    Name Copyfit Rule, line 22: TypeError: strnames.splice is not a function

    Composing record #1, input record 1

    Value for variable Name Copyfit Rule not found in instance data


    So I figured out it was because I replaced 'str.replace' with 'strnames.splice'.


    Thank you.

  11. I ran into an error trying to make a more complicated version of that. When I did it with the email field, it worked fine.


    Now I am trying to adapt it to work with multiple fields.


    I need it to determine if a line made up of first last credential1, credential2, credential3, credential 4 is wider than the text box.


    If so, I need it to break the line after the first name, so the last name starts a new line.


    I tried this:


    var frameWidth = 1.62; // set width of the text box (in inches)
    // Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
    var names = new FusionProTextMeasure;
    names.pointSize = "9 pt"; // set the type size
    names.font = "Bosis Bold"; // set your typeface
    var strnames = Field("First")+" "+Field("Last"); // set the field to use
    names.useTags = false;
    var namesWidth = names.textWidth;
    // Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
    var credential = new FusionProTextMeasure;
    credential.pointSize = "9 pt"; // set the type size
    credential.font = "Bosis Light"; // set your typeface
    var strcredential = " "+Rule("Credential Rule"); // set the field to use
    credential.useTags = false;
    var credentialWidth = credential.textWidth;
    return (namesWidth+credentialWidth < frameWidth*7200) ? strnames : strnames.splice(" ", "<br>");


    However, this is returning "{Name Copyfit Rule}" rather than the name.

  12. I am working on a business card that has very specific design specifications. One of the specifications is if the email cannot fit on one line, to drop the @... to the next line.


    short@client.com would fit on one line but


    reallyreallyreallyreallylong@client.com would display as





    Is there a way to set where the line breaks? In this case, set it to break before the @ symbol.


    Thank you.

  13. I would like to set up a product where the number of fields filled in affect the cost. I would like it to be a flat rate for less than or equal to a certain number of fields, but go up a constant amount with each additional field past the critical number of fields.


    Each field is for a specific thing, and the customer will not use all of the fields, or use the fields in sequential order (i.e. they will fill in field 1, 7,12, 20,... etc but skip a bunch).


    If I could set up every field to add the same cost with dynamic pricing, and set a minimum cost, I believe I can make this work. I am open to other suggestions as well though.


    Thank you,


  14. Really appreciate the explanation Dan. That had never made sense to me.


    The bullets do not display in acrobat. I have just created an image file of the bullet and instead am inserting it as an inline graphic.


    I will notify support that they do not display.

  15. Right, but somewhere is a machine with FP Desktop which was used to design the job. That's the one on which I'm trying to determine if the job composes correctly.


    Wait a second. I feel like I am missing something here, or just not explaining properly.


    We have fusion pro desktop on a computer in graphics however that never once touched this product. I opened an indesign file, (which was started and finished in indesign) in cs5.5 and using my fusion pro plugin which came with the web version installed on my machine marked which text boxes are versionable. I then exported through the fusion pro plugin to a pdf.


    At this point the file opened in acrobat on my computer. Using the web version of fusion pro, I uploaded a csv, and created rules. I then placed my rules in the text boxes where necessary and swapped in variables where appropriate. I then composed the file. I then collected the file.


    From there I uploaded the collect file to my MarcomCentral Storefront.


    I do not think fusion pro desktop was ever involved. It is my understanding that fusion pro desktop and fusion pro web are essentially the same except that fusion pro desktop allows you compose multiple records whereas fusion pro web only allows you to compose one record. I may be mistaken in this notion though. I do know however, whether or not it was supposed to be used, that it was not used in the formation of this template.


    Do you mean in FusionPro? If so, please collect up the job and send it to FusionProSupport@PTI.com.

    I will be contacting them.



    Thank you for your help. If you could please help me understand this Desktop/web dynamic I would appreciate it.

  16. My fault. Let me clarify.


    Originally the square bullets would not display in preview or composition, however when I would upload the collected template to my MarcomCentral Storefront, I could get it to display in basic view and the press proof. It would not display in enhanced view. I should also note, I am able to view the font in the assets tab of the template editor in MarcomCentral.


    When I had inquired about this before, I received this message from support:

    This has come up before, zapf dingbats are not compatible with the enhanced viewer. That particular function is licensed from a third party so we can't actually do anything about it. However we have had success when the image is flattened in photoshop, then recompose/recollect and reupload. Either that or use Basic view instead of Enhanced.


    I cannot flatten it in photoshop because I need the position to adjust with the versionable text. The basic view recommendation had worked up until recently. It is now no longer displaying in my press proof or my basic viewer, and continues to not display in the Fusion Pro Web coupled with Acrobat. I do not have Fusion Pro Desktop on my computer.


    I need a way to make square bullets display, regardless of what font. A square is a square and I can adjust its comparable size by toying with its particular font size.

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