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Posts posted by INGuser

  1. Thank you. Both responses worked great. Just one other question that i did not think to add in the original post. Is there a way to use an impostion template with these rules. When I try to use the one that I have setup for simplex 8.5x11 to print two up on a 12x18 sheet it keeps giving me an error that reads "The number of pages in this record does not match the imposition signature: 1 blank pages will be added.

    A body page does not have master page assigned." Any ideas?

  2. Good Morning,


    I am wondering if there is a way to insert a specific number of pages behind my cover page with out adding 492 template pages and writing a rule for each page usage. I have attached my collected files.


    I have a cover page that will include Dept #, Dept Name, Qty and Box number. I want to insert a static PDF page behind the Cover page as many times as what is listed in the Qty filed in the data file. So if my Qty is 492 I want 492 static PDF pages entered behind my Cover sheet. I have also attached a sample file of what I am looking for my output to look like.


    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    Cover sheets-test.zip

  3. Good afternoon,


    I am trying to format zipcodes within my project. the data file is a mix of 5 and 9 digit zipcodes. I have been using the following in a empty text rule but this is not working on the zipcodes that are missing the leading zeros. Any help is greatly appreciated.


    New Empty Text Rule

    return Field("ZIPCode").replace(/^(\d{5})-?(\d{4})$/, "$1-$2");

  4. I am trying to use the following barcode rule to make a barcode on the first page of each packet.


    barcodeData = Field("Demand Feed");

    barcodeData += "0";

    sheetCnt = Field("Page Count");

    barcodeData += FormatNumber("00", sheetCnt);

    recNum = Field("Packet #");

    barcodeData += FormatNumber("000000", recNum);

    var DMbarcode = new DataMatrixBarcode;

    DMbarcode.pointSize = 3;

    DMbarcode.preferredFormat = 7;

    return (FieldChanged("PacketKey"));




    Every time I try to validate this it returns either a true or false value instead of the 2D barcode that is needed. I want the barcode to show up on the first page of each packet when the packet number changes.


    Thank you for your help in advance.

  5. Thank you for the response step. All of your assuptions are correct.


    I figured that the # of sheets was going to be an issue so I thought about using an external data file where I add an addtional column called # of sheets along with the Packet key and packet #. I could not get the external data file to work though.

  6. Good Morning,

    I am working on a project where I need to household my letters by agent and then create a Data matrix barcode based on the house holded information for inserting purposes. My customer has provided me a packet key which is unique based on each agent. I have attached my data file, pdf template and sample output.

    The format that I have been instructed to use to create the barcode is following:

    Position Length Field Indicator

    1 1 Demand Feed “G”

    2 1 0

    3 2 # of sheets in each set

    5 6 Set #(Packet Key)

    Is there a way for fusion pro to count the number of sheets in each set? This will be different than the number of pages in a set as we are printing each letter duplex.

    Also is there a way to create code so that the data matrix barcode will only print on the first page of each set?

    As always any help is appreciated.

    INGUser Fusion Pro.zip

  7. Good Morning,


    I am looking to get some help building a table that i am needing for a current project.


    I need to have the table laid out so that all the even numbered fields are on the right hand side and the odd numbered fields are on the left hand side. I am hoping to have it look something like below. I can create the header row but do not know how to create the body of the table so that all the body fields line up correctly.


    Fund Name Fund Percentage

    [fundbefore] [fundbefor2]

    [fundbefor3] [fundbefor4]

    [fundbefor5] [fundbefor6]

    [fundbefor7] [fundbefor8]

    [fundbefor9] [fundbefo10]

    [fundbefo11] [fundbefo12]

    [fundbefo13] [fundbefo14]

    [fundbefo15] [fundbefo16]

    [fundbefo17] [fundbefo18]

    [fundbefo19] [fundbefo20]

    [fundbefo21] [fundbefo22]

    [fundbefo23] [fundbefo24]

    [fundbefo25] [fundbefo26]

    [fundbefo27] [fundbefo28]

    [fundbefo29] [fundbefo30]

    [fundbefo31] [fundbefo32]

    [fundbefo33] [fundbefo34]

    [fundbefo35] [fundbefo36]

    [fundbefo37] [fundbefo38]

    [fundbefo39] [fundbefo40]

    [fundbefo41] [fundbefo42]

    [fundbefo43] [fundbefo44]



    Thank you in advance for any help offered.

  8. I have three questions:


    1) Is there a way to create a continuous page number within FP VDP Creator? I have a job that I am setting up where I have 4 output pages and 80 names. The page number on my last page of the document should be 320.

    2.) Is there a way to output a fixed width text file within FP VDP Creator based on fields in my data file along with static information and my output file name? I am trying to make a index file to go with my jobs for our imaging department.

    3.) Is there a way to output a text file within FP VDP Creator based on the number of pages in the output file, number of sheets per output file(this is number of pages in the output file/Print Plex), and number of envelopes per file (Sequence # of last record - Sequence # of first record)?

  9. Thanks dreimer. I have two questions: 1.) Should this be added as a blank text rule or should it be added as on OnRecordStart Rule? 2.) How do you find all these rules? I reviewed the documentation that is provided with FP8 and i searched the forum and did not find any thing that was close to what i needed. This is twice now that within a hour or so of me posting a question you have the code. Is there some other place that I should be looking for this?
  10. I have a client ssking to output single pdf files and use the account number within the data file as the file name for each individual file. Is there a way to do this in FusionPro? Please help as i think this may be doable with a Java rule but I am still in the beginning stages of learning Java.
  11. So I have one more question on this job. The client is now asking if there is a way for me to output single pdf files and use the account number within the data file as the file name for each individual file. Please help as i think this may be doable with a Java rule but I am still in the beginning stages of learning Java.
  12. Good Afternoon,

    I am preparing an Agent/ Owner mailing where I need to create a single page letter for each owner in the data file. However I need to group these letters by agent so that each agent gets a single envelope containing all their letters.

    Once these letters are printed we would like to put them on our inserter and have them auto insert into envelopes based on the information in the 2D barcode. Is it possible to write a rule so that each page gets a 2D barcode that has a demand feed on the last page of the set for each agent? The rule that I currently use for inserting a 2d Barcode is below:

    barcodeData = "";

    barcodeData = "G"; //If this is the last page in the document, the value = "G" else the value = "0"

    barcodeData += "0";

    barcodeData += "01"; //this is the # of sheets of paper in the document--

    recNum = FusionPro.Composition.inputRecordNumber;

    barcodeData += FormatNumber("000000", recNum);

    barcodeData += "01"; //this is the sheet # in document --

    barcodeData += "000";

    var DMbarcode = new DataMatrixBarcode;

    DMbarcode.pointSize = 3;

    DMbarcode.preferredFormat = 7;

    return DMbarcode.Make(barcodeData);

    I also need to know if there is a way to code the output within fusion pro to get offset each group as it comes off the printer.

    I am attaching a sample letter template and data file. I am also attaching a pdf with notes on how I would like to be able to code the bar codes for each page of the letter.

    INGUser Agent Owner Sample.zip

  13. Hi Dan,


    I finally got the table code to work with your help. It is much appreciated. However i am now having trouble alinging the table within my document. i am attacheing my files. The PDF named template.pdf is my fusion pro template, the original letter is named Draft letter.pdf, my data is in the test.csv file and output is in Test-output.pdf.


    I need to get my test-output.pdf file to resemble the layout in the Draft letter.pdf in that the table is cetered within the body of the letter. I have tried inserting my table rule and centering that but it does not appear to work. Is there a way to accomplish this easily within the settings for the table?


  14. I have tried moving the addtional code around to everyplace i can possibly move it to and the font is staying the same size.



    var myTable = new FPTable;

    myTable.AddColumns(7200, 7200, 10800, 7200, 7200, 7200, 7200, 7200);

    var headerRow = myTable.AddRow();

    headerRow.Type = "Header";

    headerRow.SetContents("Account", "Buy/Sell", "Security_Description", "Trade_Date", "Executed_Quantity", "Execution_Price", "Solicited", "Discretion");

    for (var r = 1; r < 24; r++)


    if (!Field("Account " + r))

    continue; // don't add empty rows


    var row = myTable.AddRow();

    row.SetContents(Field("Account " + r), Field("Buy/ sell" + r), Field("Security description" + r), Field("Trade date" + r), Field("Executed quantity" + r), Field("Execution price" + r), Field("Solicited" + r), Field("Discretion" + r));


    for (var c = 0; c < myTable.Columns.length; c++)


    row.Cells[c].Font = "Arial";

    row.Cells[c].PointSize = 9;


    return myTable.MakeTags();

  15. Below is the code that I am trying to use to populate my table but it keeps giving me an error. I am somewhat new to this javascript thing and do not understand what I am doing wrong. i copied the code from the previous thread and modified it as needed.


    Is there and easier way to do this in the newest Fusion Pro?


    new FPTable;

    var myTable = new FPTable;

    myTable.AddColumns (7200, 7200, 10800, 7200, 7200, 7200, 7200, 7200) ;

    myTable.AddRows (24) ;


    myTable.Rows [0] .SetContents (Account, Buy/Sell, Security_Description, Trade_Date, Executed_Quantity, Execution_Price, Solicited, Discretion)

    myTable.Rows [1] .SetContents (Field("Account 1"), Field("Buy/ sell1"), Field("Security description1"), Field("Trade date1"), Field("Executed quantity1"), Field("Execution price1"), Field("Solicited1"), Field("Discretion1"))

    myTable.Rows [2] .SetContents (Field("Account 2"), Field("Buy/ sell2"), Field("Security description2"), Field("Trade date2"), Field("Executed quantity2"), Field("Execution price2"), Field("Solicited2"), Field("Discretion2"))

    myTable.Rows [3] .SetContents (Field("Account 3"), Field("Buy/ sell3"), Field("Security description3"), Field("Trade date3"), Field("Executed quantity3"), Field("Execution price3"), Field("Solicited3"), Field("Discretion3"))

    myTable.Rows [4] .SetContents (Field("Account 4"), Field("Buy/ sell4"), Field("Security description4"), Field("Trade date4"), Field("Executed quantity4"), Field("Execution price4"), Field("Solicited4"), Field("Discretion4"))

    myTable.Rows [5] .SetContents (Field("Account 5"), Field("Buy/ sell5"), Field("Security description5"), Field("Trade date5"), Field("Executed quantity5"), Field("Execution price5"), Field("Solicited5"), Field("Discretion5"))

    myTable.Rows [6] .SetContents (Field("Account 6"), Field("Buy/ sell6"), Field("Security description6"), Field("Trade date6"), Field("Executed quantity6"), Field("Execution price6"), Field("Solicited6"), Field("Discretion6"))

    myTable.Rows [7] .SetContents (Field("Account 7"), Field("Buy/ sell7"), Field("Security description7"), Field("Trade date7"), Field("Executed quantity7"), Field("Execution price7"), Field("Solicited7"), Field("Discretion7"))

    myTable.Rows [8] .SetContents (Field("Account 8"), Field("Buy/ sell8"), Field("Security description8"), Field("Trade date8"), Field("Executed quantity8"), Field("Execution price8"), Field("Solicited8"), Field("Discretion8"))

    myTable.Rows [9] .SetContents (Field("Account 9"), Field("Buy/ sell9"), Field("Security description9"), Field("Trade date9"), Field("Executed quantity9"), Field("Execution price9"), Field("Solicited9"), Field("Discretion9"))

    myTable.Rows [10] .SetContents (Field("Account 10"), Field("Buy/ sell10"), Field("Security description10"), Field("Trade date10"), Field("Executed quantity10"), Field("Execution price10"), Field("Solicited10"), Field("Discretion10"))

    myTable.Rows [11] .SetContents (Field("Account 11"), Field("Buy/ sell11"), Field("Security description11"), Field("Trade date11"), Field("Executed quantity11"), Field("Execution price11"), Field("Solicited11"), Field("Discretion11"))

    myTable.Rows [12] .SetContents (Field("Account 12"), Field("Buy/ sell12"), Field("Security description12"), Field("Trade date12"), Field("Executed quantity12"), Field("Execution price12"), Field("Solicited12"), Field("Discretion12"))

    myTable.Rows [13] .SetContents (Field("Account 13"), Field("Buy/ sell13"), Field("Security description13"), Field("Trade date13"), Field("Executed quantity13"), Field("Execution price13"), Field("Solicited13"), Field("Discretion13"))

    myTable.Rows [14] .SetContents (Field("Account 14"), Field("Buy/ sell14"), Field("Security description14"), Field("Trade date14"), Field("Executed quantity14"), Field("Execution price14"), Field("Solicited14"), Field("Discretion14"))

    myTable.Rows [15] .SetContents (Field("Account 15"), Field("Buy/ sell15"), Field("Security description15"), Field("Trade date15"), Field("Executed quantity15"), Field("Execution price15"), Field("Solicited15"), Field("Discretion15"))

    myTable.Rows [16] .SetContents (Field("Account 16"), Field("Buy/ sell16"), Field("Security description16"), Field("Trade date16"), Field("Executed quantity16"), Field("Execution price16"), Field("Solicited16"), Field("Discretion16"))

    myTable.Rows [17] .SetContents (Field("Account 17"), Field("Buy/ sell16"), Field("Security description17"), Field("Trade date17"), Field("Executed quantity17"), Field("Execution price17"), Field("Solicited17"), Field("Discretion17"))

    myTable.Rows [18] .SetContents (Field("Account 18"), Field("Buy/ sell17"), Field("Security description18"), Field("Trade date18"), Field("Executed quantity18"), Field("Execution price18"), Field("Solicited18"), Field("Discretion18"))

    myTable.Rows [19] .SetContents (Field("Account 19"), Field("Buy/ sell18"), Field("Security description19"), Field("Trade date19"), Field("Executed quantity19"), Field("Execution price19"), Field("Solicited19"), Field("Discretion19"))

    myTable.Rows [20] .SetContents (Field("Account 20"), Field("Buy/ sell19"), Field("Security description20"), Field("Trade date20"), Field("Executed quantity20"), Field("Execution price20"), Field("Solicited20"), Field("Discretion20"))

    myTable.Rows [21] .SetContents (Field("Account 21"), Field("Buy/ sell20"), Field("Security description21"), Field("Trade date21"), Field("Executed quantity21"), Field("Execution price21"), Field("Solicited21"), Field("Discretion21"))

    myTable.Rows [22] .SetContents (Field("Account 22"), Field("Buy/ sell22"), Field("Security description22"), Field("Trade date22"), Field("Executed quantity22"), Field("Execution price22"), Field("Solicited22"), Field("Discretion22"))

    myTable.Rows [23] .SetContents (Field("Account 23"), Field("Buy/ sell23"), Field("Security description23"), Field("Trade date23"), Field("Executed quantity23"), Field("Execution price23"), Field("Solicited23"), Field("Discretion23"))

    mytable.Rows [0] . Type = "Header";

    return myTable.MakeTags();

  16. Good Morning,


    On every job I setup I have to place a 2d barcode on each sheet in my setup file. I use the following rule to create my barcodes. Currently I copy and paste this rule into every new job i create. I was wondering if there is a way to set this rule up so that it always appears as a selectable option in the text rules?


    barcodeData = "";

    barcodeData = "0"; //If this is the last page in the document, the value = "G" else the value = "0"

    barcodeData += "0";

    barcodeData += "03"; //this is the # of sheets of paper in the document--

    recNum = FusionPro.Composition.inputRecordNumber;

    barcodeData += FormatNumber("000000", recNum);

    barcodeData += "01"; //this is the sheet # in document --

    barcodeData += "000";

    var DMbarcode = new DataMatrixBarcode;

    DMbarcode.pointSize = 3;

    DMbarcode.preferredFormat = 7;

    return DMbarcode.Make(barcodeData);


    Please advise.

  17. Hi, I have a mailing for 12074 names that I am trying to do. I have four different PDF’s that have unique call tags within one column of my mail file. One file is three pages and the other three are ten pages. I have set my template up to be four pages with page four being my overflow page. Page one is my address page and page three should be the first page of my pulled PDF. I have renamed my tag column to Doc1 so that I can use the rule below. However, I cannot seem to get the rule to work as my composed output file is three pages per record. Records one and two should be six output pages per record and records three thru eight should be 12 output pages per record. The address is on page one but the rule is not pulling in my PDF’s per the input file on body page three. I normally use FusionPro to setup simple VDP jobs so this is a little beyond my normal comfort zone. I was able to get this to work for a previous mailing but cannot seem to get it to work for this mailing. Can someone please advise if this is the best way to setup this mailing?

    //This rule will examine the input data to find a list of PDF files

    //that are to be inserted in the template.

    //Each PDF is of varying and unknown page count. Therefore, this script

    //will determine that page count and reference each page in each PDF.

    //The resulting tagged markup will include the variable <graphic> tag to reference

    //the PDF pages and include as inline images in the template.

    //This text rule in inserted into a large text frame on a Body page. That frame

    //is set to Overflow to a frame on an overflow page.


    //First, declare the variables and initiate them with values.

    FieldName = '';

    PDFfileName = '';

    pagesInPDF = 0;

    markupToReturn = '';

    pathToAllPDFs = '';

    pathToPDF = '';

    PDFresourceRef = '';


    //There are 3 fields in this sample - Doc1, Doc2, and Doc3. We will loop through

    //each field name with a simple for loop. The following variable sets the counter

    //for that loop.

    //For example, if you have 25 fields instead of 3 with the PDF file names in them,

    //such as "Doc1" through "Doc25" you would set the following to 25.

    FieldsToInspect =;


    //This is the main loop that parses through all of the fields for a given record.

    for (fieldCounter = 1; fieldCounter <= FieldsToInspect; fieldCounter++)


    FieldName = Doc' + fieldCounter;

    PDFfileName = Field(FieldName);

    pathToPDF = pathToAllPDFs + PDFfileName;

    //Create a new resource that references this

    PDFresourceRef = CreateResource(pathToPDF ,'graphic' ,'no');

    //Find out how many pages it has

    pagesInPDF = PDFresourceRef.countPages;


    //return PDFresourceRef.name;

    //This is the secondary loop for this script.

    //It will loop through and create markup for each page in the PDF.

    for (pageLoop = 1; pageLoop <= pagesInPDF; pageLoop++)


    markupToReturn += '<graphic file="' + PDFresourceRef.name + '" pagenumber = "' + pageLoop + '" position="afterline"/>';

    markupToReturn += '<P>';





    //remove the last <P>

    markupToReturn = Left(markupToReturn, markupToReturn.length - 3);


    return markupToReturn;



    I have attached sample files. I greatly appreciate all suggestions on the best way to produce this mailing or getting this rule to work.

    Test Files.zip

  18. Good Morning,


    I am working on setting up a mailing where each record in the mail list will have a different number of pages in the output PDF. I was wondering if there is a way to include a 2D barcode on the even pages of the document that would tell our inserter machines when to insert. We have a rule for 2D barcodes now that works but we have to program the rule for each page that it will be placed on so that rule will not work in this instance.


    I have attached a sample file of my current output. Pages 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 20 should all have a 2D barcode. Page 20 should include a code to tell the inserting machine that it is the last sheet and is okay to insert.

    Test Run2-Output.pdf

  19. I've ran into two other issues with this mailing that I can not seem to get to work.


    1.) Is there a way to add a 2D barcode to a job where each record has multiple pages? Based on the code that I have added below for 2D barcodes my first thought is no.


    /* This script will create a Datamatrix barcode for a given page in the the output

    file. The data to be encoded is as follows:


    1 Demand Feed - If this is the last page in the document, the value = "G" else the value = "0"

    2 "0"

    3-4 # of sheets of paper in the document

    5-10 document in file e.g. this is the 15th statement in the file, 16th statement, etc.

    11-12 sheet in document e.g. this is the 1st sheet, 2nd sheet, etc in an x sheet document

    13-15 "000"


    2D Barcode for 5.8 Fusion Pro

    barcodeData = "";

    barcodeData = "0";

    barcodeData += "0";

    barcodeData += "02";

    recNum = CurrentRecordNumber();

    barcodeData += FormatNumber("000000", recNum);

    barcodeData += "01";

    barcodeData += "000";

    var DMbarcode = new DataMatrixBarcode;

    DMbarcode.pointSize = 3;

    DMbarcode.preferredFormat = 7;

    return DMbarcode.Make(barcodeData);


    2. Is there a way to set the document up so if one of the PDF's being pulled in is an odd number of pages a blank page is added to that PDF?


    Sorry to have so many questions but I went from doing simple setup in this tool to more complex setup and I do not understand all the fetures of fusion Pro. Thanks for your time.

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