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Posts posted by brinehart

  1. Looking for some guidance on whether something is possible or not.


    I have a list of 20 different cards with various quantities (quantities are in a datafile). These cards get a different "fact" which there are 55 different pdfs—have another datafile that is a list of all the facts which reference the pdf files.


    Ex: Card quantities

    Card 1: 150

    Card 2: 625

    Card 3: 825, etc...


    Card 1 would run through facts 1-55 then start over at 1 until all 150 cards were output then Card 2 Would pick up wherever Card 1 left off.


    Is there a way to iterate the card quantities while also running through the "facts" as variable images?

  2. Dan, thank you for that info! I guess a little more background information would be helpful.


    To help press loads and bindery/finishing, the sheet stacks were capped at 2000 sheets which is where the output to 4000 records(2up 2k records) was needed. To help the workflow of prepress, we have merged multiple processed lists into one master list—each group in the list is mailed out separately so they need to stay in separate files regardless of record count. That separation is where the OpenNewOutputFile helps keeps everything separate and named accordingly.


    I don't believe we've ever needed to have this type of chunking before—either the amount of records wasn't large enough to warrant chucking by record count or there was only one version to output. So, I wasn't sure if there was an easy way to accomplish this task


    I don't completely understand what you're trying to accomplish, but I think that you want to tun off the static chunking, by unchecking the "Output to multiple files" box in the Composition Settings, and just use dynamic chunking. Then all the output files you're making will have their names specified by the call to FusionPro.Composition.OpenNewOutputFile().


    Unless I'm missing something here, I think our issue if we turned off "Output to multiple files" is the amount of records for one chunk would be too much in a single file(60k+ records). And having the imposition file as cut and stack would get the records out of order when trimming sheets or splitting the files after composition.


    Was hoping there was another way of setting up my rules to use the dynamic chunking in a more efficient way that could use the same naming convention and keep files grouped together.


    Apologies if that explanation wasn't clear!

  3. Having an issue and wasn't sure if there was an elegant way to produce what I need or if even possible.


    In OnRecordStart I have the code:

    if (FieldChanged("Version"))
       FusionPro.Composition.OpenNewOutputFile("160555-1_" + Field("Version") + "_impo + "." + FusionPro.Composition.outputFormatExtension);


    Normally, this is used to output different files whenever a field changes values. I'm wanting to output files of 4000 records(2up stacks of 2000).


    When not needing to split files by an amount of records I don't have any issues but trying to have multiple versions and outputting a specific amount of records breaks the naming.


    The file naming would ideally use the code and name the files:

    • "160555-1_A_impo1"
    • "160555-1_A_impo2"
    • "160555-1_A_impo3"
    • "160555-1_B_impo1"
    • "160555-1_B_impo2"


    Currently, I'm getting the first file named based on the code in OnRecordStart but every subsequent file is named based on what is input in "Output File:" in Composition Settings until the field changes to something different.

    • "160555-1_A_impo"
    • "160555-1_impo2"
    • "160555-1_impo3"
    • "160555-1_B_impo"
    • "160555-1_impo5"


    Is there a way to code the rule to output filenames based on data fields AND split files when a field changes?

  4. Agree with OP. Have not like the newer imposer at all. All of our team use Macs fyi.


    Compared to the previous version the ease of use of the new version is severely hindered by how much information is hidden. There have been several occasions where scrolling through the settings has actually changed various options if the drop-down menu was unlucky enough to be touched by the cursor while scrolling down. Then you have to go through all the options again and double-check all settings are still correct. Something the old version never had a problem with.


    What would you suggest to make it better? Is it just the appearance, or is it that you have to scroll around more?


    Suggestions to make it better would be to return the layout as close as possible to the previous version. The appearance wouldn't be so bad if the layout wasn't obscuring all the information that was easily seen and changed in the previous version.


    We actually have multiple people in our department that have put off upgrading their FusionPro versions because of the imposer being a bear to work with. Would be nice if there was an option to have the UI look like the previous version. Surprised it was changed so drastically when the previous one had such a well-made layout.

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