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Posts posted by jreynolds

  1. I've used this script many times without an imposition, but am having trouble using an imposition template with an infinite stack.


    In the attached sample, I'm trying to get the "AK" version with 14 pages to print 3 times, the "GTC1" version with 23 pages to print 4 times, then the "SSG" version with 22 pages to print 5 times. However, it seems that since the "AK" version is first record, it composes the last 2 records with only 14 pages too and I get the error message:

    The number of pages in this record does not match the imposition signature: 9 pages will be truncated.


    From another thread, I tried adding these lines in OnJobStart, but it sounds like that is uneccessary:

    //FusionPro.Composition.chunksBreakStacks = true;


    //FusionPro.Composition.forcePreprocessing = true;


    So what's the trick for getting variable page PDFs to work with infinite stacking imposition?

    InsertGraphics Sample.zip

  2. Attached is a scan of 3 QR codes with multiple colors. Next to it is a sample out of Fusion Pro in all black. They all scan the same. It looks like there is a logo in the center of the multi colored one as well. Is this possible to do in Fusion Pro??


    Did you figure out how to create this yet?


    Can't believe I spent all that time making those codes come out right and a week afterwards I see it posted here! ;)

  3. So I got my text frames to move correctly thanks to this thread, but now I need to know how to move them based on a variable in a field, but to leave them "as is" otherwise.


    Here's my statement now that isn't working. I need to center 3 frames when a currency field has zero cents:

    if ((Right("Price-2for"),2) == "00");
    FindTextFrame("K (Price n for)").x = 8776
    FindTextFrame("K (Price n for)").y = 6235
    FindTextFrame("J (Qty n for)").x = 3996
    FindTextFrame("J (Qty n for)").y = 4053
    FindTextFrame("J (For only)").x = 8374
    FindTextFrame("J (For only)").x = 4025

  4. Lol. Not too good, Don. That's why I'm surfing this Forum and doing other's work! I was buried this time last year with you leaving and now, nothing.


    Got something in the works though, so hopefully I won't be suffering too much longer.


    Hope the grass is greener where you're at! :)

  5. Sorry, but I probably can't help on those two either, but I do have 2 suggestions. Delete "2D Barcode for 5.8 Fusion Pro" from the active script, it's just a header I think. Second, make sure "Treat Return Strings as Text" is checked. Doing this produced a 2D barcode for me, but I'm not sure it's filled with the info you want in it.


    I assume you're trying to have a 2D show up on all your inserted variable pages? That would be interesting to know how to create that. Would it be easier to just have a formatted (000001) sequence number in your data?



    At least I learned a good tip from DCurry, thanks! :)

  6. INGuser,


    A long time ago, I had the same problems as you're having. I think I've found the fixes to your problem:


    1. You need to name the fields in your data "Doc1", "Doc2", "Doc3", etc. That's what the script is looking for.
    2. In the text box on your variable page (p. 19), you need to insert the rule, "«PDF Graphic Insertion Rule»" and set the size of the text box to slightly larger than page size: W: 8.7" H: 11.2"
    3. Finally, open up the Composition Settings command and select the last tab "Advanced". Under Search Path, you need to tell FP where your PDFs are located. I just copy/paste the pathway. Hit save.

    I was able to get it to run using these fixes, so hopefully you can too. I'm attaching back your fixed files sans the PDF inserts.


    Good luck!



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